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The door creaks open, but I don't bother checking who it is, assuming it's just my brothers returning. Big mistake. The next thing I know, a shock of icy water hits me square in the face, jolting me out of my misery.

"What the fuck!" I roar, leaping to my feet, ready to make the person regret, but then I see who's standing there, empty glass in hand, and my heart stops.

"Hannah," I breathe. Water trickles down my face and chest, soaking my shirt, but I barely feel it. All I can focus on is her, here, in front of me. "Is it really you?"

I reach out to cup her face, desperate to feel the silk of her skin beneath my fingers, to confirm she's not just a cruel mirage. But she steps back, holding up a hand to halt my advance. The rejection stings like a slap.

"We need to talk," she says, her voice cool and businesslike. "There's a problem at the company that requires your attention."

Of course. Of course, she's only here because of work. The bitter realization settles like a stone in my gut. She must be here to talk me out of withdrawing my funds from the H Continental.

"Do you really love him?" The question rips from my throat before I can stop it, the words heavy and jagged on my tongue. I need to know, even if the answer destroys me.

Hannah blinks, confusion clouding her beautiful face. "What are you talking about? Love who?"

Anger surges through my veins, white-hot and blinding. "You know exactly who I'm fucking talking about," I snarl, my hands balling into fists at my sides. "So answer me. I want you to say it to my face."

"What is wrong with you?" Hannah demands, her eyes flashing. "I just told you I'm here because of a problem at the company, and you are accusing me of being in love with someone else?"

"Not someone else, Alpha Collins," I growl, the name like acid on my tongue. The room falls deathly silent, the tension so thick I could cut it with a knife.

Hannah stares at me, incredulous. "You're still on this? You really think I'm here because of him and not because of you?" She jabs a finger into my chest, her touch searing my skin even through my damp shirt.

I freeze, my brow furrowing as her words sink in. Hannah takes a deep, shuddering breath and turns away, running a hand through her silky hair.

"Hannah," I begin, but she cuts me off.

"Yes, earlier today, I was looking for you because I wanted to convince you not to withdraw your funds from H Continental," she admits, her voice softening and thick with emotion. "But that's not why I'm here now. I thought something happened to you, Alex. I was fucking worried sick."

Tears glisten in her eyes, and my heart twists painfully in my chest. God, I'm such an idiot. How could I have doubted her after everything we've been through?

"Hannah, I'm so sorry," I murmur, closing the distance between us in two long strides.

"Why can't you just-" she starts, but I don't let her finish. I capture her lips with mine, pouring all my desperation into the kiss. She melts against me instantly, her body molding to mine like we were made for each other.

I know we still have things to discuss and issues to resolve. But right now, all I want is to lose myself in her, to feel her smooth skin against mine, and bury myself deep inside her warmth. To forget about our problems, just for a little while. And from the way Hannah clings to me, I think she feels the same.

I break the kiss reluctantly, resting my forehead against hers as I stare into her eyes, willing her to understand. "If you had fallen in love with him," I rasp, my voice raw with emotion, "I wouldn't have let you go. I would have destroyed his business, taken everything he holds dear, until he had nothing left. That's how much you mean to me, Hannah. Never forget that."

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