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I bolt upright in bed, a scream lodged in my throat, my heart slamming against my ribcage. My eyes dart around the room, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings, and my blood turns to ice in my veins. The generic, impersonal decor of a hotel room greets me, confirming my worst fears. Hot tears sting my eyes, blurring my vision as I drop my head into my hands, my breath coming in ragged gasps.

But then, through the haze of panic, I notice something that gives me pause. My hasn't changed. With trembling hands, I throw back the covers and examine myself more closely. Sure enough, I'm still wearing the same gown from last night, the fabric rumpled but intact. Did Collins have a sudden change of heart? The thought seems too good to be true, but a flicker of hope sparks in my chest.

The sound of the door opening shatters the brief illusion of safety, and my head whips toward the noise, my heart leaping into my throat.

"You're finally awake," Collins drawls, sauntering into the room with a tablet and a glass of orange juice in hand. "You must have a throbbing headache. Take this."

I stare at him, then at the items he's offering, confusion warring with the dread coiling in my gut. I'm relieved he didn't take advantage of me while I was unconscious, but the question remains - why did he drug me in the first place?

"I said, take it, Hannah," he repeats, his voice hardening as he fixes me with an intense, unsettling stare. There's something in his eyes, a gleam of something dark and possessive, that sends a chill down my spine.

Not wanting to provoke him further, I take the pill and juice with numb fingers, downing them quickly before handing the glass back. All the while, I keep my gaze locked on his, trying desperately to decipher his intentions.

"Sit," he commands, and a flicker of indignation sparks through me. Where does he get off ordering me around like a dog? I open my mouth to tell him exactly where he can shove his commands, but then I remember who I'm dealing with. Collins is not a man to be trifled with, especially not when I'm at his mercy like this. Swallowing my pride, I perch on the edge of the bed, my hands clasped tightly in my lap to hide their shaking.

What happens following makes my blood run cold.

"You're mine now, Hannah," Collins purrs, reaching out to stroke my hair with a gentleness that belies the madness in his eyes. "You'll be the perfect Luna and mate I've always wanted you to be."

My heart pounds in my ears, terror and confusion warring for dominance in my mind. Why is he talking like he can control me like I'm some kind of puppet on his string? Has he completely lost his grip on reality?

"Won't you be my perfect Luna?" he coos, crouching down to bring his face level with mine, his gaze drilling into mine as if he's trying to compel me with his eyes.

"Yes, I will," I say, forcing the words out to avoid upsetting him, even though deep down, I know I won't. Collins smiles, a slow, satisfied curve of his lips that makes my stomach churn with dread.

"Come," he says, tugging me to my feet. "Let's get you home. Your friend won't stop calling, and we don't want her stirring up trouble by sending out a search party."

I blink, momentarily stunned by this unexpected development. He's letting me go? Just like that? It doesn't make sense, not after the way he was talking, the way he looked at me like I was his shiny new possession. Something isn't adding up, and the unease in my gut only grows stronger with each passing moment.

But what choice do I have? I let him lead me out of the hotel, my mind racing as I try to piece together the fragments of the previous night to make sense of the living nightmare I've found myself in. Collins is silent beside me, but the smile never leaves his face, a smug, self-satisfied grin that makes my skin crawl.

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