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Sitting alone in my room, I take a sip of whiskey and sink back into the couch. The memories of my interactions with Hannah over the past few hours play on a loop in my head, each moment etched with a pang of guilt and regret.

I know that choosing Alice over Hannah must have hurt her deeply, but she needs to understand that it wasn't a decision I made lightly. It wasn't because I wanted to hurt her or because I didn't care about her. It was a choice forced upon me by the circumstances.

Alice is the mate of my younger brothers, and their bond is just as sacred as mine with Hannah. When faced with the ultimatum from my brothers, I had no choice but to choose Alice. They argued that she was weaker and less capable of protecting herself, whereas Hannah had the skills to fend for herself.

But it's not like I abandoned Hannah to fend for herself. I had every intention of going back for her, of rescuing her from that rogue camp. I had plans to gather reinforcements and mount a rescue mission, but before I could act, Jason beat me to it.

I take another sip of whiskey, the bitter taste matching the bitterness in my heart. I hope Hannah can understand my difficult position and that she doesn't hold it against me. After all, she's my mate, and I would do anything to protect her.

Her request for divorce caught me completely off guard, but if I'm honest with myself, I shouldn't have been surprised. She was bruised and bloodied, and I chose my ex-mate over her. It's understandable that she would be angry with me.

"Then go and fucking apologize and maybe explain things better this time," Eden's voice barks in my head.

"It's not that simple," I reply.

"I never said it was fucking simple, but after signing that contract, you can kiss Hannah goodbye. And I don't want to lose my second chance mate, so get your fucking ass up and go apologize," Eden insists.

I sigh deeply, acknowledging the truth in Eden's words. I don't want to lose my chance with Hannah. With determination, I set down the glass of whiskey in my hand and reach for my phone. If I want to make things right, I need to do it on her terms. I'll text her first before heading over to her place.

"That's more like it," Eden cheers, his encouragement giving me a boost of resolve as I search for Hannah's contact. It's time to make things right, no matter how difficult it may be.

Just at that moment, my phone pings with a new message from Jason. I move to swipe it away, intending to deal with it later, but my finger slips and I accidentally open his message. Not wanting to forget later, I decide to reply to him now and click on the video he sends me.

As the video begins to play, I freeze, shock washing over me and anger slowly creeping into my chest. I watch, captivated and a bit turned on, as Hannah dances provocatively around the pole. I had no idea she could move like that. The way her body moves, her eyes brimming with longing, it's doing things to me, but then I remember that I'm not the one she's dancing for, and my blood begins to boil.

I immediately stop the video and try to call Jason, but it goes straight to voicemail. Trying again yields the same result. He's ignoring my calls, the bastard.

I shoot out of the couch and head to my closet to change. I know the club they were at from the video, as it's one Jason and I frequent often. Once I'm out of my work clothes and into something more casual, I head to my family's private garage in the pack house and enter my matte black BMW M8 coupe.

Just as I'm about to start the engine, I receive a text message. I check it, and my anger only intensifies when I recognize the address. What the fuck is she doing in a hotel? I don't even bother calling Jason to explain. Instead, I quickly head over there, the rage burning hot within me.

I arrive at the hotel remarkably quickly, driving like I had a death wish. I toss my keys at the valet and stride into the lobby with determination. Heading straight to the elevator, I press the button for the floor of the room number Jason left in the text. He mentioned the door is ajar, and sure enough, it is. Why the hell did she leave her door open? What if I'm a pervert? I question, stepping cautiously inside. As soon as I do, I freeze in my tracks at the sight before me.

There on the bed is Hannah, on her knees, with nothing left to the imagination. My eyes travel down her body, taking in every curve, from her breasts to her thighs, and perhaps even a glimpse of her hidden parts due to her position. Everything is revealed to me right now. Blood rushes to my dick, and I swallow hard, feeling myself growing harder in my pants the longer I stand here. What the fuck is she trying to do?

"Do you like what you see, mate?" Hannah says, lifting her gaze from her thighs to meet mine, lust swimming in her eyes. A deep, low growl vibrates through my chest as my eyes flash golden. If I had any self-control left, it's gone now.

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