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I sway my body to the pulsing beat blasting from the club's speakers, my eyes fluttering shut as I let the alcohol coursing through my veins guide my movements. I'm lost in the music, in the blissful haze of intoxication, finally free from the constant ache in my chest. I don't know what day it is anymore, let alone the month. And frankly, I don't care.

When drowning my sorrows in pints of ice cream stopped numbing the pain, I graduated to something stronger, something that could knock me out cold and grant me a few precious hours of oblivion. Mila's been worrying herself sick over me, convinced I'll never recover from Alex's betrayal. And maybe she's right. This is my fourth night in a row at the club, ever since she cut me off from drinking at home. Alex had blown up my phone with calls and texts until I blocked his number, unable to bear seeing his name flashing on my screen.

I roll my hips, shimmying lower as the bass drops, reveling in the appreciative whistles and catcalls from the men crowding the dance floor. But then a large hand clamps down on my ass, startling me out of my drunken haze. I don't bother turning around or demanding he remove it - at this point, I'm too far gone to care. Instead, I grind back against him, relishing the heat of his body pressed flush against mine. But the moment he leans in to whisper in my ear, I realize with a sickening lurch that I should have paid more attention.

"Hello, beautiful," Collins purrs, his breath hot and reeking of liquor as it fans across my skin, making me break out in goosebumps.

Sobriety comes crashing down on me like a bucket of ice water, and I immediately try to twist out of his grasp. But his arm only tightens around my waist, trapping me against him.

"I've missed you, Hannah," he murmurs, burying his nose in the crook of my neck and inhaling deeply. Bile rises in my throat, and I have to swallow hard to force it back down. I need to get away from him now. But I didn't come to the club with anyone who might come looking for me, anyone who could save me from him. I'll have to be smart about this; play it cool. Men like Collins don't handle rejection well.

"Collins, it's been forever," I say, hoping he can't feel the way my heart is pounding wildly against my ribcage, threatening to burst out of my chest.

"Yes, it has. Too long." He spins me around to face him, and my stomach plummets to my toes. Hearing his voice was bad enough, but seeing his hits me like a physical blow. I haven't laid eyes on him since that awful night, the night he tried to force himself on me. I'd prayed I would never have to again. And now here I am, trapped in his arms with no escape in sight. Why is he even still in town? He should have gone back to his pack by now.

"You're still as beautiful as the first day I saw you," he says softly, reaching up to stroke my cheek. I flinch at the contact, my skin crawling with disgust.

"Thank you," I manage to choke out, forcing my eyes to stay open, to not betray the sheer panic clawing at my insides.

"Be mine, Hannah. You've seen for yourself that Alex isn't worthy of you. Stop wasting your time drinking yourself into oblivion over him. Be my mate, my Luna."

I barely resist the urge to roll my eyes and sigh. Of course, he hasn't given up, even after I've rejected him countless times. But I'm so tired of repeating myself, of having to fend off his unwanted advances.

I part my lips, ready to turn him down once again when a familiar voice cuts through the din of the club.

"Well, well, what do we have here?"

I spin around to see Alice standing there with Alex by her side. Great. As if this night couldn't get any worse.

"I know I shouldn't be surprised, but I thought you'd at least wait a month before moving on," she sneers, her eyes glittering with malicious glee.

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