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We arrive at the pack house. Alex grabs Mila's bags from the trunk, and we make our way inside. The air is thick with a sense of anticipation, and I can't shake the feeling that something big is about to happen.

We start climbing the stairs to Mila's old room, our footsteps echoing in the quiet hallway. And then, as if the universe itself is orchestrating the moment for maximum drama, Cameron's door swings open, and he steps out.

I freeze, my eyes darting between the two of them, watching as they stare at each other in stunned silence. Cameron's face is etched with a deep frown, his brows knitted together in anger, but the moment he lays eyes on Mila, his expression morphs into one of pure shock.

Mila, for her part, seems eerily calm, her face a blank mask that betrays none of the thoughts swirling behind her eyes. For a long, tense moment, they simply stand there, locked in a silent battle of wills.

Then, Cameron seems to shake himself out of his stupor, squaring his shoulders and striding purposefully towards the landing of stairs where we stand. With each step he takes, I find myself holding my breath, wondering how this reunion will play out. Will he ignore her completely, pretending she doesn't exist? Or will he acknowledge her presence, even if only to be polite?

To my surprise, he opts for the latter, offering a curt nod in Mila's direction as he approaches. Instead of reciprocating the cordial gesture or offering a friendly greeting, Mila's hand whips out with startling quickness. Her palm connects with his cheek in a deafening crack, the resounding slap echoing like a gunshot through the hallway.

I stand there, my mouth agape, my eyes wide with shock. Of all the scenarios I had imagined, this was definitely not one of them.

"I forgot to do that before I left," Mila says, her voice dripping with false sweetness, a big smile plastered across her face as if she hadn't just assaulted her ex-boyfriend. "It's nice to see you, Cameron."

I stare at her, equal parts astonished and thrilled by the unexpected turn of events. Here I was, thinking my own drama was the height of excitement, but Mila had just proven me wrong in the most spectacular fashion.

Cameron's jaw clenches tight, a muscle twitching in his cheek, but to his credit, he doesn't react. Instead, he forces a smile onto his face, his eyes cold and hard as he grits out, "You too, Mila."

Then, as if nothing had happened, he turns to Alex, his voice strained but polite. "Can we talk?"

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