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The weight of uncertainty presses down on me as I stare at Alex's number displayed on my phone screen. Each digit feels like a step closer to uncovering a truth I'm not sure I'm ready to face. Part of me fears confirming my suspicions—that he's gone on this trip and is betraying our relationship. But another part of me knows I can't keep avoiding the inevitable.

I've tried reaching out to the company directly, hoping for some clarity, but days have passed without any response. Time is running out, and I really need answers for my project.

A million thoughts swirl in my mind as I hover over the call button. What if he denies everything? What if my worst fears are confirmed? Can I handle the truth, whatever it may be?

Releasing a deep sigh, I mutter, "Fuck it!" and dial his number. With each ring, my heart races, waiting for him to answer, but he doesn't pick up. Maybe he's not near his phone. I try again, and this time, it doesn't ring for long before he answers.

I suck in a breath, waiting for him to speak, but my brows furrow in confusion when I hear a female voice. The moment I recognize it, my heart clenches, and my shoulders slump in disappointment. He's not alone, and the truth I've been avoiding is staring me in the face.

"Hannah, hello, are you there?" Alice's voice breaks through the haze of my thoughts.

"Yes, it's me," I respond, my voice barely above a whisper, heavy with disappointment and hurt.

"Alex is sleeping; we just had our fourth round, and he's exhausted. Would you like me to drop a message for him?" Her casual tone feels like a dagger to my heart, each word a painful reminder of the betrayal down to me. Tears well up in my eyes as the truth sinks in—I was right. He's actually cheating on me.

"Hannah?" Alice's voice calls out, snapping me back to the present moment.

I sniffle and quickly respond, "No, goodbye," before hanging up.

As soon as I do, all the tears I've been holding back escape, rolling down my cheeks in waves. I cover my mouth to muffle my sobs, feeling like I've been punched in the gut. Slumping against the wall, I sink to the ground, the weight of his betrayal crushing me.

He's cheating on me, his mate. She said they just had their fourth round. Images of them together flood my mind—kissing, him calling her his. My heart clenches even harder in my chest.

I always knew deep down that my love for him was unrequited, but I never imagined he would stoop so low as to cheat on me. Hearing Alice's voice on the phone, casually mentioning their intimate moments, feels like a dagger to my heart. The thought of him pleasuring her the same way he did me sends a shiver down my spine.

I never expected him to disrespect our bond as mates. Alice was his girlfriend before she became his mate. He liked her even without the mate bond, but still....

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