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Alex isn't joking as he sucks, licks, and thrusts his tongue into my core. Pleasure courses through me, causing my nipples to harden and more wetness to pool between my legs. I arch my back as he adds a finger into me, intensifying the sensations rippling through my body.

His mouth expertly sucks on my clit, sending waves of ecstasy crashing over me while his hand thrusts into me with a speed I didn't even know was possible. My toes curl into the ground as Alex takes me beyond imaginable heights of pleasure.

This isn't the first time he's pleasured me like this, but there's something about the way he does it now that heightens the experience. And that comment he made about wanting to worship me... Oh, moon goddess! It does something to me, igniting a fire within that burns hotter than.

"Alex," I moan, unable to contain the overwhelming sensations coursing through me as I grab onto his hair. He adds another finger and thrusts harder, his tongue matching the rhythm.

"As amazing as always," he mutters against my core, his other hand finding its way to my breast. He cups it, massaging it before slowly pulling at the hardened nipples between his fingers. My eyes close involuntarily as desire washes over me, causing them to roll to the back of my head.

Alex adds another finger, making it three, and I feel fuller than I ever have in any moment before. Yet, simultaneously, I experience pleasure like never before. He pulls his mouth away, standing to his full height, and begins to work his three fingers inside of me, fast and harder.

My release begins to build in my stomach, but the pleasure becomes almost unbearable with Alex's relentless pace and the intensity of his fingers. Each thrust pushes me closer to the edge, teetering on the brink of ecstasy.

"I can't," I rasp out, breathless, the intensity of pleasure overwhelming me.

"You can and you will," he asserts, his gaze unwavering as desire burns in his eyes like never before. I glance between his legs and see his hard on, but I can't focus on anything other than the over surging pleasure coursing through me.

"I can't, Alex, I can't," I cry out, the pleasure building to an unbearable peak. I fear I might burst at any moment.

"Let go, Hai. Let go," Alex whispers softly, his words a soothing melody amidst the chaos of sensations. And then I do. My core clenches hard around his fingers, and I cry out as I climax hard, the release washing over me in waves.

"Good girl," Alex praises, and a bubble of happiness swells in my chest at his words. He licks his finger clean and gently lifts me from the edge of the bed, moving me deeper into the soft embrace of the covers. My eyes feel heavy as I watch him walk towards the bathroom. I want to join him for a shower, but the exhaustion weighs me down, urging me to rest a little longer.

I promise myself I'll stand up soon, but as I try to keep my eyes open, they drop of their own accord. I struggle against the pull of sleep, but eventually, they snap open when I feel something warm against my core and inner thigh.

Looking down, I see Alex has spread my legs open and is cleaning my juices off my skin with a tenderness that touches my heart.

"I thought since you were too exhausted to shower, this could do for now," he murmurs softly, his gesture warming my heart even more.

"Thank you," I smile gratefully, and he returns it before continuing to clean me gently.

Once he's finished, he tucks me snugly under the covers, and my eyelids droop even faster than before. The darkness consumes me, and I fall into a deep, peaceful sleep, feeling safe and cared for by Alex.


The joint training session kicks off today, and I make my way to the sky pack alongside Alex. As we approach the training ground, we're greeted by the sight of Alice, Cameron, Lorenzo, and several other members from both packs already gathered there. They stride towards us with purpose, their determination palpable in the air.

But what catches me off guard is Alice's bold move. Without hesitation, she pushes past me and inserts herself between Alex and me. The unexpectedness of her action leaves me momentarily stunned. Wow! I can't believe she just did that.

"Good morning, Alex," Alice greets him with a warm hug, and he reciprocates without hesitation.

"Morning, Alice," Alex responds warmly, releasing her from the hug before exchanging greetings with his brothers. As Alice glances towards me, her smile appears forced, lacking sincerity. The brothers, in unison, turn to face me, their eyes rolling in a contemptuous display.

My blood begins to boil as they all stride towards the center of the field. Enough is enough. They can't continue treating me like this. Who do they think they are?

Enough is enough. They can't keep treating me like this. Who do they think they are?

"Hey," I call out to Lorenzo, halting him in his tracks. He turns to face me, and I close the distance between us, locking eyes with him.

"I don't know what bullshit my sister has fed you about me, but if you had an ounce of common sense, you'd see I'm not half the shit she says," I assert, tearing my gaze away from Lorenzo to address Cameron, pointing accusingly at him.

"And if any of you dare to call me names again, don't be surprised if I slap you for it. And as for the marriage alliance accusations, let me make this crystal clear—I had nothing to do with it. Not a damn thing. Goodbye."

With those words hanging in the air, I turn on my heel and walk away, leaving them stunned and speechless in my wake. As I pass by, I can't help but notice that Alice and Alex are engrossed in their own conversation, oblivious to what that just unfolded.

Alice clutches onto Alex, tears streaming down her face, and he consoles her, rubbing her back. Something stirs deep within me, igniting a fierce storm of conflicting emotions. A pang of jealousy twists in my gut. Why can't it be just leave her the hell alone?

Fuck! The frustration boils over, bubbling hot and fierce as I continue to watch them, feeling like an outsider looking in on a world of closeness and understanding that seems forever out of reach.

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