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I watch Alex's broad shoulders as he walks back to the pack house, my vision blurring with hot tears that threaten to spill down my cheeks. A suffocating tightness grips my chest - I can't believe Alex just spoke to me like that, with such cold finality in his deep voice. After our magical dates, I really thought I could convince him to be mine again, to rekindle the passionate love we once shared. But I was so wrong.

The painful memory of him refusing to even take me to the hospital once the three days were up flashes through my mind, sending a fresh wave of anguish washing over me. Could Alex truly no longer be mine? The devastating thought finally unleashes the tears, sending them cascading down my face in salty rivers.

I run past him, my feet carrying me blindly toward one of my mates' rooms as sobs wrack my body. Bursting through Lorenzo's door, I'm greeted by the warm, familiar smell of his scent. Soft light from the floor lamp in the corner casts a warm glow over the room, highlighting the framed abstract art prints on the walls. Lorenzo's queen-sized bed is neatly made, with a plush white comforter and matching pillows. To my luck, Cameron is also here, lounging on the brown leather couch.

"Alice, what's wrong?" Lorenzo asks, his brow creased with concern as he shoots up from his seat.

Unable to hold back, I pour out the whole story, my voice cracking with emotion.

Cameron moves closer, his green eyes filled with sympathy. "Alice, have you considered the possibility that your feelings for Alex might actually border on... obsession?"

"Obsession?" The word feels like poison on my tongue, sending a shudder through my body.

"Yes," Cameron says gently, "and we are here for you to help you through it.

Tears blur my vision as Cameron's words slice through me like a dagger. Obsession? How could he think that of the profound love I have for Alex? The love that once made my heart soar and the world around me shine brighter.

I shake my head vehemently, my voice trembling. "No, you're wrong. What Alex and I had was real, beautiful."

Lorenzo takes my hand, his touch comforting and warm. "We're not denying that," Lorenzo interjects, his voice firm yet gentle, "but right now, it seems that only you are holding onto that love, and you need to let go."

"No!" I shout, yanking my hand from his grasp as anger and betrayal surge through my veins. "I'm not obsessed!"

"You are!" Cameron yells, his sudden outburst making me flinch. "And you need to accept that Alex is with Hannah now."

"Alex has suffered a lot from your obsession...and maybe even Hannah too," Lorenzo interjects, his tone somber yet resolute. Shock courses through me, numbing my senses. When did they turn against me?

"You don't love me anymore, do you? That's why you're against me," I choke out through my tears.

"Don't say that, Alice. We love you. That's why we're looking out for you," Cameron pleads, reaching for me. I stumble back.

"No! You're lying. You don't love me anymore." The words taste bitter, mixing with the salt of my tears.

"Alice..." Lorenzo's voice is soft with sympathy. It's too much to bear.

"She's taken you from me too. She's taken you both." Disbelief colors my words as I shake my head, backing towards the door.

Lorenzo tries to reach for me one last time, but I spin around and flee, an anguished cry tearing from my throat. Tears stream down my face in an uncontrollable torrent as I run, a simmering hatred for Hannah burning ever brighter in my broken heart.

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