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The following day, I make my way to the Sky Packhouse, armed with a meticulously crafted lie that I'm certain will deceive Luna Marely without a hint of suspicion. Spotting an omega passing by, I inquire about Luna Marely's whereabouts, and they direct me to her office on the second floor. Opting for the elevator this time, I ascend to the designated floor, only to have my carefully constructed facade shattered upon hearing Luna Marely's raised voice from her office.

"What if Hannah misunderstood you and thought you cheated on her because you were with Alice? Do you think we can afford such accusations if she uses it as a reason to stop the wedding?" Luna Marely's words freeze me in place, my brows furrowing in confusion.

"It won't happen again," Alex responds.

"Better. Now, let's go and wait for her downstairs to arrive. She should be here any minute," Luna Marley says, and I hear footsteps approaching where I am. Panic courses through me as I realize they might suspect me of eavesdropping. Hastily, I pivot to head back into the elevator, but my haste leads to a clumsy misstep—I collide headfirst into the wall.

"Shit!" I curse under my breath, instinctively closing my eyes in embarrassment as I rub the sore spot on my forehead.

"Oh, moon goddess! Are you okay, dear?" Luna Marley's concern is immediate as she rushes to my side, her hands gently inspecting the injury.

"I'm fine. It's just a small bump," I assure her, gently pulling her hands away from my head.

"Sorry, dear. It should heal in a minute,"

"Yeah," I mumble, lifting my gaze to meet Alex's eyes. He stares back at me, his expression unreadable as he silently assesses me, leaving me to wonder what thoughts are swirling in his mind.

Luna Marley notices my lingering gaze on Alex and suddenly launches into an apology, expressing regret over Alex leaving me to spend time with Alice.

"No, it's okay," I assure her, mustering a smile to mask the unease roiling within me. "Alice is his friend, and it makes sense for him to be there for her after she survived a near-death situation." It's a lie, but one I offer willingly, understanding the importance of shielding Alex from his mother's scrutiny, at least for the time being. I'm not sweeping the issue under the rug; I simply want to diffuse the tension now and talk to him later about it.

"Still, I apologize. The time he spent with her could have been used to get to know one another better," Luna Marley insists.

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