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It's been a few days since I received the most devastating news of my life. Mila and I have been racking our brains, trying to come up with a way for me to get close to Collins without tipping him off that I know what he did. And then it hit us - it wouldn't be strange at all for me to suddenly want to be by his side constantly. The potion he gave me was supposed to make me his obedient puppet, to trick me into believing I was in love with him. So, sending him a text saying I miss him and want to see him would seem perfectly normal for someone under his spell.

And that's how I find myself in Collins' car, my heart slamming against my ribcage as we drive to the moon goddess knows where. Fear courses through my veins, icy and sharp. What if he discovers the potion didn't work on me? What will he do to me then? The possibilities are too horrific to contemplate.

"We're here," Collins announces, jolting me from my spiraling thoughts.

I paste on a smile, hoping it doesn't look as forced as it feels, and push open the car door. Taking a deep, steadying breath, I try to calm my frayed nerves. If I come across as scared when there's nothing overtly frightening around us, it'll be a dead giveaway that something's amiss.

Collins helps me out of the car, his touch making my skin crawl, and we walk toward a grand mansion bustling with activity. Elegantly dressed people flow in and out, the men in sharp tuxedos like Collins, the women in stunning evening gowns. I say a silent thank you to Mila for insisting on dressing me for the occasion, even though I had no idea what I was walking into. The dress she chose is exquisite - a fitted gold tulle number adorned with shimmering palm tree branches. It's far more opulent than anything I would have picked for myself, but it blends seamlessly with the high-society crowd.

We bypass a ballroom filled with more beautiful people sipping champagne and making small talk, and I bite back the urge to ask why we're not joining them. Collins leads me down a set of stairs, stopping before a room flanked by two burly guards. They take one look at him and immediately step aside, opening the door for us to enter.

The moment we cross the threshold, my eyes widen in shock, my stomach lurching with a sickening twist. The room is filled with werewolves in various states of undress, engaged in every imaginable sexual act. The air is thick with the musky scent of sex and sweat, the sounds of moans and grunts assaulting my ears. I try to look away, to find a safe place to rest my gaze, but there's no escape from the debauchery surrounding us. Each lurid image sears itself into my brain, branding me with memories I desperately wish I could erase.

I can't begin to describe the depths of my discomfort standing here in the midst of this carnal circus. But I can't say I'm surprised Collins brought me to a place like this. His pack is the same one where I witnessed two people going at it in public, after all. Depravity seems to be their norm.

"Collins, you're finally here!" a voice calls out, cutting through the haze of my disgust. I drag my eyes toward the speaker, my brow furrowing in confusion when I recognize him. He's the last person I would have expected to see in a place like this.

"Sorry, I had to stop by her place to bring her along," Collins replies, pulling Jeremy, the Alpha King's brother, into a hug.

"We have business to discuss. You shouldn't have brought her," Jeremy says, his tone sharp with disapproval. What kind of business could he possibly have with Collins? As far as I know, their paths shouldn't even cross.

"She's going to be my Luna. It doesn't matter if she knows my plans now or later," Collins declares, his arm wrapping possessively around my waist.

"She's still mated to Alex," Jeremy growls, his eyes flashing with annoyance.

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