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I straighten out my plaid skirt with trembling hands and fumble to ensure all the buttons of my blouse are done before walking into the towering office building. Today is my first day at work, and I should be bubbling with excitement, but instead, a heavy weight presses on my chest. Over the weekend, I tried desperately to push aside the painful incident that happened the day of the engagement ceremony, but the hurt simmers just beneath the surface, threatening to spill over at any moment. I paste on a fake smile as I greet everyone I pass on my way to the elevator. I blow out a shaky breath, silently praying that my day will go smoothly and I can avoid the searing pain of running into Alex. His betrayal was still raw and throbbing, and I wasn't in the mood to be around him.

The elevator dings, signaling its arrival on my floor, and I step out, my heart pounding in my chest. The email I received for the job acceptance told me I would be working under Jeremy, and a flicker of relief washes over me. He was really nice and professional during the interview. I knock on his door, my hand trembling slightly, and step inside when he says, "Come in."

"Good morning, sir," I greet as I walk in.

"Good morning, Hannah. How are you?" he asks, shuffling through the papers in front of him.

"I'm good, sir. How about you?" I ask, sinking into my seat after he gestures for me to do so.

"Good. I'm so sorry, I'm swamped this morning, but I will be brief," he says, finally lifting his eyes to meet mine. He adjusts his glasses on the rim of his nose and looks at me with an unusual emotion in his eyes. My brow furrows, a sense of unease creeping up my spine as I wonder why he would look at me like that.

"Is everything alright, sir?"

"Yes, everything is alright. I just wanted to inform you that you won't be working under me anymore," Jeremy reveals, his words sending a jolt of panic coursing through me.

"What? Am I already fired?" I ask, my heart hammering against my ribs. It's not uncommon for companies to go back on their acceptance.

"No, nothing like that, Hannah. You will be working with the president ."

"What? Why?" The words tumble from my lips, laced with desperation. Alex is the last person I want to see right now. I was barely struggling to keep a brave face, and now he wants me to work under him.

"I don't know. I just receive orders from the top, and you start this morning," he says, his tone apologetic.

I part my lips to speak but find no words. I close my eyes, exhaling deeply, my heart sinking with the realization that Alex seems to take pleasure in making my life a living hell.

"Thank you, sir," I manage to choke out, picking up my purse from the floor and stepping out of his office.

This ruins everything. I left the pack house and moved into the penthouse to avoid him, only for him to render all my efforts useless. I take the elevator to the highest floor, knowing that's where his office is located.

As I arrive, I march to his door, rage simmers under my skin, my fists clenched so tightly my nails bite into my palms. I don't even bother knocking and push the door open, ready to confront him, but to my surprise, he's not inside. Just then, someone walks by behind me.

"Mr. Stone hasn't arrived. Just wait for him over there," the beautiful brunette with brown eyes says, and I realize she recognizes me.

"You know who I am?" I ask, turning around to face her, my eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Yes, Mr. Stone has spoken about you joining us in the CEO's office, and I'm a member of the Sky Pack," she replies, smiling warmly.


"Yes, my name is Rae, Mr. Stone's secretary." She stretches out her hand for a handshake, and I accept it, trying to ignore the way my hand trembles.

"I'm Hannah. Nice to meet you," I give her a small smile despite the turmoil of emotions raging within me.

"Nice to meet you, too. Come, we have a lot of work to do," she says, walking toward her table, and I follow her, grateful for the distraction.

Rae isn't joking because, by the time it's noon, we have worked our brains out. I hear my stomach growl as I stretch my muscles, trying to ease the tension that has settled in my shoulders. Rae and I are working in one of the meeting rooms on the floor, and she just stepped out to answer a call. She walks back in, worry etched on her face as she shuffles through the pile of papers on the table, looking for something.

"Is everything alright?" I ask, concern lacing my voice. We got to know each other a little while we worked. She's a lovely person, and I hope everything is okay with her.

"No, my mom just fell down in the bathroom and was rushed to the hospital," she says, her voice trembling, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"Oh my! I hope she's okay," I gasp, jolting in my seat, my heart clenching with sympathy.

"I pray so, too," she says, finally lifting her eyes to meet mine. "I need your help, please."

"Sure, how can I help?" I ask, eager to assist her in any way I can.

"I was supposed to take these documents to Mr. Stone, but that's not possible anymore with what just happened. Could you help me do it?"

"Of course, where are the documents?" I ask, a small part of me curious to know where Alex has been since morning. He didn't come into the office today, so I haven't seen him either.

"Here, I will text you the address," she says, handing me the documents before bolting out of the meeting room.

I follow after her, my steps a little slower since I'm not in a hurry. Retrieving my purse from beneath her desk, I make my way to the elevator. As the elevator descends, my phone emits a soft ping, signaling the arrival of a message, and I know she has sent the address.

Stepping onto the bustling streets below, I flag down a taxi. I read out the address to the taxi driver and pause, my mind going blank. Alex is in the hospital? Why? Is he alright?

I quickly pull out my phone and dial his line; my heart lurches as the call diverts to voicemail, leaving me with a gnawing sense of unease. Instructing the taxi driver to hasten over to the hospital, I watch the cityscape blur past, my thoughts consumed by a myriad of worst-case scenarios.

I quickly pay the driver as we arrive and step out of the cab. I rush to the entrance of the hospital, but something catches my eye, and I halt, my body spinning back to the parking lot. I watch, frozen in my spot, eyes widened in shock as Alex walks out through the exit door with his hand wrapped around Alice's shoulders. He slowly helps her to a car waiting out front, and just as he is putting her into the backseat, Alice pecks him on the cheek, and he accepts it. He doesn't push her away or wipe his cheek. He walks over to the other side and enters the car. It drives out of the driveway, passing me in the process.

Hot tears blur my vision, and a strangled sob escapes my throat. The betrayal slices through me like a jagged blade, shredding my heart into pieces. How could Alex do this to me? His promises at the engagement ceremony now feel like a cruel mockery, empty words that mean nothing. The sight of him accepting Alice's affectionate peck, not even bothering to push her away or wipe his cheek, sears into my mind, fueling the agonizing ache in my chest.

With trembling hands, I angrily swipe at the tears streaming down my face and stumble towards the road to hail a cab. Each step feels like a monumental effort as if the weight of my shattered heart is dragging me down. The realization crashes over me like a tidal wave - I'm done with Alex. I'm fucking done with him and his callous disregard for my feelings. The pain morphs into a simmering rage, and I clench my fists, vowing to never let him have the power to hurt me again.

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