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I've been holed up in this hotel room for days, ignoring the incessant calls and texts from Cameron and Lorenzo. I'm still too angry with them to face going home, where everything reminds me of that bitch Hannah and all she's stolen from me. It's bad enough she took Alex, but now the two people who were always on my side have turned against me, too. I feel like I have nowhere left to turn.

Flipping on the TV, I hope to find something mind-numbing to watch, but instead, I'm confronted with images of Alex and Hannah, his eyes shining with sickening adoration for her. White-hot rage boils in my veins as I watch, my knuckles turning white from gripping the cigarette too tightly. It should be me by his side, not that conniving whore. "Fuck!" The scream tears from my throat, echoing off the walls.

Another man stands with them, handsome but not as striking as Alex. The naked desire in his eyes as he looks at Hannah makes my stomach churn with disgust and jealousy. I wonder who he is, and as I stare at him, an idea takes root in my mind—reckless and impulsive, but perfect if it plays out. I stub out the cigarette and grab my keys, storming out the door before I can reconsider.

I fling my keys at the valet with a careless flick of my wrist, barely registering the startled look on his face as I storm into the hotel lobby. My heart is pounding with anticipation and anger. Only when I reach the front desk do I realize - I don't know the other man's room number. Squaring my shoulders, I decide to try my luck anyway.

"Good day, how may I help you?" the receptionist asks as I approach, her customer service smile firmly in place.

"I'm here to see one of your guests, Collins. Please let him know Hannah is here to see him," I tell her, my fake smile masking the nervous anticipation bubbling beneath the surface. He doesn't know who I am, but he'll definitely agree to see Hannah. That look in his eyes I saw tells me he's fascinated by her.

"Okay, ma'am. Just a moment," she responds, her voice laced with professional courtesy as she picks up the phone.

I turn away, my foot tapping impatiently on the polished floor as I wait for her to make the call. Every passing second feels like an eternity, my hopes riding on the outcome. I desperately hope he agrees to work together when we meet; my plan could be a game-changer for both of us.

Turning back around, I see her drop from the call, her apologetic expression confirming my fears even before she speaks. "I'm sorry, but he isn't answering. If you have his cell, you could try that instead?"

I force a tight smile, trying to hide my disappointment. "No worries, thank you." Spinning away, frustration coils in my chest as I ponder my next move. But just when it feels like luck has abandoned me, fate intervenes. Collins himself walks into the lobby at that very moment.

A triumphant smile spreads across my face as I move to intercept him.

"Hello, Alpha Collins." I purr his name, using my most seductive voice. He stops, his eyes raking over my exposed legs and cleavage, courtesy of my strategically chosen outfit.

"Do I know you?" One eyebrow quirks as his gaze lingers on my cleavage, barely concealed by the plunging neckline of my top.

"Allow me to introduce myself." I extend my hand with a coy smile, relishing his obvious attraction. "I'm Alice Kinsely."

Recognition flashes in his eyes, followed by a sly smirk. "Hannah's sister?"

"The one and only." I mirror his expression, holding his stare brazenly.

"And what can I do for you, Alice?" His eyes roam over me again, scorching me with their heat.

"It's more about what we can do for each other." I gesture between us suggestively, stepping closer to him.

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