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Seated in my room, a glass of brandy in hand, I reflect on the days that have passed since Hannah left me in that hotel room without forgiving me. I thought saying sorry, as Eden advised, would make things better between us again, but it didn't work. Tonight, I texted her about our engagement ceremony tomorrow, but she hasn't replied for hours.

I take another sip of my drink, a knot of worry tightens in my chest. The possibility of Hannah backing out of our engagement crosses my mind, though I know her well enough to believe she wouldn't do such a thing. Still, the lack of response leaves me unsettled, my thoughts consumed by what might be keeping her from replying.

Before I can dwell on it further, a knock at the door interrupts my reverie. Inviting the person in, I find myself sighing as Alice enters the room. Since her rescue, Alice has been a constant presence, her belief that I chose her over Hannah in a moment of crisis persisting despite my explanations to the contrary. Despite my efforts to reassure her, she remains convinced that my actions were driven by a deeper realization of our connection.

"Alex, please," Alice cries, dropping to my feet and grasping my empty hand.

"Alice, please don't do this again. We've been over this already," I respond, sighing and staring at her. She had already had two of my brothers, yet she still wasn't satisfied. Did she really have to have all of us? I felt guilty for rejecting her, but that was before Hannah became my mate. Rejecting Hannah now and taking Alice back would mean giving her three mates while leaving Hannah with none. Was she really that selfish?

"Please don't get engaged to her tomorrow. Please be with me," she pleads.

"You already have my brothers. You don't need me," I counter.

"I do, Alex. You were my boyfriend before you became my mate. Our connection is nothing like theirs. Please break off the engagement and run away with me," she implores as she grasps my hand.

I freeze, staring at her in disbelief, wondering if she just asked me to elope with her. I couldn't believe she fucking did. Does she really expect me to call off my engagement to Hannah at the last moment and elope with her instead?

Gently, I unwind my hand from her grip and stand up. "Alice, I can't do that."

Tears shine in her eyes. "But we belong together."

I shake my head sadly. "Not anymore. I care for you, but only as a sister now. I have chosen to stay with Hannah."

Alice's face hardens. "If you go through with this, you'll regret it forever. You're making a huge mistake."

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