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The following morning, I wake up with a knot of anxiety in my stomach, my mind already racing with thoughts of the impending meeting with the Alpha of the Crescent pack and the CEO of the resort. I take extra care in getting ready, my hands trembling slightly as I smooth out my knee-length dress, the fabric hugging my curves in a way that makes me feel both confident and vulnerable. I check my reflection one last time, taking a deep breath to steady my nerves before stepping out of my room.

As I gather the files needed for the meeting, a sense of trepidation washes over me. This is my first business meeting without supervision, and the weight of responsibility sits heavily on my shoulders. I can't afford to mess this up, not when M Corp's reputation is on the line.

With each step towards the office section of the resort, my heart pounds faster, my palms growing clammy. I pause outside the meeting room, closing my eyes and blowing out a shaky breath, trying to calm the butterflies rioting in my stomach. You can do this, Hannah, I tell myself firmly, squaring my shoulders and reaching for the doorknob.

The moment I step inside, my eyes widen in shock, my stomach plummeting as I see who sits at the head of the table. It's him, the pervert from last night, a smirk playing on his lips as he regards me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. I can't believe he is the Alpha of the Crescent pack and CEO of the resort. I'm doomed.

"Would you look at that?" he drawls, his gaze raking over me in a way that makes my skin crawl.

"Good morning, everyone," I manage to say, my voice sounding strained even to my own ears as I pointedly ignore his comment and take my seat. The presence of others in the room brings a small measure of relief, but it does little to quell the unease churning in my gut.

As the meeting begins, the Alpha's secretary starts to speak, but the pervert cuts her off. "Why don't Miss..." he trails off, arching an expectant brow at me.

"Hannah. Hannah Jefferson," I supply, my voice wavering slightly as I clear my throat, trying to project a confidence I don't feel.

"Why don't Miss Jefferson tell us why we should use M Corp as our investors rather than other companies?" he suggests a challenge glinting in his eyes.

My breath catches in my throat, panic clawing at my insides. This isn't how the meeting is supposed to go. They are supposed to pitch to us why we should invest in them, and then I bring to their attention the issues we have with the resort, and they tell me how to solve them to achieve the best outcome for both parties.

"We're waiting, Miss Jefferson," he prompts, a smug smile tugging at his lips as he gestures to the front of the table.

I search my brain frantically, my palms growing clammy as I try to figure out how to handle this unexpected turn of events. This is my first assignment, and I can't mess it up for M Corp, not when I haven't even been working for a week.

With shaking hands, I smooth out my dress and rise to my feet, making my way to the front of the room. I can feel the Alpha's intense gaze on me, his eyes never leaving my face as I take my position. It's unsettling, the way he looks at me as if he can see right through me, and I have to fight the urge to squirm under his scrutiny.

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