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I sit in my room, lost in thought, as I reflect on the events of the past few days. It's become painfully clear that my parents don't truly care for me, their affection reserved solely for my brother. Even Lorenzo and Cameron, my supposed mates, have grown distant, their love for me no longer as strong as it once was. Cameron's apology text days ago feels hollow, a mere bandage on a gaping wound. After the pointed questions he asked me, I know it's only a matter of time before he turns against me completely. And it's all that bitch Hannah's fault. No one else is to blame for my misery but her.

I need to make her pay, to exact revenge for everything she's stolen from me. Killing her is out of the question, but there has to be some way to make her suffer as I have suffered.

My vengeful musings are suddenly interrupted by the insistent ringing of my phone. An unknown number flashes on the screen, and I decline the call with an irritated huff. But the caller is persistent, redialing immediately. I decline again, only to have the phone ring a third time. Curiosity getting the better of me, I decide to answer, if only to give whoever it is a piece of my mind.

"Hello, Alice. How are you?" The voice on the other end is familiar, tugging at the edges of my memory, but I can't quite place it.

"I'm good. Who am I speaking to?" I ask, my tone clipped with annoyance.

"Do I really have to introduce myself? I thought you were smart enough to recognize my voice immediately." The condescension dripping from their words sets my teeth on edge.

I roll my eyes, already fed up with this stranger's games. "I can see you don't actually wish to talk. Goodbye." I pull the phone from my ear, ready to end the call, but their following words stop me cold.

"If you hang up, you won't get what you desire." The promise in their tone piques my interest, staying my hand.

"And what is it you think I desire?" I ask a hint of challenge in my voice.

"Alex," they growl, and suddenly, I know exactly who I'm talking to. A slow smile spreads across my lips, triumph blooming in my chest. I knew he'd come crawling back eventually.

"Collins, how exactly do you plan to give me what I desire?" I purr, twirling a strand of hair around my finger.

"Why don't we meet and discuss it in person?" he suggests, his voice low and conspiratorial.

"Sure. I'll send you an address and let you know the time." I hang up before he can respond, giddy with anticipation. Something tells me things are about to get very interesting, and I can hardly wait to see how it all unfolds.

I spend the rest of the morning holed up in my room, carefully selecting a restaurant and time for my rendezvous with Collins. But as the hours drag on, boredom begins to set in, and I decide to pay Lorenzo and Cameron a visit at work.

I slip out of my loungewear and into an outfit that screams edgy seduction. The slinky black mini dress hugs my curves like a second skin, the sheer stockings making my legs look endlessly long. An oversized black coat falls past my knees, adding a touch of drama to the ensemble. Chunky black boots with serious attitude complete the look, making me feel powerful and untouchable as I strut out of my room.

I pull into the dimly lit underground parking garage, the hum of the engine fading into silence as I find a vacant spot. With a quick glance at my surroundings, I step out of the car and make my way towards the elevator, a catchy tune playing on repeat in my mind. As the doors slide open, I step inside, the soft ding signaling my ascent to Cameron's floor. Lorenzo works in a different department, so I will see him afterward.

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