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The following morning, I find myself at the airport with Hannah, waiting to pick up Alpha Collins. It's all part of our elaborate plan to show the world that we're on good terms and that the scandalous article holds no truth. At first, Collins didn't agree to deceive the public, but after I gathered evidence proving he was behind the article and threatened to sue him for it, he had no choice but to cooperate.

As we step out of the car, I slide my arm around Hannah's waist, pulling her flush against me. She looks up at me, her eyes questioning my sudden display of possessiveness.? The answer is simple: I need to stake my claim to show that smug bastard Collins exactly who Hannah belongs to. She's mine, now and forever, and no amount of underhanded scheming will change that.

Holding her possessively, I lead us to the base of the aircraft stairs and wait, my jaw clenched so tightly it aches. It doesn't take long before Collins emerges, his expensive shoes clicking against the metal steps. He plasters on a sickly sweet smile as he approaches, but I can see the resentment simmering in his eyes.

He moves to embrace Hannah first, but I quickly sidestep in front of her, blocking his path. Instead, I grasp his hand and yank him into an aggressive bro-hug, leaning in until my lips graze his ear.

"Don't forget why you're here," I growl into his ear, my voice low and menacing. "And make sure to stay away from what's mine."

I start to pull away, but Collins's grip tightens like a vise, holding me in place. "She might be yours now," he murmurs, his breath hot against my skin. "But not for long if I have my way. So I'd watch my back if I were you."

My blood boils with rage, my nostrils flaring as I struggle to control my temper. I take a deep breath, forcing myself to remain calm. Flashing Collins with my most insincere smile, I wrap a possessive arm around Hannah's waist and steer her back toward the car. I can't wait for Collins to be on his way to his resort, even though he just arrived. Fuck, why does it feel like today is going to be the longest day of my life?

The day drags on interminably, a relentless gauntlet of public appearances and meetings, all meticulously orchestrated to reassure the world that the article is false - that Alpha Collins and I are not fighting for Hannah's love. But maintaining that facade is exhausting.

It starts with the contract signing with Alpha Collins. As we shake hands before the blinding flashes of cameras, I plaster on my most fake smile, deflecting reporters' probing questions with well-practiced platitudes about "synergies" and "future growth opportunities." Inside, I couldn't wait for the deal to be over already.

No sooner do I escape that media circus than I am ushered into the board room to face the inquisition of my increasingly skeptical shareholders. For the next agonizing hour, I methodically counter each concern with facts, and carefully constructed arguments, reassuring them that I was the responsible CEO they all knew.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, the shareholders seem placated, at least for now. As I stride out, forcing my steps to remain measured and confident, I could collapse with relief. But there is no respite.

Later that night, I find myself at one of the most prestigious restaurants in town, preparing to have dinner with Hannah and her family. It's all for show, of course, another carefully orchestrated event to prove to the world that my fiancée and I are still going strong. I make sure the reporters are there to capture every moment as we walk in, the picture of a happy, united family.

But the silence at the table is deafening, the tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. Everyone is eager to say something, but we all hold back, waiting until we're back at the pack house to let our true feelings show.

The moment we step into my father's office, Hannah's mother, Luna Sharon, is the first to speak. She grabs Hannah, pulling her to the side, and apologizes profusely.

"I'm so sorry for the disgrace my daughter brought to your pack," she says, her voice trembling with emotion. "It's my fault for not training her well. Please forgive us."

Her words shock me. How can she think Hannah cheated on me? She raised her. She should know what her daughter is capable of. But Hannah seems indifferent to her mother's apology, her face an unreadable mask. It strikes me as odd, but after what I witnessed on the day of our engagement ceremony, I can't say I'm entirely surprised.

My own mother steps in, her voice firm and unyielding. "No need to apologize, Luna Sharon. Hannah hasn't brought us any disgrace. If anyone should apologize, it's Alex for causing Hannah trouble with this scandal."

"Are you sure, Luna Marley? I think my sister is the one at fault." Alice injects.

"I don't believe what's being spoken about concerns you, Alice," my mother snaps, her eyes flashing with anger. "I advise you to shut your mouth."

She turns back to Luna Sharon, apologizing for my behavior and promising that I won't ever do anything to tarnish Hannah's image again. Hannah's parents don't argue; they simply accept the apology before leaving with Alice in tow.

I step out of my father's office with Hannah but leave her to go pick up my phone from the car. As I'm searching for it in the small spaces around the seat, I feel someone's hands wrap around my waist, and Alice's scent fills my nostrils.

"I knew you would come," she purrs, tightening her grip on me. I quickly pull away from the car, dropping her hands from my waist.

"What are you talking about?" I demand, spinning around to face her, my phone clutched in my hand.

"I texted you. Didn't you see it?" she asks, closing the distance between us and pointing to my phone. I push her away, creating space between us. I don't like how close she's standing, how presumptuous she's being.

I check my phone, and sure enough, there's a text from Alice, asking me to step outside so she can make me feel better.

"Feel better about what?" I ask, my brow furrowed in confusion.

"About having to fall for what happened even though you did nothing wrong," she says, trying to fill the space between us once more.

I step back, my jaw clenching with irritation. "Stop coming close to me," I warn her, my voice low and dangerous. "I don't feel bad about it. I'm the one who caused trouble, so it's only right that I'm the one who takes responsibility for it."

"Oh," she says, looking shocked by my answer.

"Yes, and go home, Alice. You're not needed here," I tell her, brushing past her and heading back into the house. I can't believe she thought I came outside for her to comfort me. The woman never ceases to amaze me with her delusions. I wonder when she'll finally realize that I belong to Hannah and Hannah alone.

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