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I console Alice as she cries, her tear-streaked face a heartbreaking sight. She just begged me to reject Hannah and take her back, but I couldn't comply, and she knew why already. Plus, I've accepted what our relationship has become.

"Please reconsider, Alex. Please, I love you," she pleads, her grip tightening on my wrist as she gazes at me through her wet lashes.

"Alice," I say softly, placing my hand on her shoulders. "I love you, but I can't. I have obligations to my pack, and I've already explained the other reasons."

"It's so sad. This is something I've always admired about you. Your dedication to your pack, and now it's being used against me," she says, her voice tinged with bitterness as she lets out a hollow laugh. "Ironic," she adds, shaking her head. I offer her a tight smile, though inside, my heart aches at the sorrow in her eyes.

"Hannah is one lucky she-wolf," she mutters before turning away, tears streaming down her face. My shoulders slump as I watch her go. When will this end? Alice needs to move on, and deep down, I know I need to as well.

I walk towards the center of the training field, and my gaze draws to Hannah standing beside the future Beta of my pack, Jason. Her laughter fills the air, and my heart clenches uncomfortably at the sight. A few days ago, I witnessed her smile for the first time because of me, and now, seeing her laugh so freely in the presence of another man doesn't sit well with me.

Why the fuck is she allowing another man the privilege of witnessing her beautiful laughter and radiant smile? And when did she and Jason become so acquainted that she would feel so comfortable in his presence? The questions churn in my mind as I watch them interact, a knot forming in the pit of my stomach.

I stride purposefully towards them, intending to wrap my arm around Hannah's waist, but she steps out of my grasp, surprising me. Jason greets me, but his words barely register in my ears as I stand there, my gaze fixed on Hannah, confusion etched on my face.

"It's time to give your speech, Alex. Everyone has arrived," Jason says, breaking through my thoughts.

"Sure, let's go," I reply, tearing my eyes away from Hannah as I walk away, heading towards the small podium in the open space. She doesn't spare me a glance, merely waving goodbye to Jason as he takes his leave. I feel a sharp pang in my gut as I watch them, wondering why she won't even look at me. After all, I'm fucking her mate.

I ascend the podium, ready to deliver my speech, but Hannah's indifference continues to gnaw at me. Throughout my address, she remains engrossed in her phone, oblivious to my words, occasionally stifling laughter at something on the screen. Each chuckle feels like a knife to my pride, and I clench my fists in frustration. I don't like this. I don't fucking like this!

As I conclude my speech, emphasizing the importance of the upcoming training for the packs and the alliance, I can't shake the feeling of annoyance toward Hannah. Stepping down from the podium, I make my way towards her, determined to address her behavior.

"You're a future Luna. You should learn to behave more composedly," I whisper in her ear, trying to keep my voice calm despite my rising irritation. However, her response catches me off guard.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she retorts, her expression a mix of confusion and defiance.

"How can you use your phone and laugh while I'm giving a speech?" I argue, my voice betraying my frustration.

"I might have used my phone during your speech, but I didn't laugh out loud. You know I was only laughing because you were looking at me," she counters, her tone defiant.

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