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Graduation arrives faster than I can imagine, and the sense of relief and joy that washes over me is indescribable. After taking pictures with Bee to commemorate the moment, I make my way to the car, eager to begin the next chapter of my life.

As I approach, I feel a gentle tug on my hand, and to my surprise, I find Alex standing there, his hand outstretched towards me. Without hesitation, I intertwine my fingers with his, feeling a rush of warmth and excitement coursing through me. It's a simple gesture, yet it holds so much significance, especially in front of people we both know. The sight of us walking hand in hand fills me with a sense of happiness and contentment I haven't felt in a long time.

Arriving at the parking lot, I spot Alice and Alex's brother standing by two cars. It's evident that they were waiting for us so we could all leave together to attend the party at the Sky Packhouse to celebrate the graduation of werewolves. Despite Alice missing school recently, she still managed to graduate, a fact that shocks me, but I guess that's life.

As we approach where they are standing, Alex suddenly lets go of my hand. Confused, I turn to face him, but he doesn't spare me a glance; instead, he focuses on greeting his brother. My heart clenches at the sudden withdrawal, but I quickly push aside my emotions, unwilling to show any vulnerability in public.

"Congrats, sis. I really didn't think you would make it," Alice says, pulling me into an abrupt hug, her side comment not going unnoticed by me.

"Thank you. How are you feeling now? I heard you almost got into an accident," I reply, reciprocating her hug while maintaining a forced smile. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Alex walking away, likely to answer a call as he holds his phone in his hand.

"Doing great, but I bet you aren't happy about that," Lorenzo interjects before Alice can respond, his words laced with accusation that stings.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask, my brows furrowing in confusion.

"You know what he means, you slut," Cameron chimes in, his accusation landing like a heavy blow.

"Slut?" My heart sinks at the derogatory term.

"Yes, slut. You go around stealing people's mates. If you aren't a slut, what are you?" Cameron's words cut through deep, leaving me speechless.

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