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I wipe my eyes, the sting of the liquid still lingering on my skin, and strain to see who the culprit is. When I finally make out her face, it's no surprise that it's Linda, the daughter of an alpha and a member of Alice's cheerleading squad. Her disdainful glare is fueled by the prejudice she likely holds against me, courtesy of Alice's influence.

"That's what you get for stealing other people's mates," Linda sneers, her words dripping with venom.

Her accusation strikes a nerve, and while it stings to be judged so unfairly, I refuse to let her misconceptions dictate my response. With determination coursing through my veins, I rise to my feet, my eyes locking with hers in a defiant stare. In that split second, I make a conscious decision not to cower in the face of their bullying. Today, it's juice, but it could be something far worse tomorrow. I refuse to give them the satisfaction of seeing me as an easy target. Without a moment's hesitation, I grab a nearby plate of food and smash it against her face.

The shock on Linda's face is evident as the food splatters across her features, momentarily silencing her tirade. I stand my ground, unwavering in my resolve to assert myself. It's a message to them and to myself: I am not someone to be trifled with.

"Hannah!" Linda's voice pierces the air, laced with seething anger. She hastily wipes her eyes, smearing ketchup across her cheeks, and I watch as her eyes turn golden, darkening with fury. Her wolf is on the surface. It's probably taking everything within her to suppress the urge to shift right now and challenge me in wolf form.

But just as the tension reaches its peak, her phone pings, drawing her attention away. With a quick glance at the message on her phone, a sinister smile spreads across her face, replacing the rage with a chilling sense of satisfaction.

"You just wait," she taunts, her words dripping with malice. "You think everything is fine now because you're living with Alex. Don't worry, soon you'll realize that's nothing."

With that ominous warning, Linda leaves our table, her departure leaving a lingering sense of unease in her wake. My heart races, wondering what she could have seen on her phone to provoke such a reaction.

Before I can dwell on it further, my own phone begins to ring, jolting me out of my thoughts. I glance down at the device on the table and see that it's Alex calling. Quickly wiping my hand and ear with a napkin, I snatch up my phone and answer the call.

"Hannah, I won't be at the penthouse for the future week," Alex's voice comes through the phone.

"Really?" I respond, a pang of concern creeping into my voice. With him absent, I realize I won't have his assistance with our project, which we need to submit next week.

"Yes, the driver will be around to take you to school and back. Goodbye," he concludes abruptly before ending the call.

Bee notices my troubled expression as I pull the phone away from my ear. "Is everything alright?" she inquires, her concern evident in her voice.

"Yeah, everything's fine," I reply, forcing a reassuring smile despite the knot of worry tightening in my stomach. I lie to her so as not to make her worry. There's still time to figure something out, I tell myself, trying to quell the rising tide of anxiety.

"Alright, if you say so, let's head to the bathroom so you can clean up," Bee suggests as she picks up her phone and leads the way.

I nod in agreement, grateful for her support, and follow her out of the cafeteria. Together, we make our way to the bathroom, where I set to work, trying to clean the sticky juice off my body and shirt as best as I can. Bee offers me tissues and reassurance, her presence a comforting anchor in the midst of the chaos.

After a few minutes of diligent scrubbing and wiping, I manage to rid myself of most of the mess, though the stain on my shirt remains stubbornly persistent. With a resigned sigh, I straighten up and meet Bee's gaze in the mirror.

"Thanks for helping me," I say sincerely, appreciating her unwavering support.

"Of course, anytime," Bee replies with a reassuring smile. Together, we gather our belongings and make our way back to class.


Releasing a heavy sigh, I let my school bag fall to the floor as I step into the penthouse. The ride back from school with Alex's driver was filled with concerns about our project. I head to the kitchen, hoping to find something to drink, when my phone pings with a new message. Pulling it out of my pocket, I see a message from Bee asking if I arrived home safely. A small smile tugs at the corners of my lips as I read her thoughtful words. It warms my heart to know that someone actually cares about my well-being in this world. She was worried about me getting into a nice car she knew I couldn't afford. I quickly text her back before switching apps to scroll through Instagram for a bit. While filling a glass with water, I glance at Alice's new IG post. She's lying on a beach chair, smiling from ear to ear. But as I bring the cup to my lips, the glass slips from my fingers, shattering into a thousand pieces as it crashes to the kitchen floor.

My eyes freeze against the caption: "Almost died, but thankfully, I have three of you with me." Three? My mind immediately flashes back to my conversation with Alex earlier today. Was this the reason he won't be around?

A pang of hurt courses through me, tightening my chest with an unbearable ache. Our relationship may not be defined yet, but so much has happened since the night we were told we were going to marry each other. He's also my mate now, not Alice's. Why would he go on a vacation with her? Even if he didn't respect our engagement, he should at least respect the bond we share as mates.

I struggle to contain the tears that threaten to spill over, my vision blurred by the overwhelming rush of emotions. With a shaky hand, I wipe away the tears that slip from my eyes without permission, my breath hitching in my throat as I try to stifle the sobs threatening to escape.

The pain cuts deep, a betrayal that feels like a knife twisting in my heart. I may not have confirmed it yet, but the feeling of being cheated on gnaws at me from within, tearing at the fragile threads of trust and hope that I've been desperately clinging to. It hurts more than I could have ever imagined, leaving me feeling shattered and alone in the wake of Alex's actions.

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