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Taking a deep, steadying breath, I channel my focus on the reassuring weight of Alex's hand against my back, allowing his familiar scent to wash over me and calm my frayed nerves. The press conference didn't rattle me nearly as much as tonight's high-stakes event. Any misstep here could cost Alex his future as Alpha, a consequence I desperately want to avoid. While his accusations of cheating infuriated me, I never wished for him to be stripped of his rightful position in such a humiliating manner.

As we step through the grand doors of the ballroom, every eye turns towards us, the weight of their scrutiny palpable. It's hardly surprising, given that we've become the subject of intense gossip in both the human and werewolf worlds. I plaster a polite smile on my face, nodding in recognition at the familiar faces from our engagement ceremony. Their reciprocated greetings are a promising sign - no one is pretending not to know us, at least not yet.

We continue making our way through the crowd, exchanging pleasantries and handshakes, my smile never faltering. That is until my gaze lands on a figure that sends a shiver of dread down my spine - Alpha Collins. Our earlier confrontation comes rushing back, the memory of his cruel words and bruising grip still fresh in my mind. The evidence of my slap has faded, my handprint vanishing as if it never marred his skin - an expected outcome given our accelerated healing.

Collins excuses himself from his companions and begins making his way toward us. Alex doesn't pull us away to show the werewolves around; they aren't fighting, but there is nothing I would love more right now.

"Alex," Collins greets with a curt nod.

"Collins," Alex returns, his tone clipped but respectful.

"Hai..." Collins begins, turning his attention towards me, but he's swiftly cut off by a booming voice that commands the attention of the entire room.

"Wonderful, the both of you are here," the Alpha King declares, his presence commanding an air of authority that sends a hush rippling through the crowd.

"Good evening, Your Majesty," Alex greets, extending his hand in a show of deference.

"Hello, son. How are you?" the King replies, clasping Alex's hand in a firm shake.

"Well, your majesty, and yourself?"

"Excellent." The King's piercing gaze shifts towards me. "And you must be Hannah."

I nod, suddenly self-conscious under his scrutinizing stare.

"Will she be joining us?" he asks, turning back to Collins, who shakes his head in response.

The implication is clear - the Alpha King wishes to discuss the matter privately with Alex and Collins without my presence as a potential distraction.

"Very well," the King concedes. "Shall we speak here, or would you prefer a more private setting?"

"Private, please, Your Majesty," Collins responds, his tone respectful but laced with an undercurrent of tension.

"As you wish. Let us adjourn, then." The King turns on his heel, leading the way.

Alex leans in, pressing a reassuring kiss to my forehead. "I'll be back shortly," he murmurs.

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