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The following morning, I make my way to M Corp, a company I've long dreamed of working for. Renowned as the most prestigious financial group on downtown Seattle, landing a job here would be a dream come true. As I approach the skyscraper that houses M Corp, I'm immediately struck by its grandeur. The towering structure looms overhead, its sleek glass facade reflecting the morning sunlight. The entrance is adorned with polished marble, and the revolving doors beckon me inside with a sense of anticipation. As I step through the entrance, I'm greeted by the hustle and bustle of the lobby, where professionals in sharp suits and bustling interns mingle amidst the impressive architecture. The atmosphere is charged with energy, and I can't help but feel a surge of excitement as I envision myself working in such a prestigious environment.

I walk over to the receptionist and inquire which room the interview is holding. She directs me to the 10th floor, and I step out of the elevator once I reach my destination. As I enter the floor, I'm greeted by a group of other candidates, all looking impeccably dressed and exuding an air of professionalism. I can't help but feel a pang of insecurity as I glance down at my own outfit—a black pencil skirt paired with a blue blouse borrowed from my mom's closet. It's obvious that the attire isn't mine, and it looks a bit outdated. Do I even stand a chance, being just a high school graduate? Correction, I haven't even graduated yet. I applied for a junior analyst role, one of the few positions available for individuals without a college degree, but that doesn't mean others with better qualifications couldn't apply either.

Sweat forms on my brow, and I quickly swipe it away, feeling the pressure mounting. I take a deep breath, attempting to calm my nerves. After all, I passed the exam they administered, so I must have something to offer. I square my shoulders and steel myself for the interview ahead.

"You've got this, Hannah," Poppy says, and a small smile plays on my lips at her words.

"What would I do without you?"

"Probably die," she says, chuckling lightly.

"Thank you," I reply gratefully.

"Anything for my human. Now focus. You've got this," she encourages one last time before cutting off our connection.

With Poppy's words echoing in my mind, I take a deep breath and steel myself for the interview ahead. Walking over to an empty chair, I take my seat and clasp my hands together, willing them to stop shaking. I try my best to keep my feet still as I wait for my turn.

Slowly, the number of people in the room begins to dwindle until only about three of us are left. My heart pounds in my chest as I hear my name called, and for a moment, my breathing seizes. It takes about ten seconds for me to remember that I have to respond to the person who called me.

"Here," I say, quickly shooting up from my seat.

"Go in," the secretary instructs before returning to her station.

I smooth out my skirt, even though it didn't have any wrinkles, a subconscious gesture to boost my confidence. Taking a deep breath, I lift my head high and repeat to myself, "I got this!" As I move toward the door, I enter the interview room and find two interviewers waiting. One has his back to the door, engrossed in his phone conversation. In contrast, the other offers me an encouraging smile and gestures for me to sit opposite him.

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