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I feel a slight sense of unease as I adjust my cuffs, the fabric of my shirt brushing lightly against my skin. My heart beats fast as I turn to face Hannah, her presence calming me somewhat. I draw her close, my arms enveloping her waist like a shield against the unknown.

We're both in the dark as to why the Alpha King has summoned us here tonight, but despite the lingering unease, I can't shake the feeling that it's not for a bad reason. After all, I managed to convince him last time that I posed no future threat to my pack, that my leadership would be sound and my intentions pure.

We step into the grand ballroom, and my eyes immediately begin scanning the crowd, searching for any sign of the Alpha King. But he's nowhere to be found.

I grab a drink from a passing tray, downing it in one swift gulp as if the burn of the alcohol could somehow numb the nerves that jangle beneath my skin. I hate feeling this way, so out of control, so at the mercy of forces beyond my understanding. But I force myself to push through it, to plaster on a smile and make the rounds, greeting familiar faces and exchanging pleasantries as if everything were perfectly normal.

By the time I'm on my third glass, a man with a striking resemblance to the Alpha King approaches us, his raven hair and piercing gray eyes unmistakable.

"Hello, Alex. I am Jeremy, the Alpha King's brother," he says, extending a hand in greeting.

"Hello, nice to meet you," I reply, shaking his hand firmly even as my mind races with questions.

"The Alpha King has asked that you meet him in the same room as before and to come alone," Jeremy continues, his expression inscrutable.

Finally, the moment I've been waiting for. I nod, kissing Hannah goodbye before making my way toward the room, my heart pounding in my chest with every step.

When I reach the door, I knock, waiting with bated breath for permission to enter.

"Come in," the Alpha King's voice rings out, and I step inside, my eyes immediately drawn to the imposing figure seated behind the desk. Beside him stands another man, a stranger whose presence only adds to the sense of foreboding that washes over me.

"Your Majesty," I greet, moving to stand before him, my posture straight and my expression carefully neutral.

"Hello, Alex, how are you?" the Alpha King asks, gesturing for me to take a seat.

"Good, Your Majesty," I reply, taking a seat in the chair across from him as my mind races with possibilities.

The Alpha King leans forward, his expression turning serious as he fixes me with a piercing stare. "I asked you here because I need your help."

For a moment, I'm sure I must have misheard him. The Alpha King, the most powerful werewolf in the world, asking for my help? It seems impossible, and yet, as I search his face for any sign of deception, I find only grim determination.

Betrothed To The AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now