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Suddenly, the space between Alpha Collins and me seems to shrink, his face appearing closer than it was just a moment ago. My eyes widen in surprise and a flicker of panic. What is he trying to do? Just then, a gust of wind blows across the cliff as if nature itself is trying to knock some sense into me.

I shoot up to my feet abruptly. "I think I should leave. I'm feeling better. Thank you," I blurt out, needing to create some distance, both physical and emotional.

"No problem, let me walk you back," Alpha Collins offers, rising as well, his expression unreadable.

I don't protest as I realize I'm not quite sure of the way back to the hotel. But as we walk in tense silence, my mind races with a torrent of thoughts and emotions. What the hell was I thinking, letting myself get so close to him, both literally and figuratively? What if one of my pack members had seen that moment of vulnerability, of connection? I'm supposed to be the future Luna, for goddess' sake. I need to start acting like it.

The turmoil rages within me - confusion and guilt. By the time we reach the hotel lobby, I'm a raw bundle of nerves, my heart pounding in my chest.

Suddenly, Alpha Collins is spun around by an unseen force, a fist connecting with his face in a sickening crack. I gasp, shock and horror lancing through me as I take in the sight before me. "Alex!" I exclaim, my voice shaking.

"Don't you have any fucking shame? Trying to steal someone else's Luna?" Alex spits, venom dripping from his tone as he glares at Alpha Collins with unbridled fury.

Alpha Collins spits out a mouthful of blood, wiping the corner of his mouth before meeting Alex's gaze with equal rage. Their eyes blaze crimson, the wolves within them clawing to the surface, ready for battle.

"I'm not the one who asked you to betray your mate," Alpha Collins snarls, moving closer until their chests are nearly touching. "And because of that, it gives you no fucking right to call me shameless."

No, no, this is not good. Why the hell are they fighting, and in public, no less? The thought of them causing a scene, of their reputations as powerful Alphas and business tycoons being dragged through the mud, fills me with dread.

I force myself between them, turning to face Alex as I try to diffuse the volatile situation. "Let's go," I say firmly, grasping his hand in mine.

To my relief, he doesn't fight me, allowing me to lead him away. But I can feel Alpha Collins's intense gaze burning into my back with every step, and I refuse to turn around to meet those eyes that had looked at me with such tenderness just moments ago.

My mind is a whirlwind of confusion and conflicting emotions. Was Alpha Collins really going to fight Alex because of me? I can understand Alex's jealousy and his primal need to defend his mate, even if his love for me is lacking. But Alpha Collins...I can't begin to fathom his motivations, and that terrifies me more than anything.

"Is this how you abide by the contract? Walking around the resort like you guys were on your fucking honeymoon?" Alex snarls, his words cutting through my turbulent thoughts like a knife.

It's only then that I realize we've made it to his room. I stare at him, his accusation sinking in, and a wave of anger crashes over me. The sheer hypocrisy of his words, after he had his arm around Alice after he allowed her to peck his cheek like a lover, is staggering.

"Fuck you!" I hiss, giving him the finger before whirling around and storming out of the room, not giving him a chance to respond.

Mercifully, he doesn't follow me as I make my way back to my own room. The moment the door closes behind me, I collapse onto the bed, utterly drained – physically, mentally, emotionally. Too much has happened in one day; too many blows have been dealt to my already fragile heart.

I roll onto my back, staring up at the ceiling as hot tears prick at the corners of my eyes. Why couldn't my life be simpler? Why did the universe insist on piling one complication on top of another? I was only eighteen years old, for goddess' sake. I shouldn't feel like I've lived a lifetime of heartache and betrayal already.

A choked sob escapes my lips as the floodgates open, tears streaming down my temples to soak the pillow beneath my head. I was so tired – tired of Alex and his constant betrayals, tired of the never-ending stream of problems and drama he brought with him. And now, to make matters even more complicated, the universe had seen fit to introduce Alpha Collins into the equation.

The man was practically perfect for me – we shared a bond forged in the fires of childhood trauma, and he valued me. He saw me, the real me, and accepted me wholeheartedly. But there was Alex, my mate, my childhood crush, the man who kept hurting me over and over again, no matter how much I loved him.

Why was life so cruel? What had I done to deserve this constant anguish, this endless cycle of pain and heartbreak? The questions swirled through my mind as I cried, harsh sobs wracking my body until exhaustion finally claimed me, pulling me into the blessed oblivion of sleep.

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