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The following morning, I wake up feeling groggy and mentally exhausted, as if the weight of the world is pressing down on me. All I wish for at this moment is to crawl back under the covers and hide from reality for a little while longer, but that's not an option. I have work to do and responsibilities to attend to, whether I'm ready to face them or not.

With a heavy sigh, I drag myself out of bed and get ready, trying to ignore the dull ache that has taken up permanent residence in my chest. I make my way to Alpha Collin's office at the resort, steeling myself for whatever fresh complications await me today.

As I arrive, Alpha Collin's secretary informs me that the cooperation deal has been canceled. "Canceled? I don't understand," I say, my brow furrowing in confusion.

"She means Alex has withdrawn his offer to invest in the resort," a familiar voice says from behind me. I spin around to see Alpha Collin himself, and one look at his expression tells me he's far from happy about this turn of events.

Pushing aside the lingering awkwardness from yesterday's charged encounter, I focus on the issue at hand. "Why?" I ask, needing answers.

"I wish I knew, Hannah," Alpha Collin says with a helpless shrug, his jaw clenched tight.

This isn't right. A lot of people have worked so hard to make this project a reality. Alex can't just snatch it away on a whim, rendering all that effort meaningless. "Let me call Alex and find out why he decided to withdraw his funds," I say, pulling out my phone and dialing his number.

But he doesn't pick up, no matter how many times I try. Frustration mounts within me, mingling with the ever-present ache of heartache.

"Maybe he's still in the air," Alpha Collin offers, trying to provide a logical explanation.

"He's gone?" I ask, shocked that Alex has already left without a word.

Alpha Collin nods grimly, and a sense of determination settles over me. "Then I need to be on my way back. It's not too late," I declare, turning to leave and find a way back to Seattle as soon as possible.

But Alpha Collin's hand on my arm stops me in my tracks. "Please don't try to stop me," I say, meeting his gaze head-on. "I know how much you've put into this project. I can't just stand by and let it not happen because of me." Without Alex even telling me, I know this must be the reason he suddenly withdrew his funds. It's his way of getting back at Alpha Collin for pursuing me.

To my surprise, he shakes his head. "I'm not trying to stop you. I want to offer you my private jet."

"Oh..." I breathe, caught off guard by his generosity, yet not entirely surprised either way.

"Yes, but I am because I want you to use it and come back. Come back to me."

I stare at him wide-eyed, my heart pounding in my chest as I search his expression for any hint of jest or insincerity. But all I find is raw honesty and longing in his eyes.

"Hannah," he murmurs, taking my hand in both of his and holding my gaze captive. "I'm letting you go because I want you to go and reject Alex and come back once you're done. You deserve a werewolf who is devoted to you, and I will be that werewolf." His words are laced with conviction, with a promise that sends a shiver down my spine.

I'm rendered speechless, my mind reeling from the weight of his declaration. Does he really think I would leave Alex for him? He's a great man, someone I could see myself caring for deeply in different circumstances. But what he's's impossible. Alex is not only my mate but my future husband. We have a marriage alliance, a bond that can't be so easily severed, no matter how strained it has become.

Even if we didn't have that tie, I don't know if I'm ready to let go of Alex completely, as much as he's hurt me. A part of me still clings to the hope that he'll change, that he'll realize how much I mean to him before it's too late. Alpha Collin is essentially asking me to be ready to walk away for good, and I'm just not there yet. It's as if he's trying to force me into a decision I'm not prepared to make.

I wet my lips, my heart heavy with the knowledge that I'm about to shatter his hopes. "I can't do that. I'm sorry," I whisper, taking a step back and letting his hands fall away from mine.

"I promise to be the mate you deserve, Hannah," he tries again, closing the distance between us once more, his eyes burning with intensity.

"Thank you, but no," I say, my voice soft but firm as I turn and walk away before he can utter another word.

I feel terrible for rejecting him so bluntly, for adding to the pain and rejection he's already endured in his life. His own mate cast him aside, and now I've done the same, even if for different reasons. But those reasons don't make this any easier. I'm mated and engaged to someone else, my situation is far more complicated than he realizes.

Still, the guilt weighs heavily on me as I rush back to my room to gather my suitcase. I can't accept his offer of the private jet, not after crushing his hopes like that. I'll find my own way back to Seattle and sort this mess out, one way or another.

An hour later, I'm back in the city, making my way to the office building with my suitcase in tow. I was lucky enough to get a flight back in time. I didn't even stop by the penthouse first, too focused on finding Alex and getting to the bottom of this investment fiasco.

As I step off the elevator, I spot Rae at her desk. "Hey, Hannah, what are you doing here?" she asks, her brow furrowing in surprise at the sight of me and my luggage.

"Is Alex here?" I ask, setting my suitcase down beside her desk.

"No, he's not. And speaking of which, I've been trying his number all day, but he hasn't picked up. He has a lot of documents to sign. Do you have any idea why or where he could be?" she says, frustration creeping into her tone.

"Have you tried reaching out to anyone else who might know where he is?" I ask, my voice laced with concern.

Rae shakes her head. "I've tried, but no one seems to have any information. It's like he's vanished into thin air."

As I process Rae's words, worry gnaws at my insides. Where could Alex be, and why the hell isn't he answering his phone?

"Alright, let me try calling him again," I say, pulling out my phone and dialing Alex' number once more.

After several rings, the call goes to voicemail yet again. I call Jason next, asking if he knows Alex' whereabouts, but unfortunately, he's just as clueless as I am. That little ball of worry grows, gnawing at me insistently. As angry as I am with Alex, he's still my mate, and this situation doesn't sit well with me at all.

I pace anxiously, my mind swirling with worry and unanswered questions.

"Where could he be?" I murmur to myself, desperate for any clue.

In a last-ditch effort, I dial the only otherperson I can think of who might know something. But she doesn't pick up either,and I can't say I'm surprised. I decide to head to the pack house. She willdefinitely be there.

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