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We stroll towards a beautiful restaurant nestled close to the beach, the gentle rhythm of crashing waves providing a soothing backdrop to push down the sense of dread that threatens to overwhelm me. At least the location is pleasant, I tell myself, trying to find a silver lining in this uncomfortable situation. To my surprise, Alpha Collins insists on ordering for both of us, assuring me that I'll love his choices. I don't argue; instead, I focus on ordering a glass of iced tea to soothe my frayed nerves while he opts for a simple cup of water.

As our lunch progresses, I find myself pleasantly surprised by Alpha Collins's behavior. True to his word, he steers our conversation towards substantive business matters, discussing the costs and logistics of the resort's new design plans. His focus remains squarely on the details, not allowing our previous tension to derail the discussion.

Emboldened by his professionalism, I decide to pitch some ideas I have been mulling over on how he could improve the resort's offerings and attract an even wider range of guests.

"Alpha Collins, if I may, I've given some thought to potential opportunities you may be overlooking," I begin, pulling out my notepad. "For instance, your resort currently caters primarily to couples and families. But what about tapping into the growing market for solo travelers and adventure seekers?"

I outline my vision for adding more adrenaline-fueled activities like rock climbing, ziplining through the forest canopy, and guided wilderness excursions. Alpha Collins listens intently, nodding along as I highlight how these experiences could boost the resort's appeal to younger, more adventurous demographics.

"Additionally, you could partner with local artisans and chefs to offer immersive cultural experiences," I continue, warming to my pitch. "Cooking classes, art workshops, vineyard tours - activities that truly allow guests to immerse themselves in the region's rich heritage."

As I speak, I watch a genuine smile spread across Alpha Collins's face. His eyes sparkle with interest, and for once, I sense that he's truly impressed by my ideas rather than simply lusting after me.

"You've given me much to consider, Miss Jefferson," he says when I finish. "I must admit, your concepts could open up exciting new revenue streams we hadn't explored. Please elaborate further on how you envision implementing these experiences."

"Certainly," I reply, leaning forward eagerly. "For the adventure activities, we could start by identifying underutilized areas of the resort grounds suitable for rock climbing walls or zipline courses. We'd need to invest in proper equipment and training for staff, but the revenue potential is significant."

I flip to a new page in my notepad, quickly jotting down some figures. "As for the cultural experiences, we could reach out to local artisans, farmers, and chefs to gauge their interest in partnering. Many may jump at the chance for exposure to the resort's affluent clientele. We could offer them space to lead workshops or classes, taking a percentage of the fees."

With growing enthusiasm, I continue to flesh out the details, addressing potential challenges and highlighting the benefits for the resort. Alpha Collins peppers me with questions, his mind clearly churning with possibilities. I find myself energized by his keen interest in outlining budget projections, marketing strategies, and operational plans.

As our lunch meeting stretches long into the afternoon, I realize two things: First, I have clearly underestimated Alpha Collins's business acumen and open-mindedness. And two, the chance to truly impress this powerful alpha ignites a drive I haven't felt in years. For the first time, I see a glimmer of potential in what I had previously dismissed as merely an arrogant playboy.

I lift my eyes to meet his gaze, and I'm struck by the unfamiliar expression I find there. Pride. No one has ever looked at me with such sincere admiration before, and the warmth that blossoms in my chest catches me off guard. It feels good to be appreciated for my intellect and contributions and mostly to be seen.

Lost in the moment, I reach for my drink, taking a sip as I hold Alpha Collins's gaze. But the sudden ringing of my phone shatters the spell, jolting me back to reality. A wave of guilt washes over me, and I quickly avert my eyes, fumbling for my phone as if I've been caught doing something wrong.

My stomach drops when I see Alex's name flashing on the screen. Why is he calling me now, after everything he's done? Anger and hurt battle within me as I reject the call, turning back to face Alpha Collins with a forced smile. I shouldn't feel guilty for enjoying a moment of connection with someone who actually values my worth, especially when Alex so easily dismissed me to be with Alice.

"Is everything alright?" Alpha Collins asks, his brow furrowed with concern as he studies my face.

I nod, not trusting my voice to remain steady. But a question burns in my mind, demanding to be asked. "Why are men never satisfied with one woman?" The words tumble from my lips before I can stop them, hanging in the air between us.

Alpha Collins's eyebrows shoot up in surprise, clearly taken aback by my bold inquiry. But he quickly composes himself, taking a thoughtful sip of his water before leaning back in his seat. His piercing gaze locks with mine as if he's trying to see into the depths of my soul.

"I can't speak for other men," he begins, his voice low and earnest. "But I..." He leans forward, his hand gently grasping mine on the table, our fingers intertwining. "I'm a one-woman man. And if you'd let me," he continues, his thumb brushing over my knuckles, sending a shiver down my spine, "I'll show you how it feels to be the only woman in my life."

My breath catches in my throat, my body frozen in place as his words wash over me. No man has ever spoken to me with such raw sincerity, such sensual promise. It's almost too much to bear, the intensity of his gaze, the heat of his touch.

"Hannah!" A familiar voice shatters the moment, and I yank my hand away from Alpha Collins's as if burned. My head whips around, searching for the source of the interruption, and my eyes widen in shock when I see Alex standing a few feet away, his face contorted with rage, his furious gaze fixed on Alpha Collins.

Shame and confusion swirl within me, my cheeks burning as if I've been caught in the act of betrayal. But why should I feel guilty? Alex has no right to judge me, not after the way he's hurt me. And yet, the weight of his accusatory stare presses down on me, making it hard to breathe. So I take a deep breath, steeling myself for whatever comes next. 

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