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That agonizing ache that tore through my heart the day I lied about still loving Alice rips through me again, even more excruciating this time. Watching Hannah's slender form walk away, her shoulders trembling as she fought back sobs, shattered what was left of my soul into a million pieces. I didn't even realize how deeply I cared for her until this nightmare unfolded. There is nothing I crave more in this moment than to chase after her, pull her lithe body into my arms, and drown in her intoxicating scent, murmuring reassurances that everything will be alright - even though I have no idea how to make that true. Fuck! The most torturous part of this hellish situation is that I understand why I can't refuse Alice's demands, but that knowledge changes absolutely fucking nothing.

My brothers and I are Alice's puppets, our wills stripped away by her intoxicating new scent. Lorenzo didn't waver from his obsessive devotion to her, so it only bound him tighter to her whims. With Cameron, I can see the flickers of doubt and inner turmoil in his pained eyes each time he answers her summons, but he is just as helpless as I am. My entire being vibrates with fury at being forced to obey her, but that rage is no match for the overwhelming compulsion to please her that her scent triggers. I have to break free of this because I can't keep shattering my beautiful mate's heart like this. I can't... and last night gave me a glimmer of hope.

Jane was able to uncover some information about the reason for Alice's altered scent and our inability to resist her pull. Apparently, there is a potion brewed by dark witches that allows the drinker to emit a scent, driving specific individuals to gradually lose their willpower and obey that person's every command, becoming obsessively devoted to them. With prolonged exposure, the victims essentially become mindless puppets, unaware of their enthrallment. An icy chill slithered down my spine when Jane revealed that last part. But her following words brought a flicker of hope - there is an antidote, though difficult to make. Jane is already working on brewing it. I'm praying she can create it before it's too late because I can't bear to imagine the consequences if she fails. Alice doesn't even let me out of her sight anymore. The only moments I'm away are when I absolutely must use the bathroom or shower, and I wouldn't put it past her to violate even those private moments if she could.

Since learning all this from Jane, I can't stop wondering where Alice obtained that insidious potion. How did she make contact with a dark witch? While werewolves and witches aren't sworn enemies, dark magic is still strictly forbidden by both our kinds, making such potions extremely difficult to acquire. I'm deeply disturbed by what Alice is becoming - resorting to the blackest of magic to force me to her side. I worry for Hannah's safety, and what depths Alice might stoop to if she dares to further consort with dark witches. I may be letting my fears run wild, and Alice may have no intention of harming a hair on Hannah's head, but I can't take that risk. Not when it comes to my mate's life. To compound my anxiety, I haven't heard from Jason in days. He traveled to another pack's territory to gather information, but the area has poor cell reception. I'm trying not to assume the worst, as he hasn't exceeded the agreed timeframe for his return, but the silence gnaws at me.

Determined to get some answers about the witch who supplied the potion, I cautiously broach the subject with Alice as she lounges in the chair before my desk.

"My new scent?" she says, her brow furrowing in transparent confusion. I give a slight nod.

"What are you talking about? My scent hasn't changed," she replies quickly, her gaze dropping to the floor.

"Really? Because to me, it seems quite different," I say, narrowing my eyes as I study her reaction. She's trying her best to conceal it, but my question has clearly made her nervous. I don't know if that bodes well, as the last thing I need is for her to suspect I'm aware of the true nature of her altered scent and its effects on us.

So I rapidly add, "Don't worry about it; my nose is probably just off. You still smell the same to me."

"Yeah, I do," she agrees, finally meeting my eyes again. It's as if she's trying to compel me with that piercing stare, her scent acting as an intoxicating balm to reinforce her words in my mind - though not in my heart, not yet, at least. But I can feel it slowly creeping in, seizing control. I need Jane to create that antidote soon before it's too late for me.

Later that night, once Alice is deep asleep, I carefully check to ensure she's out before slowly, silently slipping from our bed. She's been trying to initiate sex every night, so I've taken to feigning sleep before she joins me, thanking the moon goddess that Ruse has been working so far. But I suspect she's merely biding her time, waiting for the moment when her scent has fully entranced me, eliminating any possibility of my rejecting her advances. The thought makes me shudder, and I quickly shake it off as I step outside.

I make my way to the modest apartment I recently acquired and press the elevator call button for the tenth floor. It's not much, but it's perfect for my needs. Unlocking the door, I head straight for the window, shrugging off my jacket as I take a seat. I gaze through the glass at the woman lying on the couch, still in her work clothes, a pint of ice cream clutched in her hands - my beautiful, heartbroken mate. Fresh tear tracks stain her cheeks. When I noticed that she had stopped crying two days ago, I felt a fleeting surge of relief. But I'm not surprised the anguish has returned after the humiliation she endured today. Even if I were just her boss and not her mate, that alone would be enough to reduce her to tears.

My arms literally ache to cross that short distance to Mila's place, to gather Hannah's slender form against me, and finally confess the truth that she is my world, my everything. But the words won't come, bound by Alice's foul magic. All I can do is watch over her from afar, as I've done every night since this nightmare began. But soon, it will all be over. Soon, my beautiful, beloved mate. Soon.

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