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The sound of the bell snaps me out of my thoughts, and Bee grabs my hand, rushing us to class to avoid being late. As we enter, I notice everyone's eyes shifting towards me, their gazes filled with curiosity and whispers floating around the room. My brows furrow in confusion. Why are they all looking at me like that?

Their hushed conversations reach my ears, their words cutting through the air despite their attempts at secrecy.

"Did you see the photos?" one voice asks.

"Yes, I did. I can't believe she actually tried to force herself on Alex." another voice responds.

The words hit me like a blow to the stomach, and I feel a surge of disbelief rising within me.

"I know, so shameless," the first girl continues, fueling the fire of gossip.

"Did she really think he would go for a girl like her?" The disdain in their voices is palpable, and it stings.

"In her dreams," the other girl chimes in, her laughter ringing out in the classroom. By this time, tears I didn't know were already in my eyes. I couldn't believe they thought I threw myself at Alex, and which picture are they talking about? The weight of their accusations hangs heavy in the air, and I feel a mix of anger and hurt swirling inside me.

"Hey, you two!" Bee's voice cuts through the tension, her finger pointing accusingly at the girls who were gossiping.

"What?" one of them retorts defensively.

"If you say one more lie about my best friend, I will slap you so hard it will reset your stupid brain," Bee threatens, her words laced with venom.

"Hey!" The other girl erupts, rising to her feet in a fit of anger. "Who the hell do you think you are to talk to me like that?" she demands, her voice rising in anger.

"I am the girl who will remind you to fact-check before you talk," Bee fires back, her resolve unwavering as she stands her ground. I notice the entire class has turned to watch the confrontation unfold, their eyes fixed on us with varying degrees of interest and curiosity.

Sensing the escalating tension, I reach out and grab Bee's hand, trying to diffuse the situation before it spirals out of control. "It's okay," I interject softly, hoping to quell the rising animosity. "They're not worth the time."

"No, you didn't just do that," one of the girls seethes, her anger palpable as she takes offense to my dismissal.

I pivot to face her, my expression carefully composed into a mask of stern resolve, concealing the hurt her words have inflicted upon me.

"Yes, I did," I assert firmly, my voice steady despite the turmoil swirling within me. "You can gossip about me all you want, but that's all you can do—gossip. You're not doing anything better with your life."

She gasps, taken aback by my directness, her shock evident in the widening of her eyes and the parting of her lips.

"Let's go, Bee," I declare, grabbing my friend's hand and leading her back to our seats without giving the girl a chance to retaliate.

Just then, our teacher enters the room, apologizing for the delay, and the classroom gradually returns to its normal routine. Dropping my head, I let my hair fall forward, using it as a shield to conceal the vulnerability I feel. What a way to start my morning, I think to myself, my heart heavy with the weight of the confrontation.


Much to my relief, the rest of the day passes without any further mention of Alex or me. They all know Alex because he graduated from our school and he was pretty popular. In each class, I immerse myself in the lessons, grateful for the opportunity to focus on my studies without the distraction of gossip and speculation.

Heading to lunch with Bee, I try to push aside the lingering tension from earlier, hoping for a moment of peace. However, as I take a bite of my sandwich, Bee asks the question I've been dreading all day.

"Do I have to ask, or are you going to tell me yourself?" she inquires, her tone gentle yet probing, as she takes a sip of her orange juice.

I exhale deeply, my shoulders slumping in resignation. With a heavy heart, I tell her the events of the past few days. We've never kept secrets from each other, and I know I can trust her with the truth.

"Wow," Bee murmurs, her gaze fixed on me with a mixture of concern and disbelief.

"I know," I reply, acknowledging the weight of everything I've shared.

"How is Alice taking you being her mate's wife and second chance mate?" Bee questions, her brow furrowing in concern.

"From the rumors we heard on Monday, I'm guessing not well, and I'm not sure she knows about me being his second mate yet," I say

"True. And be careful. I wouldn't put it past her to try something more sinister," Bee warns.

"I wi—" My response is cut short as I suddenly feel liquid cascading down onto my head, drenching me in a cold, sticky mess. Gasping in shock, I blink in confusion, unable to comprehend what's happening.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Bee's voice cuts through the chaos, her tone sharp with anger as she confronts whoever is responsible for the sudden assault. I remain frozen in place, unable to move as the sauce drips down my body, my mind reeling with disbelief. What the hell just happened?

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