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My eyes flutter open for the second time, and I find myself in an unfamiliar surroundings, greeted by bright white lights that pierce through the haze of confusion. The sterile scent of antiseptic fills the air, carrying with it the distant echoes of hurried footsteps and muffled voices. Sitting up on the bed, I take in my surroundings, my brows furrowing as I realize I'm in what appears to be a hospital room. The walls are a muted shade of blue, adorned with framed landscapes that seem to try and inject a sense of calm into the clinical atmosphere. The faint hum of machinery provides a constant backdrop to the scene, punctuated by occasional beeps and whirs.



The sight of the hospital gown draped over me confirms my suspicions, its fabric thin. But it's the heart monitor beside my bed that drives home the reality of my situation, its rhythmic blips and spikes serving as a tangible link to the fragility of life.



"You're finally awake," a voice says from the opposite direction, and my head whips toward the sound to see Alex walking toward me. His appearance is disheveled, with bags under his eyes and an air of exhaustion hanging around him.



"Where am I?" I croak, my voice rough from disuse. I notice a pitcher and glass nearby and move to pour myself some water, but Alex beats me to it.



"Sky Pack hospital," he answers, handing me the glass, which I promptly down in one gulp.



"How did I get here?" I inquire, returning the glass to him.



Alex swallows hard, loosening his tie before speaking. I watch him closely, wondering why he seems hesitant to answer.



"Jason rescued you from the rouges," he finally replies, his voice strained. "He found it odd how you just ran off and put out a search for you immediately."



"I see," I respond, nodding slowly, my mind reeling with the implications of Jason's involvement. I should thank him once I see him.



"How are you feeling? Do you feel pain anywhere?" Alex asks, his concern palpable as he looks over me. I simply stare at him, the last scene in the rogue cell, before I pass out, replaying in my mind.



"Should I get the doctor?" he suggests, moving closer to me. I instinctively shift away, a surge of anger and betrayal coursing through me.



"I will get the doctor," he says, heading towards the door, ignoring my reaction.



"Why didn't you pick me?" I finally voice the question that has been haunting me since I saw him. He halts at the door but doesn't turn to face me.

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