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I slide off Alex and settle beside him, his arm wrapping around me as his fingers trace gentle circles on my belly. We sit in silence, neither of us uttering a word, just catching our breaths until Alex finally speaks.

"Was what I witnessed today a usual occurrence?" he inquires, his voice tinged with confusion. I toy with his fingers, tracing patterns on my belly. At that moment, I realized he must have wanted to talk about it earlier but was unable to due to the ceremony and our subsequent need to mate.

"But I don't understand. According to Alice, you were always the one who was pampered by your parents and harsh on her sister," Alex says, confusion evident in his voice.

"Can we not talk about it?" I interject, turning to face him. I don't want to discuss my parents or my difficult relationship with my sister. I didn't want to ruin the moment. He gazes at me for a moment before finally nodding, pulling me closer, and kissing me. The kiss begins slow and innocent, but as Alex' hands roam my body, it ignites a fiery passion in me, leaving me craving more - yearning for his searing mouth all over my skin.

He pulls away from my lips to trail kisses along my neck and sniffs on his mark. I expect him to continue down my body, but he stops, pulling his gaze to meet mine.

"Why can't I ever smell your scent?" he asks, his confusion evident. My brows furrow.

"You can't smell my scent?" I repeat his question slowly, genuinely bewildered. The idea that someone couldn't smell my scent was completely new to me.

"Yeah, I can't," he confirms.

"I don't know why. I didn't even know it couldn't be smelt," I reply honestly, as bewildered by this discovery as he is.

"That's fine," Alex murmurs huskily, his eyes drifting back down to my chest. My breasts grow taut under his molten gaze, nipples pebbling with pure want. "Now, where was I?" he smirks wolfishly, eyes locked on my peaked buds. Just as he leans in to capture one in that wicked mouth, his phone suddenly begins to ring, shattering the thick tension. He ignores the shrill sound, but it still manages to disrupt the heated moment, now the only noise pervading the otherwise silent room.

"I'll be back," he says, withdrawing from my body and moving to retrieve his clothes scattered on the floor. He pulls out his phone from his pants pocket and answers, not uttering a word as he listens intently to the caller. A minute later, he hangs up abruptly and starts dressing hurriedly.

"Is everything alright?" I ask, confusion knitting my brows as I watch him hastily clothe himself.

"Yeah, I just have some urgent business to deal with," he replies curtly, tugging his shirt over his head.

"Can I know what it's about?" I inquire, my curiosity piqued.

"No," he responds tersely.

"Hmm... Does it have anything to do with Alice?" The question escapes my lips before I can stop it, surprising us both. But can you blame me? He offers only a vague explanation for his sudden departure, leaving me to speculate. Jealousy rears its ugly head with my emotions in turmoil from our recent marking.

Alex pauses mid-motion as he laces his shoes but continues dressing without acknowledging my query. "What's that supposed to mean?" he bites out instead, deflecting.

White-hot anger flares in my chest. "You're going to meet her on our fucking engagement ceremony night!" I burst out, unable to contain the accusation any longer. How could I have been so naive? Seeing him defend me against Alice, promising to protect me - I actually thought I could trust him. Fool that I am.

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