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In the passing days, our packs are swept up in a whirlwind of activity as we immerse ourselves in training and the gradual process of building camaraderie. Hannah's once-resentful demeanor softens, bringing me immense relief and gratitude. Silently, I offer thanks to the Moon goddess for restoring harmony between us.

Our training sessions transcend mere physical exertion; they evolve into a melding of minds and spirits, showcasing the growing bond between Hannah and me. Side by side, we navigate the intricacies of combat, our movements synchronized with uncanny precision.

Today, as the sun sinks below the horizon and twilight descends, we find ourselves locked in a spirited training session against Cameron and Lorenzo. As we face our opponents, the air crackles with energy, our instincts sharpened by the challenge ahead.

Despite Cameron and Lorenzo's formidable skills, Hannah and I move as a united force, our actions flowing seamlessly. With each exchange, we anticipate one another's moves with shared intuition, countering our opponents with a grace that belies our strength.

In the end, victory is ours—a testament to the harmony and unity fostered through our shared experiences. As the adrenaline of battle fades, I turn to Hannah, a smile tugging at my lips.

"Would you like to take a moonlit walk by the lake with me?" I propose, my voice soft with anticipation.

Her eyes sparkle with warmth as she nods in agreement, her hand finding mine as we step into the night. In the serene embrace of moonlight, we stroll in comfortable silence, our bond deepening with each step.

"What did you want to talk about?" Hannah briefly turns to face me, her expression curious.

"Yeah, I did. I'm traveling for a few days."

"How long?" She asks a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"Just a couple of days to take care of things. When I'm back, we'll have our engagement ceremony, which I've been looking forward to," I reveal inadvertently, eliciting a smile from her.

I gaze at her, overwhelmed with relief and joy, to see she no longer harbors resentment towards me. I had feared that our disagreement would drive a permanent wedge between us, but her forgiveness has brought us closer than ever. Her smile fills me with warmth, and I find myself eagerly anticipating my return, even before I've left.


As Jason and I spar, his sudden question about Alex catches me off guard, causing my brows to furrow in confusion amidst our playful exchange.

"Last night. Why are you asking?" I respond, my breaths coming in panting intervals as I attempt to land a punch, only to miss his belly by inches.

"I can do this," Jason declares confidently, swiftly maneuvering behind me and ensnaring me in a chokehold.

"Well played," I concede with a chuckle, tapping on his arm around my neck to signal my submission.

"A man's gotta do what he can to win against you," he remarks, releasing his hold and stepping in front of me.

I smirk in response, a swell of pride filling my chest as I realize his need to distract me to gain the upper hand.

"But still, how are things with Alex? You must miss him a lot," Jason probes, causing a flush to creep up my cheeks at his astuteness.

"I miss him so much, Jason," I admit, pouting slightly at the ache of longing for Alex's presence.

"Don't worry, he'll be back soon," Jason reassures me, offering a comforting pat on my shoulder.

"I can't wait," I reply eagerly, just as my phone begins to ring, interrupting our conversation.

"Excuse me," I say hastily, retrieving my phone from my back pocket and answering the call.

"Hello?" I greet the caller.

"Hi Hannah, it's Alice," the voice on the other end replies.

"Alice?" I momentarily pull the phone away from my ear to check the caller ID, finding none displayed. I'm taken aback, as Alice rarely calls, and her number is saved in my contacts.

"Yeah, it's me. Alex and his brother are back," Alice continues.

"Really?" I respond, a surge of excitement coursing through me at the news.

"Yeah. Alex asked me to tell you to come by the moon lake. He's waiting for you there," Alice informs me.

"Thank you so much. I will be there shortly." I hang up and take off towards the moonlit lake, my heart pounding with anticipation. As I dash through the woods, Jason's voice trails behind me, but I'm too focused on reaching my destination to respond. Each stride carries me closer to the rendezvous point, the urgency of the moment propelling me forward with determination.

Upon arrival, my brow furrows in confusion and concern as neither Alex nor his brothers are in sight. Pushing deeper into the surrounding forest, I call out their names, the echoes of my voice bouncing off the trees with no response.

Suddenly, a rustling behind a nearby bush jolts me, and I whirl around just in time to see a small creature darting out, sending me into a startled scream as my heart leaps in my chest. As the realization hits that it's just a harmless mouse, I exhale sharply, my hand pressed against my chest to steady my racing heart.

Before I can fully regain my composure, a voice whispers behind me, sending a shiver down my spine. I turn to face a stranger standing dangerously close, his presence unnerving.

"Who are you?" I demand, instinctively stepping back, but grip my arm, preventing my escape.

"Why are you holding me? Let go!" I struggle against his grasp, but his hold only strengthens as he pulls me closer, our bodies colliding uncomfortably.

"You will find out soon," he murmurs ominously before delivering a sharp blow to the side of my neck.

I attempt to utter a response, but the world spins, and darkness engulfs me before I can comprehend what's happening, leaving me with one bewildered thought echoing in my mind: What the fuck just happened?

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