The Wishing App

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I originally never really meant to be fat, it just kinda happened.

I was a relatively thin person throughout high school. Never fat, but never really skinny either, averaging 160-170 pounds until the end of Grade 12. Being the second son out of 4 boys in the family, I had a pretty active life. However, most of the time I preferred staying in and playing online video games with friends.

This all changed when I moved away for university – my residence had an all-you-can-eat meal plan. This ended up causing an accidental freshman 15… in the first 4 months. Not that I minded the weight gain, but it was definitely different for me now that I was becoming “fat”. No one in my family was “big”, but I always marvelled at how fat people can be. I always dreamed of being the fattest person in the world, but how would I get there? Who would take care of me and why? So, I just kept these thoughts to myself.

My weight went up and down throughout university, but by the time I graduated I tipped the scales at 220 pounds – the biggest I had ever been. My mother always seemed concerned about the weight gain, but I always just shrugged my shoulders in response to her trying to get me to exercise and eat healthier. Of course I cared, but I wanted to have a bit of fun.

It wasn’t until the summer after I graduated university that my life changed forever.

I didn’t have a job yet, and currently wasn’t in a relationship. Having nothing to do in life at the moment, I stayed with my parents and younger brothers since I still had a room at home. My older brother was off doing some fancy stuff with his Master’s degree, but I just felt lost at this point in my life, so I didn’t mind staying with my family while I figured things out.

My younger brothers were still in high school, so I hung out with them whenever they weren’t busy. But most of the time, I spent in my room with my computer or other electronics. With my bedroom being the only bedroom on the ground level of our house, it was nice to laze around on one floor.
One day, while my parents were at work and my brothers at school, I decided to look around on my phone to see if I could occupy myself with some cool apps. Heck, maybe I’ll find a workout app and shed off my university weight since I’ve got nothing to do… But you know, I’ve gotten pretty used to the extra poundage. Anyways, I happened to come across a weird app with very high ratings. It was simply just called the “Wishing App” and all of its reviews were 5-stars, all saying that the app worked perfectly well.

But it was probably fake. Right? I mean I’ve heard of “prayer apps” where you type a prayer into your phone and then it “comes true” but that stuff was pretty bogus. But while I was trying to rationalize it in my head, I hadn’t noticed that I hit the download button. Oops.

So, there it was on my phone. I opened it up and a single message popped up:

Please type in your wish (5 remaining).

Well I guess I’ll give it a shot. So I typed out my “wish” to see what would happen:

“I wish to always have and endless supply of food”

This can’t be real. I figured I might as well go with something ridiculous.

Wish granted (4 remaining). Thank you for using our app.

And just like that, a large refrigerator appeared across from my bed. I opened it and lo and behold, large amounts of foods were packed into this fridge. I’m dreaming right? This can’t be real… So I tried a cupcake that was sitting in the fridge, and it was extremely real.

I opened the app again to see if there were any specific rules about wishes I could make, and the biggest no-no was wishing for money or power. So… I guess I’ll have fun with it right? I’ve always wanted to be fat.

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