Chubby Thighs

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“Maybe you should try women’s pants,” Oboro is just teasing, Takumi knows, but the idea burns in his chest and he can already feel his cheeks staining red, “or- or not! That wasn’t supposed to be mean or anything, just a tip. They’re a lot more forgiving as far as stretch goes.”

“I… I don’t think I could do that,” Takumi sat down outside of the changing room, rubbing at his face. He had come out shopping with Oboro- a childhood friend who had helped him determine his lack of interest in women- hoping to find out what his new size was now that his gaining had plateaued. While usually he would have just used a measuring tape, the clothing he was trying still didn’t seem quite right.

“I mean, it’d be understandable if I was just a size off or something but no- it’s these fucking thighs!” Takumi wrapped his hands around one, earning a chuckle from Oboro.

“Welcome to womanhood,” she teased, pulling Takumi up, “c’mon, we can get something really plain and then you don’t have to worry about looking too flaming- because of course, you aren’t.”

“You’re awful,” Takumi muttered, allowing Oboro to drag him along into the women’s section. He could feel his shoulders bunching up the closer they got, staring at Oboro’s feet rather than accidentally catch eye contact with any of the employees. Who had ever heard of a fat guy shopping for women’s pants? Gods this was the worst.

“These could be special occasion pants,” Oboro hummed, turning and looking Takumi over, “maybe a sixteen… or an eighteen if you want some extra give- you know, your butt is going to look a lot better-“

“I don’t need my butt to look like anything!” Takumi suddenly hissed, wishing he could pull his hoodie over his head and drown out the rest of the world, “how come you always make shopping like this the absolute worst? I should have brought Hinata!”

“Hinata has tried to get you to wear jeans to formal events in the past, don’t forget that,” Oboro tossed over her shoulder, ignoring the sour pout Takumi was intent on giving her instead of helping. She dug through a few pairs of pants before pulling one out, looking it over.

“Mm… dark wash will look good with whatever you wear, especially with your skin tone,” she hummed, looking back to Takumi again, “well, let’s see if I guessed right. Go try these on!”

“Takumi? You said you wanted to show me something?” Leo called as he entered the house, setting his bag down before slipping his shoes off and tossing his lunch bag to the counter. Usually, Takumi didn’t say things like this unless he thought it’d be something… special, but Leo had thought Takumi and Oboro had simply gone out for a wardrobe update. Had he splurged on some sort of lingerie instead? Just the idea had Leo hot under the collar.

“Oh! Wait wait, hold on!” Takumi said quickly, his voice coming from the bedroom, “I want you to see what Oboro and I got today!” There was scrambling, the sound of paper and plastic crumbling from behind the half-closed door, and Leo had half a mind to peek in himself.

“Okay, you can come in now!” Takumi said, perched on the end of the bed. So it was definitely a clothing reveal, and most definitely going to be something he could use to tease Leo with. Gods Takumi loved this sort of thing.

Takumi was most definitely in women’s clothing. While Leo wouldn’t usually be so keen to keep up with any sort of fashion trends, he knew no men’s casual wear cinched a figure that tight. The soft jersey knit of Takumi’s v-neck hugged his body close, wrapping tightly around his chest and showing off the exact curves of his belly, hidden only by the short-sleeved button-up he had to cover his shoulders. The lower Leo looked, the more captivated he was until, impossibly even, things got better.

Takumi had an amazing ass- even before he had packed on the pounds he had been sculpted perfectly, something soft and firm and oh so wonderful for squeezing and pinching and getting those little gasps out of. Size had certainly not diminished its appeal either, only accentuated the curves and expanded the area of which Leo could grab. What was new, however, were those thighs.

“Isn’t it nice?” Takumi asked, striking an out-of-character pose just to tease Leo. Usually, he wasn’t so bold when they didn’t have plans, but Leo could see why he had suddenly turned up the dial. Those thighs were screaming in their denim casing, begging to be set free, to be grabbed and kissed and covered in bruises, and Takumi could tell exactly what Leo was thinking.

“I… never thought I’d see you in women’s clothing,” Leo said simply, taking careful, deliberate steps toward Takumi. He wanted to tease him, to poke fun and call him names, but he couldn’t think of anything. To be left speechless was certainly an odd occurrence for Leo.

“Is that all?” Takumi asked with a pout, crossing his arms, “I mean, I got some actual clothes to wear too, so don’t think I blew everything on a home outfit-“

“You don’t want to wear that out tonight?” Leo asked, looking over Takumi’s shirt combo, “it does have a feminine look to it, but I’m certain you could pull it off.”

“You really think so?” He asked, picking at the hem of his shirt before sitting back on the bed. Leo watched the fat of his thighs pool out, the fabric of the jeans giving just enough to let them melt and round out and suddenly Leo found himself occupying that space like it was an empty seat at the table.

“I know you could,” he purred, arms wrapped around Takumi’s neck, “give you a chance to test out how stretchy this stuff really is. Isn’t that the appeal?” Takumi’s gaze was suddenly heavy, lips parted with a breathy gasp.

“Y-you’re right,” Takumi murmured, wrapping his arms around Leo’s waist, “these are clothes made for curvy people. And even then… I had to go a size up-“

“You got a size bigger? Are you expecting to grow into them?” While Leo teased, the idea wasn’t off the table. Sure Takumi’s weight was leveling off, but it didn’t mean they couldn’t squeeze a few more pounds on.

“No- I mean, maybe- eventually- but I had to. My thighs weren’t happy in anything else,” Takumi chuckled, “as you can tell, they make a pretty good seat.

“I noticed,” Leo said, pressing a soft kiss to Takumi’s neck before climbing off his lap, hands going to grip the expanse of Takumi’s thighs, “they were already big enough when you were all fit and muscley. Now, look how big they’ve gotten~” Leo squeezed for emphasis, watching Takumi’s gaze grow dark again.

“They were a pain in the ass,” Takumi muttered, hands trailing along beside Leo’s, “but… that’s why Oboro suggested the jeans, you know? And I think it worked out fairly well.”

“I think it was an amazing idea. I’ll have to thank her next time she’s over,” Leo said softly, squeezing Takumi’s legs once more, “for now, though, I think I’d like some time to get reacquainted with these monsters.”

“Gods you’re such a dork,” Takumi said, turning his head away in an attempt to hide his blush. Still, he allowed Leo to slot himself between his legs, trying his best not to let the gentle praise coming from Leo’s lips make him feel too flushed.

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