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“This was an awful idea,” Takumi muttered, pulling close to Leo, “Not being with you- you know that, right? I meant the whole… inviting them along.”

Leo rolled his eyes, “Just because you can’t handle a scary story or two doesn’t mean it was a bad idea. You had fun showing Kiragi how to track those deer, doesn’t that count for something?”

Current the two were bundled up together near a crackling campfire, the sound of buzzing insects and night birds beginning to fill the air as the sun set behind the trees. Takumi had been dreaming about this camping trip for weeks, planning just how he was going to keep Forrest and Leo from whining about how dirty they’d be getting to how he could get away with getting completely filthy with Kiragi while fishing or tracking.

For the most part, all had been going according to plan. While Leo wasn’t a fan of the bugs and mud, he knew more about the plants and topography of the forest than Takumi did, and that information had been enough to supplement his and Forrest’s curiosities while Takumi threw Kiragi into the river. It didn’t help that Leo abhorred physical activity, but even with slowing their paces to match his gait the small troup had made considerable progress in their hike.

“Mm, I guess,” Takumi hummed, leaning against Leo’s shoulder, “But Camilla and Corrin are being so mean with their stories. They both know I’m not into ghosts.”

“You mean they both know you believe in all sorts of crazy things?” Leo teased, poking at Takumi’s side and getting a jump out of him.

“It’s not crazy! There are all sorts of animals science hasn’t discovered yet, and aliens have to exist! Space is just too big otherwise!” Takumi scowled, pushing himself away from Leo and crossing his arms.

“Just because they may theoretically exist doesn’t mean they’ll be swooping down to grab you in the middle of the night,” Leo said, shrugging his shoulders when Takumi didn’t return to his side, “fine, have it your way. You’re going to get cold again soon enough.”

“Shut up, no I won’t,” Takumi muttered, pulling his jacket tighter around his shoulders.

Yes, things had been going well, with the day still carrying the warm heat of summer and the night cooling off just like the crisp fall days that still lay ahead, but Takumi had not been expecting to run into Camilla and Corrin during their hike. Although they were the ones who had recommended the ‘big brother’ program to the couple, Takumi didn’t know that they were active participants themselves. Kana, the almost too-small boy toddling between them, had to be just barely old enough to tackle the play trails. Then again, that’s probably why they were set up in a cabin rather than the tents Takumi had insisted on bringing.

“Are you going to eat that whole bag,” Takumi asked, watching Leo grab out a marshmallow and carefully thread it onto a roasting skewer.

“Again with the fat jokes,” Leo muttered, putting it over the flame, “I would have expected the kids to be the ones being mean but no, it’s my own boyfriend.”

“Oh hush, you love it,” Takumi hummed, scooting closer to Leo once more. Said kids were currently in the bathroom with Camilla and Corrin, washing up after Kiragi decided to get in a ‘s’more fight’ with Kana and completely gunk up both of their hair. While Takumi had offered to go with them, the girls insisted the two boys stay together. “Valuable alone time” Camilla had called it, completely understanding just how much she could tease Takumi in only a few words.

“That’s beside the point,” Leo pushed at Takumi’s shoulder, “aren’t you ignoring me? No cuddling, you’re being punished now.”

“Because I said a fat joke or because I believe in the completely rational idea that some alien monster could climb out of those woods and- gods I’m freaking myself out now,” Takumi shook his head, fighting against Leo’s arm to pull himself closer again, “fuck you, and your sister.”

“Little ears, Takumi,” Camilla’s voice suddenly chimed behind him, causing Takumi to jump, scream, and fall over in that order.

“Gods! How are you so good at that?” Takumi rubbed at his face, ignoring the giggling from the boys, “no fair, I’ve been hunting my whole life and yet you can still sneak up on me. Ugh.”

“It’s a big sister thing, you wouldn’t understand,” Camilla purred, placing a kiss on the top of his head before going to sit on the other side of the fire, Corrin and Kana following close behind.

“Get your hands off that,” Takumi turned to Kiragi, catching the boy in the act of sneaking another marshmallow, “you’re all cleaned up now, and besides, anymore and you’ll get a belly ache.”

“Well how come Leo gets to eat more? He’s already had a lot!” Kiragi whined, pouting and crossing his arms. If Takumi had been just a few years older (or straight), he may have gotten a paternity test on Kiragi. They were just too damn similar to not be related.

“Leo’s a full grown man and can make his own decisions,” Takumi picked himself up, brushing off his pants before sitting on the bench beside Leo again, “besides, you’re going to bed soon. No more sugar.”

“You too Forrest,” Leo cut in, snatching the chocolate bar from his fingers, “and this is only my second s’more. I waited for you guys to finish yours before I started making my own.”

It was Forrest’s turn to stick out his tongue now, a habit he had completely gotten from Kiragi. Takumi smiled, remembering just how shy he had been when they had all met for the first time. Now sat a bubbly, confident young boy, hair in braids showing Camilla’s detailed work.

“Are you guys having fun?” Takumi asked, leaning against Leo again.

“I’m dirty and cold and there are bugs out,” Forrest muttered, “and Leo won’t give me anymore chocolate. So-“

“Yes!” Kiragi cut him off, jumping onto his feet, “Takumi, can we go to the river again tomorrow? I was talking to Forrest and I think I have a plan on how to catch a huge catfish!”

“I told you no catfish wrangling,” Takumi pointed at the boy, “you’ll get stabbed and then we’ll have to go to the hospital.”

“That’s not true! Corrin said you’re just making up scary stories to pull a prank on me! Fish don’t have knives!” Kiragi stubbornly said, crossing his arms.

“No,” Takumi snickered, echoed by Leo’s own muffled laughter, “but catfish have spikes. How about we go fishing with a real rod next week and I show you just how pokey they can be.”

“You’ll let me catch one?” Kiragi was suddenly bright eyed again, nearly bouncing on his heels. The ‘no more sugar’ rule was definitely worth it.

“Mm, maybe, but I’ll definitely let one get you!” Takumi couldn’t resist reaching out and poking his ribs, laughing along with Kiragi after.

“Ooh, actually, that sounds like another story I heard-“ Corrin started before Takumi perked up.

“No, no more stories! I’m already not going to be able to sleep because of you two,” Takumi said but was soon drowned out by the other boys- including Leo- chanting for another scary story. Takumi huffed, pulling his jacket hood up and cuddling closer to Leo while muttering about how mean everyone was.

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