Size Envy

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⚠️ Sexual Language

April stared at her boyfriend like a little girl who watches her baby brother get a new train set for Christmas. Jordan had gotten exactly what he wished for: bigger junk. His member was so big that he could barely stuff it down his pants leg. The fact that he had to replace all of his pants didn’t faze him. It was all worth it so that he could strut around, his balls nearly dragging across the ground, utterly unconcerned about who might be watching. April wanted in.
       She slammed her fist down on the table. “How’d you get so big?”
      Jordan glanced at her from behind his newspaper. “Pardon?”
      “You heard me. How could you get so big so fast? Why didn’t you tell me? You didn’t think that I has any input about how big I wanted your dick to be?”
      Jordan reached around his balls (they were sitting in his lap) and picked his teacup off the table. “Well, do you have any objections?”
      “No,” she pouted. “But you could have taken me along. I want to be big too.”
      “You don’t have a penis, April. You can’t get a bigger one if you don’t have one.”
      “Yeah, well…maybe I could’ve wished for one. Did you ever think of that?” She crossed her arms and sulked. “It’s not fair. I want to be big too.”
      “Look,” Jordan sighed, putting down his tea. “I didn’t think it would make you this upset. I thought that you’d be happy that I got so big. You seemed really happy when I got home yesterday.”
      “Well, that was yesterday. I thought about it and now I don’t think it’s fair.”
      “Was that before or after we made love?”
      April blushed. “That’s got nothing to do with it. Just because we fuck each other doesn’t mean that I’m not right, and it doesn’t mean that you can go out get some witch to make your penis grow without your girlfriend.”
      It didn’t quite happen that way, Jordan explained. Yesterday, he was sitting in traffic, driving home when a witch suddenly appeared in his car. She ordered him to get and walk into the nearby park, where she offered him one wish. This was a required service. Every magical being, in order to keep their powers, had to perform at least one act of altruism. She offered him one wish, and he wished for a giant dick. When she was done, she told Jordan that if he ever tried to find her again, she’d turn him into a cockroach and crush him under her heel. She cackled and disappeared, leaving Jordan to drag his lengthened appendage back through the park and load it into his car.
      “What was I going to tell the witch?” Jordan asked. “I couldn’t ask her to wait for me to get you. She would’ve shrunk my head, if I was lucky.”
      “You could’ve told her that this was too important to do without talking to your girlfriend first.”
      “I’m sorry.”
      “No you’re not. You’re just saying that.”
      Patient sighed. “So, you’re saying that you don’t like the giant penis and testicles?”
      “I didn’t say that, and you know it,” she pouted.
      Silence filled the house.
      “You know,” Jordan smiled. “That’s the first time I’ve seen you blush in ages.”
      “Don’t get used to it,” she huffed.
      Jordan sat up. He wrapped his arms around his nut sack the way you would grab an armful of groceries, and gently lowered them to the ground. Then, he braced himself against his chair and the table and slowly rose to his feet. He grabbed his penis and tucked it under his arm so that it wouldn’t drag across the carpet, and he limped over to April’s side of the table, his nuts swinging like the pendulum on a grandfather clock. April wouldn’t look at him, so she turned away, her arms still crossed.
      “You know I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you, sugar.”
      “I don’t feel hurt,” she muttered. “I’m just angry—angry that you did something fun and I didn’t.”
      “Last night wasn’t fun?”
      April felt Jordan’s hand on her shoulder. It was warm and firm, just like always. “Last night was fun. It’s just…I would’ve…”
      April turned red again, but she kept her head turned so that Jordan wouldn’t see. “I always wanted to get bigger. I don’t mean a bigger penis—actually, a big penis would be nice, but if I couldn’t get a penis then I would’ve been happy with something else. It would really have made my year.”
      “I didn’t know.” He kissed her on top of her head. He toyed with her sky-blue braid. “If I had known, I never would’ve gone without you.”
      “You say that now…”
      “I mean it. After all, the only thing that makes a giant penis worthwhile is a thick, juicy girlfriend. You don’t think I’d pass that up, do you?”
      April began to soften, but she still refused to look at Jordan. She could still feel his warm hand on her shoulder, threatening to melt her icy demeanor.
      “I would take you to that witch in a heartbeat if I thought that she would make you grow, but she’s not the kind of person you trifle with. I don’t want to go back to that forest again.”
      “What if it was for me?”
      He paused. “Of course, I would, if I thought it would do any good.”
      “Then what’s stopping you?”
      “One big thing,” Jordan replied. “You know that hand on your shoulder?”
      April turned and looked.
      “That’s not my hand.”
      His thick, heavy, massive cock was sitting on her shoulder. The head drooped over her chest, drooling from the inch-long slit in the top. Slowly, the head rose, turning dark red as it stiffened.
      “Why don’t we have a little more fun together, right here in the dining room?”
      “You,” April stammered. “You think that you can just…wave that little, pathetic dick…and I’ll just—“
      “Go ahead, Sugar. Walk away.”
      April wrapped her arms around Jordan’s member and hugged it to her chest. She tucked it underneath her sweater, rubbing it between her breasts, pushing it up through the neck of her sweater and making out with it. She kissed it, licking up the little stream of pre-cum that was already leaking out of the top. She ran her tongue under the hood, nibbling on it with her lips. It was so warm, hot, and heavy. The salty taste was just the thing to get her started.
      A few hours later, they were lying on the floor, sticky, sweating, and naked. The rug needed a shampoo and the furniture had to be re-upholstered. Still, Jordan fell asleep in her arms. April remained awake, picking strings of jizz out of his hair.
      “Don’t want to see that witch again?” she smirked. “We’ll see about that.”
      Jordan had to go to work the next day, and he spent most of his lunch hour explaining his giant bulge to his coworkers. When he was finished, he hitched up his pants, the other men in the office glancing jealously out of the corner of their eyes. Jordan took a moment to let his massive balls swing between his legs, and opened the door.
      The witch was standing on the other side.
      She just as surprised as Jordan was. They stared at each other for a few moments, and Jordan slowly closed the door again.
      “I think I’ll stay here for a little while longer—“
      The door exploded and the witch jumped inside, hugging Jordan from behind and knocking him on the ground. He scrambled to escape, crawling away as she held onto his legs, frantically trying to escape and make a break for it. He kept his eyes closed, thinking that it might keep him from seeing her again, and maybe help him avoid turning into a cockroach.
      “Stay where you are!”
      “Never! He squeezed his eyes shut. “You can’t curse me if I can’t see you.”
      “Get back here!” The witch reached out and grabbed his balls. Her long, sharp fingernails duck into his pants.
      Jordan squealed. “Okay! Turn me into a cockroach. Just let go.”
      “Not yet,” she cackled. “You’re going to be my shield.”
      Jordan cringed as the witch tightened her grip, but he heard someone else step into the doorway. It was April, her hair singed and her face covered in soot.
      “Well, are you going to give me a wish or not?”
      The witch scrambled to her feet, still holding Jordan’s testicles. “Stay back! I’ve got your boyfriend.”
      “Drop him, or I’ll take your broomstick and ram it right up your—“
      “April!” Jordan interrupted. “What are you doing?”
      “Is this the witch that gave you a big dick?”
      “Why are you covered in soot?”
      “You answer my question first.”
      “Don’t get near me, or the boy gets it.” She dug her nails deeper into Jordan’s balls. “You tried to burn my forest down, but you’re not going to get me.”
      “What?” Jordan cried.
      “I wouldn’t have needed to if you just granted my wish. Now I have to pull out the dynamite.”
      “Dynamite?” Jordan cried. “April, don’t!”
      “You won’t set off that dynamite in front of your boyfriend,” the witch sneered. She sunk her nails deeper into Jordan’s balls so deep that he squealed like a frightened rabbit. “Go ahead, you don’t have the guts.”
      “She has the guts,” Patient peeped.
      April pulled a cluster of dynamite out of her handbag, like the kind you see in cartoons. Her braid was still smoldering so, she grabbed it and brought it closer to the fuse.
      “You think you can intimidate me? I’m a witch.”
      April touched the smoldering hair to the fuse. The fuse lit up.
      “Listen,” Jordan panted, trying not to move and the nails sunk deeper into his testicles. “She doesn’t want to kill you. All she wants is a wish.”
      “A what?” the witch snapped.
      “A wish! She’s jealous.”
      “She wants balls too?”
      “No—I mean, maybe. I don’t know.”
      The fuse was burning lower. All of the men in the room dove for cover.
      “Just grant her the wish and she’ll leave you alone.”
      “Shut up.” The witch was sweating. Jordan was sweating. Even April was sweating. They all stared; the fuse sparking and burning lower, and lower, and lower...
      “Fine! I’ll grant you one wish.”
      “Let go of my boyfriend.”
      The witch let go. Jordan breathed a sigh of relief as April licked her fingers and snuffed the fuse. All of Jordan’s coworkers sighed in relief.
      “What do you want?” the old witch grumbled.
      April took a deep breath. “I want to be the curviest, the juiciest, and the bustiest girl in the entire universe!”
      The witch agreed. “But I don’t want to see you ever again.”
      “We’ll see,” April grinned.
      The witch raised her magic broom. She closed her eyes and started chanting, and within a few moments, the sky outside grew dark. Lightning flashed and thunder boomed, and when the witch opened her eyes, they glowed like coals. She pointed her withered finger at April and exclaimed in a fierce, raspy voice, “Grow!”
      A beam of white light hit April. She shivered and her eyes rolling back into her head. She levitated for a few moments, but as soon as the magic light dissipated and she crumpled to the floor like a string-less marionette.
      “There! Now, leave me alone!” The witch was disappeared into a column of fire and was gone.
      Jordan dragged himself over to April and tried to wake her up. “Come on, Sugar, it’s me! Wake up, please!”
      Her eyes opened. She looked down at her body “It’s working. I can feel it.”
      Her tank top started to creak. Her small, perky breasts were blowing up. They started out as little lumps. Her little nipples jutted into the tight fabric. As her tits got larger, they began to bulge over the top of her B-cup bra. A little shelf of flesh was piling up on top of the lavender cups, pushing up until April’s plump cleavage emerged through her collar like soap suds in an overfilled washing machine.
      Suddenly, her jeans began to creak too. April’s butt was getting bigger, pushing her higher off the ground as more and more flesh piled up on her backside. Her jeans tore open and April’s thighs bulged between the seams. The stitches popped like firecrackers as April’s lithe legs thickened like country hams. Within a minute, April’s thighs were as thick as telephone poles.
      “Oh my God...” April drooled as her pants split apart. She poked the little bulges swelling through the holes in her pants and started to giggle. Suddenly, the giggling stopped.
      “What’s wrong?” Jordan said.
      “My hips,” she squeaked. “They’re getting wider.” She put her hands on her hips, looking back and forth as her hips spread her hands apart. Suddenly, her hands flew to her crotch.
      “Now what?” Jordan asked.
      She blushed. There were so many holes in her jeans that they looked like a spider web. As the last of April’s pants dissolved like tissue paper, she kept her hands on her crotch. Her face was getting redder. A little smile spread across her tight-lips. That look drove Jordan crazy.
      “What’s wrong, Sugar?”
      “My...” She suddenly grew bashful. After a few nervous giggles, she whispered. “I’m getting big between my legs.”
      As she covered her crotch with both hands, April’s swelling breasts started to get in the way. They had grown so big that they slipped out of her bra, escaping from the cups simply by surging over the cups like a wave destroying a wall of sand. Her shirt stretched out like a rubber glove. Jordan could see her nipples outlined beneath the thin fabric. They were so big that they soon started to bulge out from under April’s tank top. Only her arms held them in, but the bigger her tits got, the more they pushed her arms out of the way. The more her arms moved, the harder it was for her to cover up her crotch.
      Jordan could see flashes of pink, glistening flesh between April’s fingers. Her entire crotch seemed to be bulging out. Her mons was getting thicker and thicker. Her panties were still on, getting tighter and straining to stay in place. At first, they got wedged in the middle of April’s crotch, getting tighter and tighter until April managed to yank the tightening underwear out of her slit and pull it off to her side. She was glistening under her fingers. The bigger she grew, the tighter her panties stretched until they snapped in half like a runner band.
      Her breasts were as big as her head. April’s shirt was nothing but an overstretched bra so thin that it was cutting into her flesh. Her breasts bulged under the hem. They bulged though the neck. They bulged through the sleeves. The shirt was getting so thin that it was practically transparent. It covered her nipples and kept her breasts from bulging out, but it would not last long. Her breasts were in the way, pushing her arms out of the way and showing Jordan was he wanted to see. His pants were already tight from watching his girlfriend grow, but now he might not be able to hold himself down.
      April’s pussy was glistening as if covered in honey. The slit between her legs had grown longer. Her labia pushed out like the wings of a butterfly. Her lips, covered in sparse, dark hair, were too thick and swollen so large that it was difficult for April to close her massive legs. She was so hot that Patient could see steam rising up from between her legs.
      Suddenly, April’s top ripped apart. Her breasts bounced out like two basketballs, so big that they touched the tops of her thickening thighs. April stopped trying to cover herself up and lifted her breasts in each hand. She hoisted them up, dropping them and groaning as they bounced back onto her legs. The growth was slowing. The swelling stopped. April sat on the floor, her clothes nothing but a pile of rags, her body glistening with sweat. She stopped playing with herself long enough to stagger to her feet.
      April’s hips were so wide that she would have to walk through doors sideways for the rest of her life. Even then, she would have to do it carefully, because her massive ass cheeks would brush against the doorpost every single time. Her massive undercarriage was supported by a pair of thighs as thick as tree trunks. They jiggled and shook whenever she took a step, and when they slapped together they sounded like thunder. Between them, snug between the soft, juicy flesh of April’s thighs, was her swollen, pink cunt. April’s hips were so wide and her pussy so big that she could have passed a watermelon between them without even noticing.
      She cradled her breasts, one in each arm, letting her arms sink and disappear into the ocean of warm flesh. Her areolas were as wide as pancakes, and her nipples as thick as soda cans. She lifted her breasts up to her chin and she stared Jordan in the eye. She didn’t say anything. She only looked. His cock swelled so much that it was ripping through his custom-made pants.
      The men in the break room quietly packed up their things and slipped out the door. Jordan grabbed April’s massive teats. April squeezed his cock between her massive thighs. They crumpled to the floor, exploring one another, eliciting shrieks and squeals as they found new buttons to push and sensitive spots to tease. Soon, Jordan was lying on the floor, naked. April sat on her knees, straddling his stomach with her ballooning ass pointed at his face. Jordan’s cock pointed straight up in the air, getting even harder as she wrapped her tits around it.
      “Ready?” she cooed.
      “Ready? What do you mean, ‘ready’? I’ve been ready for this since—“
      April ran her fingers up the soft underside of his dick. Pre-cum oozed out of his slit as her long nails scratched his velvety skin. “Are you ready?” she grinned.
      “I’m ready,” Jordan panted.
      She rose up. She sank down. She pressed the weight and warmth of her tits against his throbbing member, but never too fast. She didn’t want him to explode until she was ready. She would make him feel every inch of his cock, and every ounce of her curves before this was over. Up and down she floated, rubbing her tits on his cock, slowing down and even stopping when she felt him swell or heard him gasp, and then, when she felt him relax she’d start again.
      Jordan was trying not to blow. He wanted her on top of him as long as possible. If he could stay like this forever, never coming, building anticipation for the rest of his life, he would be happy. He used all of his stamina and every distraction he could think of, to keep from coming. He couldn’t even look at April’s ass as it bounced against his chest. Even the sound of her cheeks slapping against his sweaty torso were too much to bear.
      “Please,” he begged after half an hour. “I feel like I’m going to pop.”
      “Not yet,” April growled, wrapping her thighs around his dick. “I’m still having fun.”
      “Don’t you dare come,” she warned. “I’ll burn your fucking house down.”
      “Sugar, it’s your house too.”
      “I don’t give a shit.” She kissed the head of his penis, licking the pre-cum out of the hole with her tiny tongue.
      Jordan dug his fingers into the carpet and stared at the ceiling. He started thinking about paint drying, carpools, and computer repair: anything that wasn’t sexy.
      “Don’t come.” April stood up and stood between his legs. She put one leg up on a chair, and then guided his cock into her gaping pussy. She could only get the head in—she wasn’t that deep—but it was enough. She lay down and wrapped her legs around the rest.
      “Don’t come,” she grunted, sliding back and forth.
      “Please, I can’t take any more.”
      “I told you not to come, understand?”
      “Sugar, please...”
      “Don’t,” she gasped. He was so thick, so hard. He was swelling again, ready to burst.
      Jordan’s balls felt like balloons ready to pop.
      “Don’” April whimpered. Her orgasm washed over her like a tidal wave.
      “I’m sorry,” Jordan cried. “I...I...I...”
      He came so much that his semen sprayed out around his cock. April shot off his dick, sliding across the floor. Jordan spewed his load all over the floor, flooding the room and immersing April in a puddle of cum. He kept spray in fits and spurts for a long time bellowing like a bull, barely able to speak, his cock spraying like a fire hose.
      The two of them lay on the floor for a long time until, finally, Jordan struggled onto his hands and knees and crawled over to April. He slipped a lot, falling face first into the puddle of his own semen until he finally reached April. He put his glazed arm over her and drew her close.
      They had a hell of a time prying themselves off the floor. The cum quickly turned sticky and they had to pry each other loose. They laughed about it in the shower, where Jordan gave April another ride on his massive cock. They went to bed that night exhausted, cuddled in each other’s arms, with Jordan’s massive cock sandwiched between the two of them.

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