Big man on Campus

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It had all come down to the final round. After tonight's competition, a new Mr. South
Eastern College would be chosen. Unlike the normal run of the mill campus contest prize of fame, fortune and the choice of any girl that the winner cared to go out with; there was something a bit more personal at stake this time. The two leading contenders had a grudge match going, vying for a trip to the hottest spring break spot of his choice for the winner and three lucky friends. There was more than
just a rivalry riding on the outcome as each contender brought the backing of friends to the

"Well, Jason, how do you feel?" Chad asked, looking nervous at the time. "It's still
quite a while before the finals and the modeling competition. Think you can make it?"

"Of course, I'm fine!" Jason flashed him a confident smile as he turned and winked.
Jason was back stage with three of his frat brothers. At 5'8"and 198 pounds, Jason was a
walking wall of muscle. A double major in health science and physical education kept him busy
but didn't cut into his body building too badly. Jason sported an armor-like layer of muscle to
show for it. He had recently made some waves in a few junior bodybuilding contests and would
soon have his photo in a leading muscle magazine's annual college issue. A lifestyle of exercise
and health showed in every movement. Jason was well known and liked around campus so his
friends felt he had the best chance to snag them a free vacation. Jason was only too happy to
give it a try.

"I just wish I knew how Mike caught up so easily. I was sure he had knocked himself
out with that interview," a frown crossed his face. "I had a ten point lead until
the community service competition, and then he came up with the shit about volunteering at the
inner city health clinic in Chicago last summer. Shit, made my tutoring at the
homeless center look like chump change. Oh well, everyone knows I have the last event in the
bag, right?" Jason said with a chuckle. "After all, Mike's may have done some modeling but I don't think he can compete with this." Jason flexed his right bicep into mound and rubbed his other hand
over his six - pack abs and grinned. Jason's 8 % body fat level left him looking like an anatomy
chart of flushed muscle.

His pals laughed in agreement and had to concur. "You the MAN!" Chad added.
While this competition was by no means a bodybuilding contest they all knew the guy with the
best build usually won. Sponsored by a local radio station, the contest was judged on four
elements: scholastic standing, community service, an interview session and looks. A panel of
judges ranked the competitors in the first three categories but an applause meter judged the last event. Tonight was the final completion in what had been preceded with a three-week semifinal that narrowed the field to eight men. Jason had easily out distanced the field with Mike as his only real competition as they entered the last category, the beefcake session.

    The audience was loud and nervous as nearly the whole campus turned out for the final contest.
Competitors packed the crowd with their own cheering sections to help sway the results of the
last category. The guys could hear their other frat pals hooting and hollering for Jason over the
cheers of the countless girls in the crowd waiting for the last round to begin.               |

Mike was tall and thin with dark good looks and big smile that melted hearts. The
pre med major was well known around campus from the fashion modeling he did on the side...
and his love'em and leave'em attitude. Mike was a pretty boy that was for sure. He had a
following but he just couldn't compete with Jason's iron pumped appearance. Anyway you |
looked at it Mike was kind of puny. His face was his best asset. It might be close, but in the
end Jason was almost sure to win.    If nothing strange happened.

"How's about I go and scope out the situation? You know
see if they're planning anything?" Chad offered. Though no one would mention it to Jason, they
all had the sense that something strange was up. The others had noticed that Mike seemed to
look a bit beefier than normal during the earlier secessions that evening. He was dressed in baggy slacks and a big sweater but Jason's pals talking among themselves, had questioned
how he could have bulked up in only a matter of a week or so. It didn't make sense.

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