Fortune Teller

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"He has been in there forever! How much longer is this going to take, Jordan?" My friend slumped his arms to his chest, tapping his foot impatiently against the slightly grassy plain we were standing on.

Every Halloween weekend, a small carnival would be hosted just a brief bus journey from our college campus. The main attraction is always the rides.Bright lights, vibrant sounds, and enticing smells, the entire arnival collection of senses! Of course, this would've typically been what we were drawntowards. However, this year was different. There were rumors spreading about a certain attraction,one which had been placed along an isolated path of the carnival, one in which a mysterious figure would read your fortune. Of course, with all the chatters surrounding this supposed fortune teller, my friends insisted on checking it out.

The lighting along this path was dim, the deafeningsounds of the carnival felt like a whisper, and eventhe smell of freshly cooked food had been replaced by the damp oak. It was certainly capable of creating an appropriate atmosphere, especially with how empty the surrounding area was. It could almost make me have some faith in this whole witchcraft nonsense.

"Can't be much longer now." I replied to my friend,Noah. He was always impatient. It was rather wellknown amongst all of our mutual friends. I peered down at him, noticing him still tapping his foot. Myother buddy, Brodie, had already headed inside the purple tent. There was a rule on only one person being present at once. Likely some sort of excusethat it would distrust the mystical forces of wouldn't surprise me honestly.

Eventually, my other friend, Brodie, appeared from the waft of the curtains as he spread them apart.He smiled at the both of us, spreading his armsoutward in his typical expressive attitude. He wasalwaysa loud character. Always the one in the roomeveryone was drawn towards because of his energy.

"So, how was it?" l asked him rather curiously,expecting some kind of nonsense answer about amystical reading that detailed Brodie's future.

"Ah, actually kind of lame. He just showed me acard, and that was pretty much it." Sounded about right. Though it was rather strange, this experience wasn't one that needed to be paid for. Typicallythese things are scams. I wonder what their goal is?"Jordan, you head in next. Maybe it'l be better for you." He folded his arms, knowing full wellI didn'tbelieve in all of this.

"Heh, oh yeah, I'm sure it will be." | sarcasticallyremarked towards him. I took a step beyond the curtain, feeling the fabric brush against the back of my hand. Instantly, the thin smoke of an incensestick drifted beyond my cheeks. The herbal scent would quickly rest just below my nostrils, which wasn't the most pleasant smell. Inside the tent,there was an assortment of bead decorations scattered along the top of the tent. Even a tall mirror was slanted in the corner. In the middle of the room, though, there was a circular wooden table covered by a sheet that was the same shade as thetent itself. Behind the chair, sat a man in a drapedrobe.

"Uh, hello?" I asked the mysterious man, after realising he'd hadn't moved or even signaled he was aware l'd entered. Fantastic customer service. Justthen, I noticed him gesture me over with a subtleflick of his finger. I noticed the shimmer of a goldenring reflect against the dim lighting.

I stepped over, pulling out the antique appearing chair just opposite the caped man. The creeks of the old oak filled the room, replacing the anxietyinducing silence. I took a breath, unsure what to do,or even what to say. It was a challenge to even make eye contact, since his face was entirely concealed by his wavy robe. It was a little obnoxious howdedicated he seemed to his role.

"So...what do we do here exactly? You look into acrystal ball, read me my future, that sort of thing?"I questioned him, expressing my confusion. He seemed to stay silent at first, which was frustrating.I peered over my shoulder, contemplating a quick escape from whatever freak show this was!

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