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     What would my biggest, deepest, darkest inflation fantasy be? That's a question I've asked myself many times, and I'm sure you've wondered how you'd answer to the same prompt yourself. Maybe you want to find a cute girl and hook her up to an air tank. Maybe you'd want to fatten up your boyfriend, in the comfort of your own home.

     But me? I've wanted to go on a very special tour of a very special factory and chew some very special gum.

     And turn into a massive blueberry.

     Now before I begin, let me say a couple things. Yes, I love transformation, yes, I'd love to turn into some sexy, exotic animal. But today I'll just be focusing on inflation...not to pander to anybody in particular, just to make things nice and streamlined. Maybe I'll make another one of these, but that's a story for another time. Finally, remember that this is my personal idea of what's sexy, so be gentle on me, will ya? :P Now onto the fun part!

     It started, as with most people, by watching the 2005 movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, at a ripe, impressionable young age. I'd watched the original beforehand, and from what I can remember I seemed to have ambivalent feelings about it. I still do to this day. But when I watched this new movie for the first time, Violet's iconic scene made me squirm in the theater seats. There was just something unsettling about it: maybe it was the sharp, abrasive violins playing in the background, maybe it was Violet's horrified look and her muffled whimpers...but something about it sent my heart racing, enough to permanently cement it in my psyche. I was scared of blueberry flavored gum for years, and even then I lived in fear of randomly swelling up in front of my classmates. Even though I knew it was scientifically impossible, I remember vehemently praying to God (back when my family was much more religious) to not let me turn into a blueberry...well, at least around other people. Yeah, I was a weird kid.

     So enough about would it happen? How would InIt, the man-child who takes such pleasure in drawing others blimped up, turn into this aforementioned blueberry? The short answer: oodles and oodles of humiliation.

     The ideal setup would be me and a couple friends going on a Wonka tour...well, not exactly Wonka, but something very much like it. Trust me, we'll touch on that later. My best friend is very fact, so sexy that I've fallen head over heels for him. Let's call him Sal, because he fits so many personality traits with my character of the same name: cocky, charming, and of course gay. The only difference is I don't know that he's into other men. Along with him are two other friends of mine...their personalities aren't as important, but let's call them Tess and Thomas.

     Leading the tour is a very handsome young man...for all intents and purposes, his name is Wonka, but he's far more attractive and flirtatious. For whatever reason, he seems to take a particular interest in me, calling upon me to answer questions or be his unwilling assistant in his demonstrations...and grabbing my ass when he thinks nobody's looking. This of course draws the attention of the other tour members.

     Most of the other people on the tour are just faces in the crowd, but one in particular seems to be hellbent on antagonizing me...and if you've read up on my characters, what better name than Aiden? For whatever reason, this guy has it out for me, and none of the other strangers care enough to stop him. It's very important that I feel humiliated before the gum even touches my mouth, to add to the sense of helplessness and seal my fate.

     So why all this detail into everyone else? I've debated whether I've wanted to swell in front of complete strangers or close friends, and finally I decided: why not both? I'd love to be at the mercy of both active and passive personalities, and by the same token both sympathetic and apathetic...or even sadistic.

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