Private Show

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This is an inflation story, it features women inflating in one of many possible ways. If that's not your thing please read something else.

It was midday, lunchtime. With the sun at its highest point and the day at its hottest the smartest denizens of the park had made their way to the shade of the trees to consume their food and hurry back to their daily grind. A middle aged man in a sharp, smart business suit sat on shaded bench, caprese salad in his lap and vitamin water in his hand. Despite the heat and despite his outfit he weathered the weather with the unflappable obstinance required by all office managers.

There was still one person working in the park despite the oppressive heat, if you could call busking a job. He didn't. It was a mime. A young woman to be exact, the only reason he bothered to give her more than a glance, one who too was dressed entirely inappropriately for the weather. A long sleeve shirt with black and white horizontal stripes, and tight black leggings, her painted face framed by her black bob cut and topped with a black beret. Determined as she was to earn more than the pittance she'd had dropped into her little metal bowl, it was plainly obvious that she was dealing with the heat far less well as him. Perhaps, he thought unkindly, if she had a real job she'd at least be able to buy a bottle of water.

But she struggled against the confines of the classic Imaginary Box, faux surprise on her face as she looked imploringly at park-goers who made a pointed effort not to return it with a look of their own. As she tentatively pressed into invisible walls and turning her body this way and that, his salad went ignored. The inadvertent show she was putting on was far more delicious than overpriced tomato and basil. There was no denying she had a good body, the exercise involved in her chosen method of begging had kept it toned and thin. Her clothing was, despite covering her from the neck down, tight enough to leave little to the imagination. She had turned away from him at this point and was putting her back into pressing against the far wall.

This had the effect of her unintentionally presenting her backside to him, for which he was lecherously grateful. The petite performer had one of the finest asses he had seen, and her choice in lower body wear put the entire thing on display. Toned, tight and big, especially for a woman as slender as she, but not excessively so, a perfect black-clad heart atop her long legs, swaying left and right as she shifted and shimmied through the performance. He fidgeted as his pants began to feel tighter and leered at her unabashed, selectively forgetting that he had a wife, and even a mistress. He immediately regretted this decision when, without warning, she had spun and caught him mid-ogle.

His eyes darted away peevishly, his salad being moved over his tented lap in case she intended to come over and give him a piece of her mind. There was no way she would have misunderstood his interest. Surely she had to know that no man would, even on the best of days, give a shit about the antics of the average park mime.

A tentative glance in her direction to measure the disgust and/or contempt she would have for him revealed that the disgust at least was non-existant. The contempt was still to be seen. Ruby painted lips were pulled into a contemplative smirk as she too scanned him from head to toe, eyes catching for a second on the tactically placed lunch. He had to stop himself from pointing towards himself like a startled idiot when she gave a little wave and beckoned him over.

Droplets of sweat were running down her face, the day had been far too punishing and the mime deeply regretted her choice in attire. But still she pantomimed and imitated and ran through all the staples. She had sat next to a rather large man eating a rather large hamburger and pretended to hungrily devour an imaginary one of the same size. She had gotten a mouthful of spittle, food, and swears sprayed at her but had persisted until a dime was thrown at her with an order to take it and go, though not as politely worded.

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