Inflation Experience

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You're hating yourself right now. How did you let that happen? How gullible can you be? You can't even remember the exact words that man said. But he didn't forced you to do anything, you just agreed. You always do, with everybody. And being kind and gentle never payed back.
So now you're there, with a rubber bike pump hose in between your lips. You're so nervous you keep sealing them more and more around it, without even thinking about it.
The dude, quite the hunk. Tall, handsome, wearing a nice suit. He probably knew you were an easy target. He is sporting the most classical cartoonish smirk one can have when performing the best looney tunes gag out there. Not so funny actually when you're on the other side.
He looks at you. You can't help but blush even in such an embarassing situation. He places his strong hands on the pump handle, slowly pulling it upwards. Is he really going to do that? With the very last bit of hope you pray for some hidden cameras to pop out of the nearby shops and having a nice laugh. Come on, inflating men? That only happens in cartoons you think. It will obviously not going to work.
While you think about the physics class you attended in high school to find a logical rule that would make you impossible to inflate, some people started to gather around you. You're in the center of the town's square, it's impossible not to see something's going on there. You give a quick gaze around. You only see men. Some wearing casual free time clothes, others just on their way to the office, while others stopping their running session to see what's happening. Some of them are about your age, others look older, and some of them are even younger, probably not even 18. This makes you feel even more embarassed. You hope everything will stop right now.
Unfortunately the man on the pump pushes the piston down. You see a cartoonish, orange sized bulge of air quickly travelling through the hose. You look at it like it's a pistol bullet that's going to kill you. You have literally a split second to think: it enters your mouth. Your cheeks immediately puffs up. It looked small, but it was a lot of air. Your cheeks are already on their limit. You nervously look at the man as he pumps another big one. How the hell will that slip into your mouth? It's impossible.
An istant before it reaches your lips, you shut your eyes in fear. You immediately open them up shocked, as you feel another huge air pump making its way in your mouth. You see your cheeks growing larger. They've never been this big before. All that air was in your mouth. You're so shocked you don't know what to do. You move your arms without coordination as a part of you want to touch them and check how big they really are, while the other is scared to find out.
But soon you learn that the first rule of inflation is that there's never time to think. You weren't looking while the man sended you another big air pump. This one hits you by surprise. You hear an hissing sound as all that air fills your cheeks. They somehow get even bigger than before. The sides of your field of view are now obscured by the overexpanded cheeks. You have to move your head left and right to see in those directions. You quickly see more men approaching. You're almost completely surrounded by now.
Again, too much thinking, and another air pumps fights its way into your mouth. The pumping man has enstablished a rhythm. It's about one pump per second. You only took 4 so far, but it felt like the longest time of your life.
You see your cheeks moving with each of them. They're like pulsing, bigger and smaller. But where's all the excess air going?
You shiver as you realize a faint hissing sound has been coming from your neck all this time. Air is travelling downwards, and it seems like there's no way to stop it. It's a costant flow, stretching your throat so much you can't gulp or emit any sound. It's like air took control of your body and it's forcingly finding a way to fill it.
You rise your eyebrows, looking as worried as a poor cartoon character as you lower your head to look down. You catch the right moment where your body is full and it starts to overfill. Your flat belly pushes forward. You see it moving slowly, yet steadily. Lesser and lesser tissue of your hoodie is able to cover it the more time it passes. You can't believe this is really happening to you. You can't stop looking at it. It now pokes your hoodie so much it starts to show its real shape: it's a growing sphere. You now look like you hidden a balloon under your clothes. The perfectly round ball now starts to slowly spread to its sides. It's getting a more natural look. A larger portion of your abdomen is growing. You can see it reaching your sides. You feel the tissue of your hoodie wrapping around them a bit more than before.
You now look like a serious eater. Your belly is about the size of a pillow. And kinda looks like one. Without even thinking, you curiously poke it with a finger. Your skinny finger sinks all the way into it. You can't believe how soft it feels. That can't be your body. Its like the best pillow you ever tried, but 10 million times better. The flesh around your finger keeps pushing forward, swallowing it.
"He's blowing up!"
"Like a balloon!"
You almost forgot about the dozens of men looking at you. Again, you never have time to think in such a situation! As you look left and right again, you see even more of them. After the first line, there's a second circle of people looking. And some more heads are popping up even behind them. They're looking at the scene curiously, like they never saw something like that before. Some of them are giggling, while some others are smirking. You see some phones here and there, with all the cameras pointed at you. You blush to a point your face can't be more red. Nobody should see a man going through that. That's so humiliating.
"He's growing a big belly!"
"Look how red his cheeks are!"
"I bet it's because of all that air applying pressure!"
"Nah, the dude's just embarassed, let's face it!"
"But I'm sure he wasn't forced to shove a bike pump hose in his mouth, so why being embarassed now?!"
"Then he's just dumb, like a cartoon character!"
Their comments aren't making the thing easier for you. You look like a joke to them. And how not to agree...
"Look, he's filling up!"
"He's getting fatter!"
"But it's air so it's funnier!"
You can feel your clothes shrinking on you as more parts of your body expand. Your flat chest is filling up, pushing forward. Arms and legs feel larger. You can even feel your shoes getting smaller. You also feel your backside rounding up. You never really had a butt, so you don't know how it feels to completely fill your underwear with a pair of nice asscheeks. You hope it doesn't get too big. But you realize the pumpage is going strong and it's not showing any sign of stopping.
How much air did you gulped? How much air did that dude pumped into you? You look at him. Still smirking while looking at you, and working on the pump like a professional. A trail of large air bulges is travelling through the hose like some ants walking in line. The last time you saw something like that was in your favourite movie, Space Jam. You never thought you would've seen that in first person.
You can't believe you're literally filling up with air like a balloon. Your body is slowly growing, all of it. And you can't do anything about it. Your fate is in that good looking man with the bike pump. How much air does he want to pump? When will it be enough?
"He's growing bigger!"
"Pump him up!"
"What a fat belly!"
"Look at his butt ahahaha!"
The comments are so mean you've never wished so much to be deaf. You look down at your helpless body. Your belly is now bigger than a beachball, with large love handles at its sides. Over it, your chest is starting to split. You see some large nipples poking the tissue of your hoodie and moving forward in different directions. It looks so weird and bizarre, because you're not a woman. Now arms and legs are filling sleeves and gym pants completely. They are beginning to overstretch them. You look at your hands with a worried expression: they're getting bigger too. They look chubby, and every finger is taking more space than before. You realize that even your feet are inflating right now. But there's no way to see them under your belly. You try to get a sneak peak by turning backwards. You wish you never did as that way you get to see your butt. It looks fat and juicy like a watermelon. You realize there are a lot of men looking at it behind you too. That's way too embarassing, you just want to disappear. You try as much as you can to shield it with your arms and hands. Moving like that causes your belly and chest to be pushed forward even more. You hear some "snaps" as the first seams of your hoodie passes to a better life. Your plump arms don't move as well too. They're too large to reach behind you. Only a part of your hands manages to cover your butt, but you soon realize how dumb that was. Your butt keeps growing, slowly pushing them away. Not to mention it's already too big to cover with pretty much anything at your disposal right now.
"He's trying to cover his butt, how cute!"
"But it's impossible, look how big that is!"
"And it's still inflating!"
"Please move, I can't see!"
"I want to see his butt too!"
"Hey, don't push! I'm trying to make a video!"
You start to feel humiliated. It's like you're not even a man anymore. You feel like a circus freak, or even worse, a saturday morning cartoon. You start cycling through your actions: looking at the man pumping you up, looking at your body, and then looking around at all the people. At the same time you keep hearing them talking, as well as your body hissing and squeaking. Your clothes are making some never heard sounds as seams keep popping everywhere and the tissue is stretching to the impossible.
You think that's actually weird. How can your clothes endure that without exploding? Is this what they call "cartoon logic"? And anyway, is it still useful to think logically in such a cartoonish situation? Nothing is really respecting the law of physics anymore with your body. You look at your gymball sized belly. With both hands you gently squeeze it a bit. It's even softer than before. You actually didn't think about it before, but you're not feeling any pain. Instead, it's almost like overfilling up with air feels... nice. You never thought you could like something as weird as inflating. You think you could've tried alone some time in the past. That would've been better than agreeing to being pumped up by some unknown man met on the street. But again too much thinking, and dreaming you were alone is not changing your situation right now, especially as it's about to get even worse.
You immediately recognize that voice. You look in front of you nervously. And there he is, your dad, with the most shocked expression a man can have.
You can't do or say anything. You just blush even more as a bead of sweat falls from your hairline right on one of the large cheek.
Your old man is like frozen. You can see his blue eyes darting around your body to see every part of it. Then you see somebody patting his shoulder. It's your uncle, actually telling him "it's ok, it's ok" with a massive grin on his face, actually struggling to hold a massive laughter.
You already know that idiot will make fun of you for the rest of your life. He will bring this up at every family meeting.
You also see your grandfather behind them. Of all the days of the year, the three of them had to go shopping today?! Your grandpa is looking at you with his mouth open in awe. You feel so embarassed. You remember all the afternoons spent together watching cartoons and looney tunes movies in secret from your dad, because he thought you needed to grow up. Well now you're literelly growing up in front of their eyes. Your whole family is the audience of the most embarassing moment of your life.
Your shoes literally exploded. You can not see anything, but all the men around you look down.
"Holy shit they're huge!"
"They look like a clown's feet!"
"Let me take a pic!"
You can just feel how big they are. How much space they cover on the ground.
That's it. That's too much. It's too much air. The man pumping has to stop.
You look at him, still pumping like he's working on a pool toy. It's like he doesn't care that pump is filling up a man with air. You move your arms forwards, with both hands open, in a desperate gesture to tell him to stop. You see how big your hands have gotten. They look about twice their original, skinny size. Your fingers look even longer than before. It's like despite looking fat and ridicolous, your body is still trying to mantain some proportions.
The man looks at you with a smirk. But he keeps pumping. You quickly look around. Nobody is doing anything but taking pictures and videos. Your family isn't acting either. Your dad's face looks both worried and disappointed. You never wanted him to see something like that.
Out of about 100 men nobody is showing a sign of support. They just look at you like you are an actual cartoon show. You drop your arms, feeling defeated and unwillingly accepting your fate. Your sides are too big now however and you're forced to keep your arms spreaded a bit. You feel your sides slowly growing and you realize you'll eventually end up with your arms spreaded at your side, just like cartoon idiots. You also feel your legs are touching each other. You literally had some stick like legs for your whole life. How big are they now? You try to separate them with little steps.
Terrible idea. It was like you attempted a murder on your pants. And with just 3 more pumps your legs are back at touching each other.

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