I knew it was you

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“How did you know it was me?” The question was innocent enough, asked under a gently breeze and the soft shadow of a forest canopy. They were sitting on a soft blanket that Felicia had so graciously provided as an apology for her cooking having destroyed the kitchen Leo had requested to use.

“Um...” Takumi’s face was pink, “you were... you’ve been the only Leo who has been this, uh...”

“Big?” Leo easily finished Takumi’s sentence, a small smile quirking at his lips, “come now, Takumi, why are you being so flustered about this here while back home you were so open and unashamed about it?”

“Hey! How do you even know I’m your Takumi?” While he was flustered, Takumi did want to know. He hadn’t been wrong- even with some versions of Leo being from post-war times and being clearly out of shape, none were quiet this... round. Picking Leo out had been easy- especially more so when another had been summoned in the exact same outfit, but with none of the weight. This was his Leo.

“I’ve seen you in this outfit before,” Leo hummed simply.

“But there was another of me in this same uniform-“

“Not with a Nohrian crest stitched into the hem of your collar,” Leo smiles softly, “and he didn’t greet me as kindly as you. You know, you’re being so uptight about our relationship even though we’re practically married. Have I lost you to someone else in this magical realm?” While Leo’s tone was light, Takumi knew how serious he was being. They had seen that sort of heartbreak among other Heroes- it wasn’t impossible to think it could happen to them too.

“I’ve just been thinking about us, is all...” Takumi said, looking towards the basket practically overfilled with all sorts of sandwiches and treats Leo had made for the two of them to share. Was this sort of thing still alright now that they were being called to battle once more?

“I wasn’t joking when I said you were the largest to be summoned. Quite literally, Leo, you are the fattest person in this camp. I know the reason is because we’re from a timeline years away from our war while others were pulled straight from the middle of their own, but it still leaves me wondering... if we enjoy this so much, why are we the outliers? Is it wrong of me to have pushed you so hard when we first began courting? A-and of course there’s always my worry of if you’ll be sent home over this. I know Kiran said you’re alright to stay for now, but we don’t have as much room in the castle as-“

Takumi was interrupted with a finger to his lips and a soft look from Leo. He rummaged around in the basket before taking half a sandwich and setting it into Takumi’s hand.

“I will tell you what I told you before, back when we started all this,” Leo said, his voice soothing in that way Takumi had missed so much, “I am making this decision in sound mind. I made it years ago when we fell in love, and I will stand by it now. I love you, Takumi, and everything that comes with loving you too.”

Takumi felt his blush darken at Leo’s soft words, his heart fluttering in the same way it always did when Leo acted so sweet like this. Of course this was his Leo- no one else had been so kind to him yet.

“Now, my dear Takumi,” Leo hummed, shifting once more so he could sit closer to him, “would you please help me finish this lunch I packed? I was quite rudely interrupted by being summoned here and haven’t really had a decent meal since.”

“Of course,” Takumi nodded, a hand on Leo’s thigh as he leaned over to feed him, “anything for you, my Leo.”

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