Belly Rubs

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“Fuck me,” Takumi groaned, leaning back on the couch with his hands rubbing at his eyes, “why don’t you ever stop me before I’m fucking stuffed like this? It’s almost like you like to see me suffer.”

“First off, don’t say that when you’re sitting all splayed out like that,” Leo tossed his coat onto Takumi before working at untying his shoes, “you know that’s my weakness.”

“What, getting your hands all over me when I’m lying here helpless?” Takumi asked, an all too familiar energy showing in his eyes. Leo stood, taking careful steps to the couch before sitting beside Takumi.

“Yes, that’s exactly what I’m talking about,” Leo leaned over, pulling Takumi into a kiss before pressing a hand onto his belly, “With you whining about how much you ate when we both know you did this on purpose.”

Takumi snorted, trying in vain to keep some sort of composure as Leo pressed into his belly, beginning to rub in slow circles through his shirt, “I have… no idea what you’re talking about.” It was oh so easy to get him riled up, especially with Leo knowing just what buttons to push.

“Of course not,” Leo hummed, inching Takumi’s shirt up and pressing his other hand onto his warm belly. Even full it still oozed over the edges of his pants, clearly being held in against its will, “you didn’t seem to notice this thing was even here until I pointed it out. How strange.”

Takumi simply nodded, eyes closed and his own hands beginning to rub slow circles on the sides of his stomach, pressing and rubbing to alleviate the pressure of his dinner. Leo shifted, throwing a leg over to sit in Takumi’s lap.

“There’s not going to be much lap left to sit on if you keep this up,” Leo murmured, catching Takumi’s lips in a slow kiss as he began to press and knead once more. Feeling that resistance under such a soft layer of fat spurred him onward, pressing his tongue into Takumi’s mouth and pulling a moan from his chest.

“Leo-” Takumi gasped out, whatever words he was about to say caught in the air between them as Leo pulled Takumi into another kiss, fingers pinching along his sides before returning to their rubbing once more.

“Yes, love?” Leo asked, nose brushing lightly against Takumi’s soft cheek. His fingers dug in once more before smoothing out, his pal pressing heavy into Takumi’s sides as he heard his breath hitch again. “Are you up for something like this? Or did you stuff yourself too full?”

“I- I-“ Takumi stammered, eyes closed as he shifted slightly, pulling Leo into another kiss. It was slower, less energy than Leo had been expected for how flustered they both were, but Takumi’s answer was an easy explanation. “I definitely ate too much.”

“Alright, love,” Leo murmured against his lips, unable to help feeling a bit of disappointment, “is the belly rub helping?”

“Just a little,” Takumi said softly, a hand pushing at Leo’s chest, “b-but not with you leaning on me like that. Can we just take it easy for now?”

“I think so,” Leo smiled, pressing a gentle kiss to Takumi’s face, fingers rubbing gently against his belly again.

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