Will the Waterbed

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Jack entered the condo with a heavy sigh, tossing his keys on the counter and trudging over to the sofa. He flopped onto it heavily, looking a little pale and very tired. Will glanced over at his boyfriend with a concerned look on his face, setting his magazine down on the table.

"You look worn out, babe. Rough day at work today?" Will asked in a sympathetic tone.

"Yea, and I'm feeling under the weather to boot. It's just been a long, rough day all around." Jack replied with another sigh, closing his eyes a moment and resting his head back on the sofa behind him.

"Aww.." Will frowned, wondering what he could do to help. Suddenly an idea came to him, and he jumped up from the sofa and grabbed Jack by the hand. "Come with me, I have an idea!"

Reluctantly, Jack got up and followed Will to the bedroom, where he rummaged under the bed. Pulling out a box full of hoses, he grabbed a long one and put the hose in his mouth and laid down on the bed. Jack titled his head and looked at Will for a moment, then it dawned on him what he was up to and he grinned a little.

"Am I of the understanding that you are willing to inflate yourself for me?" Jack smirked.

"You're not feeling well. Would that not make you feel better?" Will responded with a wink.

"Mmm a nice warm, sloshy waterbed for me to sprawl out in? That'd feel amazing!" Jack agreed, moving over to the bedside.

"Hehe, well then, fill 'er up!" Will said enthusiastically, glad to see Jack's mood improving. Jack picked up the other end of the hose and hooked it up to the faucet, slowly turning the water on a steady stream. Will began to feel a small trickle of water that built up into a surge of water flooding into his mouth, making his cheeks bulge while he tried to swallow it all down as quick as he could. "Mmrglllll mummphlll..." The plump man gurgled in between mouthfuls, until he was forced to open up his throat. All the water rushed down the open passageway and he filled up and out, his belly swelling up and sloshing about as it grew larger and larger.

"Good thing we have a few of these faucets in the bathroom. They have another use now than just for guests staying over..." Jack stated with a smirk, bringing over two more hoses, firmly securing one in Will's rear and the other being fit snugly over the tip of his 'nozzle'. He turned all 3 faucets on full blast before walking back over and flopping down on top of Will, causing him to ripple and slosh about like a swelling waterbed. The plump man's eyes went wide at the amount of water flowing into him now, and he swelled up quickly, flapping his hands and feet as he ballooned up all over and filled rapidly with water, and Jack could feel him fill and expand below him. With all of himself swelling up now, Will found he could barely move at all. He was becoming huge and helpless, filling up faster now and ballooning out in every direction. He could feel Jack's body dimpling in on top of him, and he hoped that his lover was comfortable because he was not sure how much more he could take. Jack climbed up along his boyfriend's sloshing body so that he could see his plump face, watching his worried expression as his helpless body expanded and filled with water, his limbs bloating up thicker and his torso growing larger and rounder by the second.

"Mmm...that's a lot of water reaaaallly fast...wonder how much you can hold..." Jack chided, pressing his hands into the sloshy belly and feeling it undulate in response. Will barely managed a grunt, so much water was rushing in that his cheeks began to swell up more with overflow, as his body began to run out of places for the water to go. His hands and feet ballooned up, as even his fingers and toes swelled out to the size of golf balls, unable to bend of even move anymore. Grinning, Jack looked over his love's inflating body with an approving eye, relishing the fact that his hands and feet were now the size of volleyballs, his ballooning body running out of room for all the water. He could feel his skin grow taut and creak underneath the weight of Jack's own body bearing down on it. Will's spherical, swollen body continued to slosh and creak under the pressure of the water forcing its way into every part of him, and he was ballooning almost comically now, billowing out beyond what should be his limit. The creaking was growing louder by the minute, and his overblown form was practically pulsating from the water pushing outward, trying to make his overtaxed skin stretch to make room. Jack rubbed all over his boyfriend's bloated, cartoonishly ballooned body, feeling it heave and pulse beneath him.

"Uh oh...shoulda brought swim trunks...I think my waterbed is gonna blow..." Jack remarked, laying spread eagle and giving his water balloon a squeeze. Will's globular frame trembled all over, the pressure spiking and becoming too much to bear. His face scrunched up in a grimace as he felt ready to burst at any time, but then suddenly the sensation stopped, and he opened his eyes. Then he began to swell outward at an alarming rate in every direction, creaking so loud it was almost deafening. He hovered at an incredibly massive room size for mere moments, until finally he burst with a reverberating 'Sploorsh!' as the water that was inside of him splashed in all directions like a giant wave, soaking his boyfriend and everything in sight. Jack landed in the pond that the water had made beneath him with a splash, as little rubbery bits of Will floated down all around him.

"Ooof!" Jack murmured, floating in the pool of water as the rubbery bits continued to rain down over him along with more of the water that was now spurting out of the three hoses. "Well, that did make me feel better. Too bad you didn't last, Will. Now to clean up this mess..and find myself a new boyfriend." He said outloud to no one, splashing his way over to the faucet to turn them off. His day may have been crappy, but at least it ended with a wonderful bang.

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