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Jenna needed an art class for high school to fill her fine art requirement.  She couldn’t draw, so Art 101 was out of the question.  She never played an instrument before nor can’t she sing, so Band and Chorus was out of the way.  So the dark haired, tan and slim girl had one last choice on the list:  Computer Arts.

     The class primarily taught about how art is created with using computer technology and all that.  Everything from creating it on the Mac in class to printing it on the old printing press.  It was a hassle for someone for Jenna, a constant texter and anonymous blogger.  She barely even used the laptop she has at home.  Luckily, the teacher made everything a lot simpler when he taught the instructions in class.  A weirdo for sure, an old guy with white hair and wrinkles, but he’s had a long experience teaching.  It still didn’t help her, she fell far behind in work at school.  The teacher suggested that if you have Photoshop at home, you can use it to finish up your projects.  And that’s what Jenna plans on doing.

     The project was to use Photoshop to morph a picture in anyway.  Easy right?  But Jenna like always is either too lazy or distracted with the constant texting and procrastinating just like any other teenage girl.  One night, Jenna goes home and downloads a ripped off version of Photoshop off Blackwire.  But Jenna did one smart thing for once, she scanned her computer for viruses.  Clean, nothing on her silver laptop.  Ready to finish the project, right?  Jenna’s using Photoshop, just not for her project though.

     Jenna plugged in her camera and uploads photo after photo on to her laptop.  All her fun times at her parties with her friends were being edited on Photoshop the entire night.  After looking through many of all those photos, Jenna couldn’t help but see all her friends looking more hotter the her.  The skinny bodies, tight clothes, and more tan skin then needed shown were making Jenna a little jealous.  Not that she was that bad-looking, its just that she’s been the shadow that’s always behind her friends as they get all the attention from the guys.   ’I wished I was hotter then any of them.’ she imagined.  Maybe a little modification would help her image on facebook.

     Anyways, Jenna looked through all the tools on the side bar.  Nothing new and exciting, same tools.  Bored out of her mind, she highlights herself in the pick and looks through the Effects menu.   She experimented herself with distortions and colorations.  Still boring to her, until she found her new tool to play with.

     Jenna found the Enlarge/Shrink Effect in the menu bar.  She never seen it in class, maybe it was a downloadable thing she thought.  She didn’t care really.  'Click Selection'.  Select what?  Jenna wondered.  She moved her cursor over her chest.  With a click of the mouse her lady-lumps were highlighted on the screen.  A pop-up appeared that said ‘100%’ and next to it ‘To Increase/Decrease size click and use +/-buttons on keyboard or mouse wheel‘.  Jenna clicked on the little box.  She pushed her roller up on the mouse.  Her boobs got larger by the click.  She had fun going from big to insane proportions.  Jenna couldn’t decide for herself how big to make them.  ‘Wow!  I can’t decide how big to make them.’  A couple more adjustments and Jenna made her breasts large enough to cover her entire torso.  ‘Aw what the heck, why not?’ she thought.  She hit Enter…then all of a sudden:


     Jenna’s eyes widen and arms dropped when she saw the pair of round blobs fell in front of her, covering the entire laptop.  As she looked, she realized that they were in her shirt.  One thing crossed her mind: 'These are mine!?';

     Jenna couldn’t believe that it was actually her boobs!  As big as they were in the picture.  She heaved herself off her chair, her expanded twins hung heavy as they were down to her waist.  Jenna felt her hands through them, perfectly round and smooth to the touch.  She hugged them like a couple of big teddy bears, they were just so adorable.  She was surprised her bra didn’t break from them.  Her shirt remained unharmed like they adjusted with her growth.  She was so excited, a pair bigger then anyone else's.  But Jenna had bigger ideas for her.  If that made my boobs huge, what else could I do?

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