Stretch Marks

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Leo often hears groaning coming from Takumi’s room, mostly when he’s poking and prodding at himself in the mirror. He’s used to coming in and watching his boyfriend cover up quickly, still unsure of letting Leo see him even close to being in the nude. ‘Just until he starts his T,’ he says most days, and most days Leo is alright with that answer.

Today, Takumi doesn’t cover up. Leo sees him standing in front of the mirror, undressed to his briefs, staring at his reflection with hands cupping his chest.

“Do you need a minute?” Leo asked, pausing in the doorway to give Takumi time to cover up.

“No, no, you can come in,” Takumi muttered, tearing himself away from the mirror and heading towards the bed where he flopped down onto his belly, “if you can stand to look at me, that is. I feel like such a slob.”

“Because you gained some weight?” Leo asked, sitting gently beside Takumi. The bed dipped, Takumi rolling a bit until his shoulder was resting against Leo’s thigh and he leaned his head against him in turn.

“I dunno, it just looks gross,” Takumi muttered into Leo’s body, “I need to hurry up and get paid so I can turn in that prescription.” Propping himself up onto his elbows, Takumi pouted as he looked up at Leo, “when can we get married so I can get on your bomb ass insurance?”

“Gods don’t say stuff like that,” Leo flushed, pushing Takumi away before giggling. Surely that would soothe some of their headaches, but it was too early to think about something so permanent.

Giggling, Takumi sat up, scooting closer to Leo. He cupped Leo’s face in his hands, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips before leaning back. Batting his eyes, Takumi put on another pout.

“Tell me I’m pretty?” He teased, unable to hold puppy-dog eyes when Leo started to laugh again. Leo hummed, pulling Takumi close and kissing him again before sighing.

“What a needy bastard you are,” Leo hummed. His movements were slow and cautious, gently asking permission as they rested against Takumi’s sides. He had always been soft, something Leo quite enjoyed, but the addition of his antidepressants had added a delectable ring of fat around Takumi’s belly and thighs. Maybe that was the cause of his current distress, but Leo would waste no time in quashing those thoughts.

“I think your chunky butt is cute,” Leo teased, squeezing Takumi lightly around the middle, “and… your belly really is cute. Sexy too, sitting all pudgy like that, making these nice love handles I can just squeeze on.” Leo’s adoring words are punctuated with a gasp and Takumi pushing at his shoulders, biting his lip as his face turned red. “Want me to go on?”

“Ugh… you’re impossible,” Takumi muttered, leaning forward and resting his head against Leo’s shoulder, “I know you like me fat and all, but don’t expect this to stick around. I’m going to start a new workout routine and everything once the holidays are over.”

“That’s another two months away,” Leo hummed fingers tracing gently along Takumi’s back, “and two whole holidays that center around feasting. I think this is going to stay longer than you’re imagining.”

“If I have to get a new binder you’re paying for it,” Takumi muttered, pulling away and climbing off the bed. He was silent as he pulled pajamas on, eagerly cuddling back into Leo’s open arms after changing. The silence followed them as Leo leaned back, pulling the two into a lying position, and Takumi began to pick at the collar of his shirt.

“Something wrong?” Leo asked, watching as Takumi continued to avert his gaze, “do you need some extra reassurance? I can kiss all over your thighs next if you want-”

“You’re such a perv,” Takumi cut him off, hiding his face in Leo’s shirt once more. It was another moment before he sighed, giving his best shrug for the position they were in, “I… guess… I’m just fussing over myself, nothing new…”

“And it’s more than just your new chub?”

“It’s how it looks,” Takumi muttered, “My thighs look like cottage cheese. I mean, how many fat guys do you know with cellulite? And I’ve always had stretch marks down there- puberty wasn’t really great to me but you couldn’t tell that from my skin. I guess that’s more acceptable, but… I don’t know. It just makes me feel gross.”

“The cellulite will go away once you’ve started your T,” Leo hummed, rubbing once more at Takumi’s back, “we talked about that in my health sciences class. It’s how estrogen makes your body hold fat. Once you’re on testosterone it should start to go away.”

“I know that,” Takumi snapped, shaking his head, “Sorry. I mean, I knew that was something that changed, I didn’t know how. It doesn’t make it suck less.”

“That’s understandable,” Leo pressed a soft kiss to Takumi’s hair, nuzzling into him after, “Just know things will be better. Every day it gets better, alright? And besides, your stretch marks look cool. Just think about how many you’ll get after putting on another fifty pounds-”

“What a creep,” Takumi snorted, rolling over away from Leo. He was quickly caught up with, Leo snaking his arm around Takumi’s waist and pulling him close. Takumi remained quiet as Leo pressed a few gentle kisses to his neck, closing his eyes and focusing on the feeling of his boyfriend’s lips.

“I’ll help you work it off after the holidays,” Leo hummed, “how about that?”

“You haven’t been to a gym a day in your life,” Takumi laughed, “So don’t act like you’ll start now.”

“Okay, so let’s go with the what-if on if you do gain some good holiday weight and I happen to not go to the gym with you,” Leo hummed, his fingers running slowly down Takumi’s thighs, “can I lavish more love for your chunky thighs and stretch marks then?”

Takumi pressed back into Leo’s arms, closing his eyes and letting himself linger on the thought of Leo’s fingers pressing through cloth now and in the future. Of the idea of letting himself go, getting larger, having Leo squeezing his belly and nipping his thighs and kissing his stretch marks-

“Maybe… that wouldn’t be too bad,” Takumi muttered, turning around and looking at Leo, “just… maybe.” He pressed a gentle kiss to Leo’s lips, pulling back before it grew too hot, “I think that would be okay.”

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