The Princess and the curse

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Once upon a time far far away there was a small, but wealthy kingdom. To get there you would have to climb through difficult mountainous terrain and so even though it was a small and rich kingdom, no larger one tried to conquer it.
The king who ruled there, King Charles, was a wise one and ruled well. His wife, Queen Isabella, a renowned for her beauty in her youth, proved to be more than just a pretty face and was king’s best advisor. Despite giving birth to four now adult children, she kept her beauty and made the king one lucky man. But this isn’t a story about the king or the queen. This is a story about their youngest child, Princess Bethany. These were quiet times in the kingdom, but it was about to change…


Today was the day, my eighteenth birthday. The day I’d finally asked my father for his approval. The day I was longing for, the day I was dreading more than anything else… It wasn’t unheard of that the youngest daughter would be allowed to marry below her stature, to marry a commoner. And Thomas certainly was a commoner, but he was well known and respected by my parents, for I often heard their approval of the hard work our chief gardener, a rank he earned despite being only twenty years of age, did. The thought filled me with optimism and so I jumped out of my bed and called for a maid. I had to look perfect on my big day.

“Do you think I’m too thin?” I asked Stella, my personal maid who was tying my dress.

“I wish I had your figure, m’lady.”

“But next to my sisters I look so… flat! Unimpressive! They both look so soft and inviting… so curvy!”

“Indeed, m’lady, your sisters are very beautiful, but neither can compete with your beauty. You’ll have to pardon me for saying, but Lady Sophia is getting rather… eh… robust. I’ve heard she needs three maids to get her into her dresses these days. And Lady Cassandra while truly has splendid curves, at times she looks… almost vulgar. Please forgive my words. You on the other hand look so… dignified.”

I cannot deny hearing this filled my heart with joy. I still wish I’d had an actual cleavage though…

I couldn’t help but stare at my reflection, while the maid brushed my copper waves falling below my wasp waist. A pair of large turquoise eyes shaped like almonds stared back at me from an objectively gorgeous oval face. Why do I feel lacking?

The maid left. I still stood in front of the mirror, staring at my reflection, trying to figure out what was missing, why I felt so inadequate. Loud bang behind my back startled me, interrupting my thoughts and I quickly turned around. Thomas was standing on the ledge with a bouquet of roses in one hand and a box of chocolates in the other. I rushed to the window and let him inside. „Are you crazy?! How did you even get up here?!“ I barely managed not to shout.

“A magician never reveals his secrets.” He said with a cocky smile on his youthful face.

“You could have fallen! You know I want to ask my father today… You couldn’t have waited?!”

“I had to see you! You’re all I can think of every second of my life! I love you Beth!” He said color rising to his cheeks. “Here. This is for you. Happy birthday!” Thomas said, handing me a huge bouquet of roses and the chocolates. I placed the box of chocolates on the table and inhaled deeply, getting lost in the smell of roses.

There was a knock on the door. “Princess?” An unsure voice of a page sounded.

“Quickly hide! No one can see you here!” I hissed quietly. “Yes? What is it?” I opened the door and asked once Thomas was safely hidden underneath my bed.

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