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Lies have short legs... Carl knew that. By the time he reached the age of 20, he was already considered the best worldwide player in a popular fighting game, "Sumo X". Known with the nickname "Bigman97" never lost a single game, winning hundreds of online tournaments. Carl actually never left home for playing in real life events. His look was a complete mistery, even if he always described himself as a tall, gym enthusiast, strong dude.
Things couldn't have been more different: Carl was barely 5'3 and thin as a stick. He was a cute guy, but his lacking physique always made him embarassed of himself. That's why he found in online gaming a way to escape his real life issues. Nobody could see him and judge him.
Things however got worse as an huge national tournament approached. An extremely important event for players of the game, with huge money prizes and the chance to be a part of Sumo X history.
Everybody were excited to attend the show, especially Billy aka "PowerPump95". He was considered the second best Sumo X player behind Carl, and he never really liked that. Billy was a self centered, narcissist guy, a tall and strong hunk with the blessing of a really attractive and masculine face. Being that beautiful and good at the game gave him many fans and followers, and the huge tournament was the chance to crush his archenemy Carl once and for all.
There was so much hype behind that tournament that Carl couldn't just avoid it. Everybody were waiting for him and his match against Billy. How could he turn down his audience like that? But at the same time he was so embarassed to show his small and weak body worldwide that he just wanted to disappear.
He was walking the hall, surrounded by players and Sumo X fans, already noticing some of them having a "Bigman97" t-shirt. Sweating cold he kept thinking in his mind he had to run away from all of that. While overthinking stuff he bumped into something. It was a tall and menancing man. It was Billy.
"Watch your step, kid!" he said bothered by the small guy.
"I... I'm sorry..." he replied in a shy voice tone. Billy's blue eyes were like blades stabbing his soul in that moment.
"Hey guys can you imagine we're going to see Carl for the very first time?!" said a guy.
"Yeah! He should be easy to spot though, he always says he's tall and large!" said another.
"What if he was lying about his look all the time instead?" said Billy grinning. Carl gulped and started to sweat cold.
"I think a little shrimp will walk our way and introduce himself as Bigman97!"
The whole group of guys laughed at that, while Carl felt miserable. That was it, he had to run away. Forget the tournament, the money, the professional player career, that was a thing of the past. Nothing would've been more embarassing than Billy mocking him in front of everybody.
Carl dashed away like a rocket, not even looking forward. In fact he randomly stepped into a door leading to some stairs going down. He tumbled down, rolling like a ball into a basement. He rolled a bit on the floor, causing some fornitures to fall here and there, when something finally stopped his crazy run. Carl's face smashed into a vacuum cleaner so hard his lips got stuck to the very end of it, and the impact caused the machine's switch to turn on.
Before the poor guy could even realize what happened, a low pitched rumbling was already echoing in the room. A powerful air flow filled Carl's cheeks quickly, stretching them even beyond their usual limits. Carl was also feeling all that fresh air going straight down his throat. It took just a few seconds to make him feel some softness around his belly area. He was inflating just like a balloon. The unfortunate guy could not believe that all of that was happening for real. It was so absurd it could've only worked in a cartoon script.
The vacuum end was expelling an huge amount of air while Carl was lost in his thoughts. The previously skinny guy was now filling his once baggy clothes nicely. In that position, air was forced more to his limbs, because his belly was pushed under his weight. This made his flat butt round up quickly. Two funny round asscheeks were rising up just like two party balloons being inflated. The tissue of Carl's gym pants became quickly tight around the area, making them more noticeable. His legs were also plumping up along with his arms. Carl was trying to get free from that situation, wobbling his thickening arms randomly. However, the vacuum cleaner was really heavy and kept dragging him down to the floor.
At this point all of Carl's clothes were skin tight. That wasn't really hard, as Carl was such a small guy they were almost kid sized!
He looked good and filled, with a prominent round butt. This is where he crossed the line between normal and fat looking.
Air was now applying quite some pressure on the young man's belly. Despite being pressed between Carl's own weight and the floor, it was now starting to have enough pressure to overcome his owner's weight. Carl's belly was working like an inflatable elevator of sort, slowly rising his body up while filling with an huge amount of air. This finally gave a chance for the air to fill his flat chest, which rounded up immediately into a cute pair of moobs.
In all of that, his butt was still growing pretty fast. It was now probably bigger than a beach ball. Each asscheek was swelling just like a balloon, stretching his pants ridicolously. Carl was still wobbling his limbs trying to escape his fate, as they were getting thicker and thicker. Carl could also feel his hands and feet inflating: each time he was pushing his hands to the floor in order to stand up, they felt softer and softer, just like he had some pillows attached to them.
Loud hissing and embarassing stretching sounds were echoing in the basement, as Carl felt hopeless about what was happening to him. So much air was inflating the poor guy that his body was even forced to grow vertically, effectively making him taller.
Carl's belly was now growing over gym ball size, and its pressure alone made his body rise quite a bit. In fact, part of the heavy vacuum cleaner was also rising with his head. He hadn't the strenght to lift it up, but his overinflated body seemed to be stronger than him. That made him feel even more miserable.
Carl was still trying a desperate effort to free himself, but the more he grew, the more he felt he was losing control over his body. That was it, he thought. His fate was to inflate like a blimp until, who knows what would happen if he'd reached his limit. The only thing that he was happy about was that no one was seeing him like that. That would've been the humiliation of a lifetime.
Right when he was thinking about then, the vacuum cleaner stopped blowing. Carl was surprised and happy... but for a very short time.
"Hey, are you ok?!" said a male voice behind him. Carl could not turn his head, but he immediately panicked out. He started moving and wobbling his limbs like crazy in a desperate attempt to escape that humiliation. Unfortunately, the only thing he caused were some rubbery balloon rubbing like sounds, which weren't very good for his self esteem either.
"Let me help you!" said a man approaching his face. He worked on Carl's lips with his hands, carefully and gently removing them from the vacuum cleaner.
"There you go! Oh, let me help you!" he said helping Carl standing up. Carl wasn't saying a word, he was too embarassed. As he stood up, he also got quite some dizzyness because of his height. This made him realize how his body changed.
He was huge. He probably never saw a guy that big. He was probably close to 6 feet 7, with a prominent, round and inflated belly. His belly alone looked larger than a bean bag chair. Two basketball-like moobs were resting over it.
Carl turned back. His blue eyes opened wide seeing how huge his butt was. If he wasn't sure that was his butt, he would've sweared somebody shoved two inflatable buoys directly taken from the dock into his trousers. He also saw how large his shoulder was, and the arm attached to it. He placed his hands in front of his face. They were way larger than normal human hands. Each finger was thick as a small sausage.
No way Carl could see his legs. He moved them a bit. They were forced to rub against each other because of all the air they were filled with.
Carl was also shocked to see all of his clothes intact. They were so overstretched that logos and writings were random lines of colour. He knew clothes for kids are extra stretchy because of growth spurt issues, but that was ridicolous.
A part of Carl was however fascinated by his body. It was huge, but it was looking way better than extremely fat dudes. All of his shapes were firm, round and nice looking. Nothing was subjected to gravity and staying in place. His belly, butt and chest were large and prominent.
"It's everything ok? You want me to call a doctor?!" asked the man worried. Carl was so lost in studying his new body he totally forgot about his savior. Carl looked at him blushing.
He was a cute man in his mid fourties. Pretty lean and tall, even if Carl was towering over him at the moment, wearing some casual hoodie and jeans. He was probably a janitor working in the e-sports stadium.
"No, no, I feel ok... just a bit... bloated" said Carl blushing. He tried to hide his belly with his huge arms, squeezing it inside of him, however his body was just too big for such tricks.
"Oh, I know... the vacuum cleaner... it's quite a beast, it blows so much it's like cleaning with a tornado behind!" said the man joking.
"N...No! What are you thinking? Do you really think that thing inflated me just like a balloon?!"
Carl felt his story was just too embarassing to handle and decided to deny everything to death.
"Well... I think I freed you from that!"
"Yeah, I was stuck there, but the vacuum cleaner wasn't blowing me up! That's not even possible!"
"This is weird... I saw this happening in a cartoon yesterday, so I'm pretty sure it's a situation that can happen!"
"Ahahah, no way! This is my body, you can't just blow up people just like balloons! Cartoons are cartoons!"
Carl was trying his best to convince the man he wasn't inflated by the vacuum cleaner.
"Oh. I see. Well dude, that's an impressive body you got there!" said the man.
"I think you are quite the glutton, am I right? But you look a lot better than obese guys! What's your secret?!" asked the janitor curiously and obviously fascinated by Carl's inflated body.
"Oh... a lot of... chocolate! S.. Sorry but I have to go now!" said Carl running away in the fastest way he could... which wasn't fast at all.
The janitor watched him with a smirk.
"Boys these days really grow so much... I wonder how would I be if I could eat as much as he did in my teen days!" he said sighing, thinking of a larger self with dreamy eyes.
Carl squeezed his huge body outside of the basement door. He had to find a doctor or something to go back to normal. He didn't even want to imagine the reaction his dad would've had if he saw him like that.
"B...BIGMAN97?! DUDE THAT'S YOU?!" shouted somebody.
That was bad... Even if nobody ever saw him, right now his body was quite close to the description of himself he always gave people online, despite looking way more bloated than muscled.
"Carl! Holy shit you're huge!" said a guy patting his shoulder as everybody were approaching and greeting him. Carl felt insanely embarassed.
"I thought you were a gym dude! When did you mention the bakery part?!"
"Who cares, he looks awesome!"
"You're bigger than your character in Sumo X! That's why you're the best!"
Eveybody were complimenting with Carl, while watching him in awe. That was the best looking man everybody ever saw. Finally Carl's cute face was joined by a masterpiece of a body.
"So... I was really sure you were a tiny shrimp..." said Billy approaching Carl. He was angry and furious. He was obviously jealous af all that attention.
"Hey Billy... nice to meet you! Good luck for our match!" said Carl. He was feeling more confident than before. Billy looked so small in front of him. So size does really matter!
"Yeah... just enjoy your time as best Sumo X player, because I will crush you forever today!" said Billy in a menancing way, poking Carl's chest. His finger sank into the soft inflated flesh, making both Carl and Billy blush.
It was finally time for the tournament to begin. The stadium was filled with excited fans. The show was also broadcasted live on Twitch's homepage.
The announcer was ready to begin.
The crowd exploded at that. Both competitors joined the announcer on stage. The whole stadium was on Carl's side: even Billy's fans turned him down after they saw how attractive Carl was!
Billy felt angrier than ever. His face was red and some smoke started to blow outside of his ears. Carl instead was on cloud nine: who would have thought that that random accident with the vacuum cleaner would've turned a bad day in the best day ever? Now he was huge, everybody loved his look and he could play the tournament at his best mental condition.
Both players took a seat in front of the screens to begin their match. Carl wasn't able to sit on the chair because his butt was too big. He tried a few times, and ended with the chair being stuck in the huge soft ass. He blushed a bit, while the crowd went crazy at that. He looked funny but extremely adorable. Two men from the staff brought a large bench. Carl sad on it as his inflated butt spreaded, covering the whole bench from side to side.
Just a few minutes of character select and controller setting and they were ready to go.
"3... 2... SUMO... X!"
Carl and Billy started their match. Two huge sumo fighters were moving on screen, attacking and dodging. Carl however felt a bit weird. He couldn't imput the right moves on the controller. His inflated hands were too big. He was pushing more buttons than he wanted, making his character on screen doing unwanted moves.
Billy in the meantime was playing at top level, not missing a punish or a combo. This made the first round end in an almost perfect score for Billy.
"SEEMS LIKE POWERPUMP95 GETS THE FIRST ROUND! BIGMAN97 IS A BIT OFF, LET'S SEE IF HE CAN COMEBACK!" shouted the announcer into the microphone, however, Carl could not make a comeback. His imputs were totally off, it was like a 5 year old kid was playing the game mashing on all the buttons. Round after round, Billy's smile was getting wider with each win.
Unfortunately Billy's gameplay had nobody excited. In fact the whole audience was focusing on Carl. Not his gameplay, but himself! The cameraman forgot to switch from camera to gamescreen after a round, because he just got lost into Carl. The man had a disney like sighing expression as he was zooming with his camera Carl's belly, arms, chest and butt. Nobody however had to say a thing about the show... how could you not like such a thing?
"YES! I DID IT! I WON!" shouted Billy making everybody realize the two were actually playing the game. Carl felt sad... he lost on the very first match of the tournament. That was the prize for enjoying his inflated body a bit too much.
"LOOKS LIKE POWERPUMP95 TAKES IT! CONGRATULATIONS, YOU MOVE TO THE NEXT ROUND!" shouted the announcer. Billy felt insanely happy even if nobody was caring about him. He was waiting for the announcer to approach him and ask him some questions about the match, but...
"So Bigman97, I was wondering, how does it feel to be that big?!" asked the announcer to Carl. He obviously wanted to interview him, and nobody could deny that Carl deserved all the attention.
"Well... it's... I don't know... I've always been like this!" said Carl embarassed. The fact he was blushing just made him more cute and adorable to the audience.
"I guess you had quite the growth spurt huh? But how did you grow so large and nice?"
"Well... I drink a lot of chocolate milk! Milk makes you taller, and chocolate makes you wider!" replied Carl. The crowd went crazy at that, and in a few minutes some chocomilk companies products went sold out.
Billy was so mad at that. That fatso was stealing his spotlight. He trained years for that. His win over Bigman97 had to be the greatest event in Sumo X history... but nobody was caring about that. His face was red as a tomato.
"Calm down Pump... ehr, Pumpsomething.... I'm sorry I don't remember your name!" said the announcer annoyed by Billy.
Billy grabbed the poor announcer by his jacket, and tossed him away. The crowd was shocked and scared.
Carl panicked. Did he knew? What would all those people think of him if they knew he was just inflated?
"Billy, you won the match, what do you want?!" asked Carl trying to calm him down.
"Well... now you're the best! You've beaten me!"
Carl was scared. Billy was surely smaller than him, but he felt threaten.
Billy was out of control. He was so angry he looked like a bomb ready to explode. Carl knew he was about to do something crazy.
"THIS IS IT, I'LL BEAT YOU AT YOUR GAME THEN!" said Billy grinning with a maniacal glare in his eyes.
Billy shoved his right thumb into his mouth and started blowing. His red cheeks puffed up.
Carl was confused, what was he doing? A clear hissing sound came as Billy's flat belly pushed his hoodie forward. Both Carl and the crowd were shocked.
Billy was inflating himself. Blowing and blowing, it took less than 30 seconds to make his belly round and big like a basketball.
His limbs were slowly growing, making all the folds in his clothes disappear. His chest grew into a curvier shape. Behind of him, a nice bubble butt was inflating larger.
Billy was blowing and blowing, just like an air compressor, to inflate himself. Everybody were looking at that in complete silence, shock and amazement. It was quite the show.
Carl was walking backwards as Billy inflated. He was feeling more and more intimidated the more his friend grew. Not to mention that somehow he was even looking cuter than before.
"C... Come on Billy! I think this is enough..." said Carl trying to calm down Billy. The young man was now looking fat. His belly was beachball sized, and his chest had completely lost any manly appearance, looking like two round and big breasts. His arms and legs were thick and curvy. His butt was round and soft like a pillow.
Billy had his eyes closed. He was blowing with all the power he had. Blowing and blowing, that was the only function his brain was ordering him to do. He had to inflate bigger and bigger.
"That's a bit too much air Billy... You're blowing up just like a balloon!" said Carl not really knowing what to say to calm Billy down.
"That's too much, you're getting a bit too huge!" he said as Billy was growing vertically. Carl looked at him inflating and closing the gap between the two. Billy was burning centimeters as his limbs grew longer and larger. The zipper of his hoodie was forced down by his chest. Two large, balloon like moobs spreaded out of the hoodie zipper like they were car airbags. This also happened to the huge, pool sofa like, belly.
Billy's arms and legs looked like tree trunks. His bended arm, leading to the hand Billy was blowing into, had the very same folds an inflatable toy has when it's squeezed by kids.
Billy's butt was still growing at a steady pace. It was getting so large it randomly knocked the chair he was sitting on previously off.
Billy was still blowing. That wasn't enough. He had to be bigger than Carl. His body was like an air compressor, and probably blowing even more air than that.
"Billy... you..." Carl gulped. Billy grew taller than him. His body was even larger overall.
"So... what about now, Bigman?!" asked Billy, finally stopping blowing, with a prideful grin.
The audience was silent. Billy was huge, and he inflated himself just like a cartoon character. All the faces were a mixture of shocked and amazed.
"Now I'm the biggest one! You're nothing compared to me!"
"Billy, that's not a competition!"
"You say? What about this, then!" said Billy pushing Carl away with both hands.
"Hey! What are you doing!" replied Carl, giving Billy a push.
"So it's up to this?! Fine. I'll destroy you anyway!"
The two started to push each other. Just like giant sumo warriors.
With the announcer's countdown, the crowd literally exploded. Everybody were excited and cheering. Views on Twitch almost broke down the whole internet. This was a million times better than a videogame tournament!
The two inflated improvised sumo warriors were fighting just like the characters in the game. Slapping each others with straight palm trusts and pushing the opponent's body to made him lose balance.
"Don't you even try! I'm bigger ahah!" said Billy, resisting a powerful push from Carl.
"You're just full of air! There's no strenght in that!" said Carl applying as much power as he could.
"What about this!" said Billy, as he started inhaling air through his mouth. His cheeks puffed up ridicolously, and his body swelled up even more.
"What the..." Carl was caught offguard, confused on how he was able to do that. Billy took the chance to push Carl away with his expanding belly, like it was a bouncer. Carl fell on the floor.
Billy was bigger and stronger, but the audience were still all one sided in Carl's favour. Unfortunately there wasn't much he could do. Billy was stronger than him even before being inflated. The huge man approached Carl for the finishing move.
"So... seems like one of us will become a pancake!" he said, jumping in the air.
"HE'S GONNA CRUSH HIM!" shouted the announcer.
Carl couldn't stand up withouth help. His body was just too soft and round, any movement made him wobble around. He could not dodge Billy's attack.
Billy fell on Carl, creating a loud rubber rubbing like sound when both large bellies collided. Carl felt an insane urge to blow. He could not resist. A blast of air escaped his mouth. Billy grinned.
"Mh... looks like I was right. I'm really curious to see how small you are without all of this air!" he said, pushing his weight to the floor, making Carl blow some more, and deflating him slowly.
Carl tried his best not to blow but the urge was impossible to stop. Billy was squashing him under his weight. Using both hands, he tried to block the air escaping his mouth.
Carl blushed as he released an huge fart.
Billy was moving his body to apply his weight on all of Carl. Pushing his belly, chest, legs, arms, the poor guy was deflating just like a balloon. Air streams were leaking from his mouth, ass, nose and even ears. He was already half his inflated size.
"I can't wait to see you flat as a piece of paper! You'll be my prize! YOU'LL ALWAYS BE THE SECOND ONE!"
"Hey dude! Take this!" said a familiar voice from somewhere. Carl turned his head just to see the janitor next to a large air tank. He threw the black rubber hose at Carl. Carl grabbed it with an insane effort. His arms were getting flatter and flatter, losing their strenght.
Carl however, was the smartest between the two. He proved that hundreds of times on Sumo X, and this made no exception.
"I have no doubt about that!"
With the very last bit of strenght his flat arm had, Carl shoved the hose in Billy's mouth. Billy's expression went quite surprised, as well as the one in the face of everyone watching. The janitor felt a bit confused, but quickly turned the tank valve on to its maximum power.
Billy's cheeks blimped up instantly like a pufferfish inflating, as he was moving his eyes around confused. An huge air flow started to inflate the already masside guy. He was already so big that it took a couple of seconds to made him soar. Losing contact with the floor and Carl's deflated body made Billy panic. He started to wobble his large limbs while rising up in the air, but as they grew bigger they were getting harder and harder to move, until they stayed stuck in place, spreaded in a classical cartoon fashion.
With some loud "POPS" fingers and toes balloned up istantly. Billy could just move his eyes left and right to meet the audience shocked and amazed faces.
Carl was still on the floor, almost completely flat, watching his enemy inflating to a parade blimp size. He was a jerk, but that was amazing.
"Come on, let me help you!" said the janitor, pulling Carl off the floor and taking him away from the stage. Before Carl could even understand where he was, the janitore shoved a bike pump hose in the young man's mouth.
"Hey don't worry, people don't need to know! I'll pump you back to your previous size so that nothing happened! Don't worry I saw this in a cartoon, so it must work!" explained the janitor, as he started to pump air into Carl. The flat guy regained shape quickly. The janitor kept pumping and pumping, inflating Carl back to his large self.
Carl felt so grateful for that. That man helped him so much during the day he couldn't wish for a better person to inflate him. He also loved the fact that the janitor was looking at him inflating. The middle aged man was blushing, so that meant he was liking what he was seeing!
In the meantime Billy was hovering over the stadium, casting an huge shadow over everything. As the tank ran out of gas, the stadium staff had the great idead to tie Billy's giant limbs to some ropes, just like he was a parade balloon. Everybody were showering him with camera flashes. Billy felt amazing. He couldn't even remember who Carl was. He was the biggest, the best, the most amazing human balloon ever. He loved the attention he was getting. Some things never change!
Carl and the janitor couldn't care less, however. They were having too much fun by their own. Carl was huge and inflated, just like before.
"Just the finishing touches!" said the janitor with enthusiasm, giving some more extra pumps and making Carl a bit bigger than before. Carl loved that. The man helped him taking the hose out of his mouth.
"Thank you... You are a very kind person..."
"Oh, don't worry, I'm just trying to help!" said the janitor, patting Carl's belly and smiling.
"Hey, look at that, that's huge!" said the janitor pointing up at Billy.
"Well... I think that's the best thing for him." said Carl.
"Aren't you a bit jealous?!"
"Me? No! I mean... he looks great but I prefer this size. I'm big and soft, I think I look really good!" said Carl looking at his belly and butt.
"Oh, you really do! It's crazy to think that it takes just a bike pump to make you this large!" exclaimed the janitor. The two were definitely getting connected into some sort of inflation-friendship. Carl just couldn't let a friend like that go.
"Hey dude, can I give you a call if I will need some help of yours?"
The janitor's face lightened up hearing these words.
Carl laughed at his reaction, as the two walked away from the stadium. It was the beginning of a "large" friendship for sure!

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