Inflated Revenge

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⚠️ Bursting

The day seemed to be a normal one. Nothing bad happened. Nothing out of the ordinary. Same old, same old.

That was the thought going through the head of this young vixen by the name of Kelly. She was a cute, young girl, somewhere around 17-18. She had short blond hair down to her shoulders, her breasts were around the B to C range, and she had a cute rear end that any guy would want. Kelly wore a black blouse, blue-jean like shorts going down to her knees, and although you really couldn’t see it, wintergreen underwear.

At this point, Kelly was driving in her car; not really a fancy car, but a nice one either way. She had just gotten her license a few months ago, so she did her best to stay safe. “Such a great day. No rain clouds or anything” she said as she looked up at the sky, her hair blowing in the wind. “Uh oh. Better pay attention. If I hit something, I’ll never forgive myself.” Unfortunately for Kelly, something jumped in front of her car. She tried to get out of the way to avoid running it over, but it was no use.


She stopped the car on the side of the street as soon as she could and took a look at what it was she hit. It looked to be some sort of animal. Upon further inspection, it was a black cat. A person, a woman in complete shock, ran out to the body of the cat. She nudged it a bit to see if it was still alive, but no doubt it was pointless. Kelly ran up to the person, who she figured out was the cat’s owner. The owner turned to Kelly with her lip quivering.

“I don’t know what to say! He just jumped out from nowhere! I tried to stop, but I couldn’t! I’m sorry! I’m really sorry!!!” Kelly yelled with tears starting to form from both her and the woman’s eyes. The cat’s owner looked to be somewhere in her early to mid 30’s, dirty brown hair, and wore some sort of black headband.

“If there’s anything…” she took a step towards the woman, who just backed away with her dead cat in her hands and a look of both fear and anger in her eyes. “I just…” she backed away again. “Please understand that…” she backed all the way to her house, which looked pretty gloomy and could have used a touch of new paint.

Kelly waited to see if the woman was going to come back out, but she did not. So, Kelly went back to her car. Once she had her hand on the door handle, she heard a female voice behind her. “Excuse me.” it said, but once Kelly turned around, she was met by some sort of green powder in her face. The next thing she knew, she passed out.

When she awoke, she was in some sort of room. It was  a dim lit room that was padded, which reminded her of those insane asylums she saw in a few movies. Kelly looked around to see a giant see through Plexiglas wall that revealed a similar room on the other side. There was a door behind her, so Kelly ran to it. “Locked. Why am I not surprised?” she said. On the other side of the Plexiglas, she saw someone come in. It happened to be the woman from before.

“What…What is this place” she asked? “I don’t think you should worry about that Kelly.” was the woman’s reply. “You know my…my name?” “Of course, just like I know you ran over my pet cat.” “But I didn’t mean to do it…” “But you still did it. I’m afraid I can’t allow you to get away with that.” Kelly did not like the sound of that. The mysterious woman spoke again; “Its time to punish you by torturing you. Let‘s just say you won‘t be the same after this.” “What do you mean?”

“Let me ask you something Kelly. Do you believe in curses?” That question ran through Kelly’s mind and it baffled her. “I know your thinking I’m crazy…and you would be right…however, you should know something. I placed a curse on you when you were asleep. A balloon curse.” Now Kelly was sure this woman had lost it. “Your joking, right?” “Perhaps I should explain it to you first. I start by putting you under a spell. Then, I use the same spell on this balloon.” the woman spoke as she pulled out a large deflated black balloon.” Now, just watch.”

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