Chubby Cheeks

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Leo wished Takumi was a heavy sleeper. Any unfamiliar noise, and movement too quick in bed and the other would spring up, chest heaving and voice shaking. Granted he had gotten a bit better at not startling just because of Leo’s presence, but it still interrupted his sleep more than Leo or Takumi liked.

Not to mention, Leo couldn’t tease Takumi in his sleep.

Recently he had been absolutely infatuated with Takumi’s soft and pudgy cheeks, the desire to squeeze and pinch and poke much too strong to be healthy. Leo was certain it had to be genetic- after all, that was basically Camilla’s most formal greeting. Only her precious baby siblings had been granted a cheek pinch and while Leo consistently hated how much like a child it made him feel, he couldn’t resist the urge to do the same to Takumi.

Which was how Takumi had caught him, hands squishing his cheeks together, in the middle of the night.

“Leo what the fuck?” Takumi grumbled through pursed lips, his hand pushing out at Leo’s face.

“I- I couldn’t help it!” Leo exclaimed, pulling away before Takumi could smack him, “your face looks so adorable when your sleeping and now you’ve got these pudgy cheeks too-“

“They’re not fat!” Takumi all but screeced, pushing Leo away.


“No! You sound just as bad as Hinoka, teasing me about my cheeks like that!” Takumi now had his face covered with his hands and Leo took the opportunity that he saw.

Leaning forward, fingers curled and poised, Leo began to tickle Takumi’s soft sides, doing his best to make the other laugh and possibly not end up so mad at him.

“Leo- Leo!” Takumi immediately snorted, hands now just covering his mouth as Leo continued to tickle his sides. He was suddenly giggling, unable to contain himself, and abandoned holding his mouth shut to instead grab at Leo’s arms, pulling them away from his sides. “How dare you-“

Leo cut Takumi off with a kiss, effectively shutting the Hoshidan up, and smiled gently as he leaned forward onto his boyfriend.

“Did you know how absolutely cute those chubby cheeks make you?” Leo cooed, channeling Camilla better than he probably ever had before, “they’re irresistible, Takumi, how can I not want to pinch and squeeze them?”

“I’m not cute, dammit,” Takumi pouted as he pushed Leo’s shoulders, unknowingly puffing his cheeks out worse as he did so.

“So cute,” Leo cooed again, squirming out of Takumi’s grasp enough to press a kiss to his cheek, “Sorry, I’m probably a bit delirious from sleep deprivation. You do look absolutely stunning, cute cheeks and all.”

“Fuck off,” Takumi muttered, lying back against his pillows. He relaxed his grip, allowing Leo to nuzzle up against his chest, an arm wrapped around his side. Takumi ran his fingers slowly through Leo’s hair, smiling as he felt his breath deepen as he finally fell asleep, and whispered a soft, “love you,” before closing his eyes to try and sleep again himself.

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