Pumpkin Spice

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“I can’t believe we’re coming here,” Takumi grumbled, rubbing his arms, “We couldn’t go to a different coffee shop?”

“It’s the closest and I’m getting the worst caffeine headache so we’re going in now,” Leo pulled at Takumi’s jacket, guiding him into the shop. The modern decor and- Takumi wasn’t even sure how to describe the music. Bad pop with a hint of hipster and slow jams? Whatever it was, it sucked.

“Can we leave after? I don’t have the kind of money to-”

“I’ll get you something, don’t worry,” Leo kissed Takumi’s cheek, taking his hand and keeping him close, “What do you want?”

“You’re spoiling me,” Takumi blushed as he looked over the menu, trying to fight the smile on his face, “Probably… something with chocolate. Chocolate chips… Surprise me? You know what I like.”

“Alright,” Leo hummed, stepping forward, “can I get a venti frap, extra chocolate chips and the drizzle on the sides too, and… a grande pumpkin spice latte. That’ll be all for now.” After the exchange, Leo turned to Takumi and raised an eyebrow, “Why all the giggling?”

“A pumpkin spice latte? Are you one of those basic college girls?” Takumi snorted, narrowly dodging Leo pushing at his face, “seriously, I thought you hated that stuff!”

“It’s a guilty pleasure,” Leo frowned, “are you telling me you don’t have any guilty foods?”

“Not ones that are burning bright in the public eye,” Takumi snickered, “besides, you like indulging my guilty pleasures. Can we buy another carton of cookie-dough ice cream after this?”

“Are you going to eat it all tonight or do you think you can make it last until the weekend?” Leo asked, tugging lightly at Takumi’s sleeve.

“Mm, depends on how bad I’m feeling tonight,” Takumi shrugged, perking up when their order was called. He quickly outpaced Leo, snatching up the drinks. Rather than handing Leo’s over Takumi made his way to a corner booth, shuffling in and taking a sip of the hot latte.

“Ugh- it’s awful,” he groaned, ignoring Leo’s annoyed look to take another sip, “no clue how you stand this stuff. Doesn’t it make you go to sleep? ‘Cause it’s hot and all?”

“No, the whole point of caffeine is to wake you up, remember?” Leo snatched away his drink, hissing as some spilled onto his hand. He quickly wiped it off, taking a wary sip after, “it’s wonderful. The perfect herald of fall.”

“Regular pumpkins do a good enough job without needing some spiced drink to help them out,” Takumi muttered, wrapping his hands around his drink and taking a sip, “I’ll be fine here with my chocolate fiend’s dream. You know, the actual best drink this overpriced cafe sells.”

“Lies and you know it,” Leo poked back, a gentle smile on his face, “if you keep making fun of me like this I’m going to go to the store without you and conveniently forget that ice cream you keep pestering me for.”

“Hey, no fair!”

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