Something too Small

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The clues are insidious, but the longer Leo ignores them the harder they become to ignore. A slowly rising food bill, finding more excuses to skip the gym, using public transportation rather than walking to his classes- it was all adding up, and Leo wanted to cling to ignorance of his situation.

“Fuck,” he hissed, stripping down for the day. Angry red marks were glaring back at him, scolding Leo for continuing to wear elastic bands too tight to his waist. The evidence was mounting, and as he rested a hand on his small stomach, pinching the roll and turning in the mirror to see just how bad those marks were pressed into his skin, Leo was having to face the facts.

He was chubby. No longer the beanpole he was used to, this was not how a younger Leo had imagined he’d fill out. The broader shoulders had come with his entrance to college, as well as some better definition in his arms and legs from trying to keep up with Takumi’s rigorous routine, but this… belly… This had not been in the plan at all. Staring at the offending clothes, a pair of underwear a size and a half too small and jeans which were getting dangerously close to not closing any further, Leo had a choice to make, and it would have to be made very soon.

Well… at least the department store down the way was having a back to school sale. Finding some larger clothes to fit him in the meantime wouldn’t be such a bad idea, right?

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